I will be crowned king

Chapter 866 Total Annihilation!

Under the dazzling clear sky at noon, a thunderous roar came from the high ground on the west side of Daocao Town. Bullet marks were neatly arranged and rushed into the battlefield in an orderly manner. Fireworks mixed with smoke and blood exploded in the streets and alleys of Daocao Town. .

Eight-pound solid bullets, six-pound shrapnel, explosive shells...the shells roared like raindrops, blooming wantonly in the dense and crowded formation of the Jihadist Army. The terrifying air waves were mixed with the scream of the shells falling to the ground, sand and stone. The loud cracking sound, as well as the fire caused by the explosion and the temperature that was visible to the naked eye, burst out the energy called "death".

The Jihadi soldiers who had just captured Strawtown had no time to celebrate before they were wailing and struggling under the baptism of artillery fire; the crowded streets gave them nowhere to escape, and the houses that had been destroyed by their own artillery did not constitute a bunker at all. Completely exposing himself to the sudden onslaught of fire.

Black smoke filled with the smell of blood and dust exploding among the ruins almost blocked the sunlight.

During the horrific shelling, Beaure Levent's expression was extremely shocked; the firepower on the opposite side was extremely targeted. The shells hit from the two north-south highlands on the west side of Strawtown, forming a perfect formation covering the entire city. The angle between two-thirds of the area, and perfectly encompasses the central cross road.

Because the town was not very spacious, and the defenders resisted quite tenaciously. When they entered the city, tens of thousands of people were squeezed in, including half of his own legions. The crowded roads caused people to bump into each other, and people were crowded together. There was no room for maneuvering, let alone concealment - that was completely non-existent.

Straight roads and towns with almost no bunkers left are simply the most popular shooting ranges for artillerymen; as long as they have good skills and a little bit of luck, six-pound solid bullets can roll from one end of the street to the other, crushing them with them. Any body of flesh and blood on the way.

And this is indeed the case... Groups and pieces of blood and smoke from falling lead bullets exploded in the crowd. Dozens and hundreds of broken limbs and broken arms flew in the smoke; fragmented single fragments and shrapnel shells The exploding lead bullets swept towards the lucky man in the back row, ravaging the flesh and blood of those who were whining and screaming like a garlic hammer.

A large battlefield is far away, and only some vague traces can be seen, which does not prevent Borre Levent from imagining what kind of hell his soldiers are going through.

One minute... a full minute of rapid fire, but in the eyes of Borre Levent, it seemed like a whole year had passed, and it was an extremely long and painful year.

He was fooled. Anson Bach never planned to defend Straw Town from the beginning. He probably guessed that he had to capture the colony, so he used the town as a trap, and then used artillery fire to ambush him, catching himself off guard. .

Just for this round of shelling, the losses I paid were comparable to a partial victory... The narrow towns and straight roads both maximized the effect of the shelling, even if it was observed with the naked eye, the total number of light and heavy casualties , I’m afraid there will be no less than a thousand people.

In comparison, the total number of casualties of the New World Army may only be in the early three digits; if it were a little shameless, Anson Bach could even declare this a brilliant victory.

With a heavy sigh, Borre Levent's eyes focused on the Storm Legion that was still slowly retreating from the west city gate. With a gloomy expression, he raised his right hand, preparing to order the cavalry to regroup and mount their horses to pursue this group of opposing factions. Come the bait.

Although it is destined to be meaningless, if the defenders are released after paying such heavy casualties, the battle report to the headquarters will definitely be very ugly, causing the Holy See to be greatly disappointed with the strength of the Levent family, and it will be harder to support itself in the future.

However, he still failed to issue the order after all, because almost at the same time...


A loud noise like thunder was suddenly detonated in the center of Daocao Town!

There was no scream before the artillery fire, no exclamation before noticing the abnormality... Before anyone could react, the Straw Town Council, which had buried a large amount of explosives, was like a volcano erupting, instantly disintegrating under the flames and thick smoke of the explosion. The fire shot straight into the sky, along with the rolled up rubble and fragmented bodies, reaching a height of more than ten meters.

Due to the fire coverage just now, many soldiers hid in the parliament in search of bunkers. From the hall to the lounge, they were crowded with people. There were also many people who couldn't find a place to stay, so they simply lay down on the back of the east side of the church. Under the corner.

These "lucky ones" who thought they were lucky were blown into the sky together with the soldiers not far from the church.

And the remaining people were not spared. The air waves caused by the explosion were mixed with broken masonry, broken beams and various debris flying in all directions, like shrapnel exploding in the crowd. Shooting, mercilessly crushing, ravaging, tearing apart any flesh and blood that has no time to dodge.

Viewed from a distance, the explosion directly opened a terrifying gap in the center of the crowded street, as if a huge boulder had been dropped on the calm water. The thick smoke, fire and broken limbs were just the waves stirred up by the stone.

Staring blankly at the fires igniting in the town, Bo Lei, who had been overturned by the frightened war horse, raised his head and stared at the extremely terrifying scenery motionlessly, almost losing his voice.

The surrounding officers did not hesitate to give in. Their pale faces were filled with horror and only a little bit of happiness... Those who could get the places to enter the city were basically the elites of the Borre Corps, or those whose officers had relations with the Levent family. , these guys who were not related to the legion commander escaped this disaster.

But this definitely does not mean that nothing has happened... The opponent's firepower is so fierce that the number of artillery has almost reached nearly fifty. This is a standard that can only be achieved by ten thousand or even twenty or thirty thousand Clovis legions; in case of an elite army, After being destroyed, it would be the turn of the rest of them to fight to the death with the enemy.

"So what should we do next, Lord Legion Commander!"

A familiar shout rang in the ears of Borre Levent, who was in a daze. He turned his head to look at his nephew who was so anxious that he was about to cry, and his groggy consciousness became slightly clearer.

"Immediately order the troops entering the city to withdraw, and they must withdraw from the east gate without any delay. The troops near the city gate will be the vanguard, and order must be maintained."

The Storm Legion specially arranged the artillery position on the west high ground. Although this can cover the entire Strawtown with firepower, the limit of the range is only one generation from the east city gate. Even further away is a distance of nearly two kilometers. No matter how powerful the artilleryman is, it is impossible This distance also maintains shooting accuracy.

Of course, he could continue the attack and directly capture the two highland artillery forts; but on the one hand, he had to push forward against the artillery fire from the opposite side, and the casualties were bound to be considerable; more importantly, the Jihadi Army, which had just suffered such tragic casualties, might be It is difficult to have the courage to face difficulties again.

Under the balance between the two aspects, it is wise to temporarily retreat and continue to maintain the encirclement network.

As long as the remaining troops can evacuate in an orderly manner and reduce losses, their side will still have a decisive advantage... Boley Levent thought this way.

But it was obvious that Anson Bach, who had put so much effort into setting up the position, used the entire Straw Town as bait, and almost lost two elite core main groups, would not let him go so easily.

Just as the troops crowded in the city began to retreat, the second round of rapid artillery fire began.


"Forty-eight artillery pieces, two minutes of rapid-fire coverage, plus the explosives that destroyed the Strawtown Council..."

On the artillery position on the west side, Karl, who was looking at the battlefield with a telescope, muttered to himself: "It is too luxurious to come to the new world just once."

"That's right, in just these few rounds, we have destroyed the entire quarter's output of all the military factories in Ice Dragon Fjord, not to mention nearly fifty artillery pieces - the entire New World cannot come up with this number." Anson nodded. The head expressed his approval:

"Without the big gift from Major General Ludwig in Sailing City and the private deal with the Crusaders, such an extravagant and wasteful tactic would have been unnecessary."

"However, after such a round of firepower, half of the jihadists in the city have no fighting capacity for the time being. Even if they can escape, the tragic casualties will at least temporarily dispel their courage to continue to resist... It's time to deal with the remaining ones. Guy."

As he spoke, he pointed at the soldiers who were wailing in the explosion.

"Now...are you sure?" The adjutant turned his head in shock: "The 3rd and 5th Infantry Regiments have not yet withdrawn from Daocao Town, and the positions of the 4th Infantry Regiment and the Shooting Corps are not yet certain. Is it right to launch an attack now? A bit..."

"It's too hasty, I know that!" Anson intercepted directly:

"But Borre Lewent on the opposite side has obviously reacted and did not continue to let his main army pass through the town and attack us... In case we fail to stop the army in the city, let them return to the siege position to defend. Not to mention being defeated by our troops, there is still the possibility of being surrounded in turn!"

"So we must take action now, and quickly, without giving Borre Levent any time to react. We must defeat them completely in one breath and no longer be able to organize a decent defense. Only then will we have a chance to defeat or even annihilate them." them!"

Surrounding and defeating the Jihadi Army, which is nearly twice as large as one's own, with a force of just over 10,000 people is an extremely risky operation in itself. Any deviation may lead to a total loss.

It was indeed a surprise to be able to defeat about half of the elites on the opposite side, but it also completely exposed the position of our own firepower. The next battle will be fought within the coverage of the enemy's artillery positions.

If we can't seize the time that accidentally caused the enemy to panic, we can push away the artillery position of Beaure Levent and give him the opportunity to have the cavalry troops withdraw from Straw Town and return to defense. After finally passing through the enemy's encirclement network, they can detour back to the enemy behind them. The main force and the flanks will immediately face a serious crisis - the elite cavalry of the New World Army are currently in the hands of Louis Bernard, and Anson will definitely not be able to compete with the opponent due to speed.

Carl Bain nodded solemnly, casually threw away the cigarette butt from the corner of his mouth and stamped it out with his foot, without further rebuttal.

"Wait a minute and let Norton and Julien continue to retreat. Pretend that we are preparing to fight in one round and run away. You can clearly see the movements of the enemy. If the Jihadi Army on the position shows any sign of taking action, send a signal immediately. Two The artillery positions fire alternately, and the firing range is fixed at the exit of the east gate, slowing down the enemy's withdrawal from the battlefield."

"Okay...but what if the enemy continues to pursue the 3rd and 5th Infantry Regiments and refuses to let them leave?"

"Then it's time for our lovely Miss Lisa Bach to appear." The corner of Anson's mouth raised, and he turned to look behind him at the girl who was biting a licorice stick and was impatient: "The guard company attacked, and took over the third and fifth The infantry regiment is blocking the jihadi army that refuses to retreat at the west gate."

The girl's eyes lit up when she heard her name being called, but she still pretended to be very mature and continued to stay where she was, pretending to be indifferent and pressed the brim of her hat:

"Humph... leave all the bad guys of the Crusaders to the Chief Sheriff Lisa. The timid Carl only needs to hide in the position and direct the artillery to continue shooting."

This girl is really becoming less cute every day.

The chief of staff rolled his eyes and looked at the confident brother and sister with a face full of coping: "Okay, okay...I will ensure that the fire support is absolutely in place, but don't expect more - just in case the artillery is discovered by the other side. There are only two thousand shooting army soldiers hidden in the position who have not been fully trained and can’t even tell the left and right, and all the wealth they have saved with great effort is gone!”

"Don't worry, this battle will definitely not spread to the western highlands... If you are lucky, maybe not even Straw Town... ah!"

As if he suddenly remembered something, Anson suddenly shouted, and then looked at the adjutant with a little urgency: "I will immediately ask the artillery company and the baggage troops to prepare to take over Strawberry Town before tonight."

"Of course, we don't really want to regain control of this colony, but we want to destroy all the facilities in the town as much as possible - the houses must be burned, the wells must be blocked, and not a single wheat or potato is left in the fields. The Holy War Army, burn everything that cannot be taken away!"

"Of course, it's just preparation. Everything must be done after we defeat the Borei Jihad Army. This is very important... We may have to stay here for a few days." After speaking, Anson took the long-awaited hand from the girl. Taking the Leopold rifle from her:

"Remember it clearly and don't forget it!"

"Okay, okay, I remember everything clearly." Karl rolled his eyes again: "Anyway, no matter what it is, it will have to wait until you, Commander, defeat the Jihadi Army, right?"

"Rout, is that what I said?"

Accompanied by the crisp loudspeaker, Anson raised his eyebrows:

"No, I said total annihilation!"

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