I will be crowned king

Chapter 867 The top hero

The earth-shaking sound of shelling ravaged the town of Strawberry, which was already full of ruins and corpses. Under the firelight and billowing black smoke, the faces of the Jihadi soldiers were full of panic.

Two hours ago, they had shown off their power and had high morale. Now they were frantically escaping from the "occupied" town. Hundreds of injuries and broken bodies of their comrades were all damaged by these people who swore to devote themselves to the Ring of Order. The holy warriors forgot about it and scrambled to escape towards the east gate.

Behind them, the artillery of the New World Army, still under the command of Carl Bain, continued to violently bombard the streets of Straw Town, which were already strewn with corpses; countless soldiers were pushing and shoving, crowding into the absolute and spacious space. Under the city gate of any relationship, they crowd forward desperately.

No matter how much the officers yelled, they could not maintain order even by killing deserters on the spot. On the contrary, even the supervising team responsible for shooting turned around and ran away; the knights of the Levent family could only watch as their troops piled up behind the door. , become a living target for enemy artillery, or forcefully block and then be knocked over by deserters, and then ten thousand feet step on it.

Despite being so embarrassed, Borre Levent still did not lose confidence in victory.

The battle situation in front of him seemed to be that he had fallen into Anson Bach's trap, but in fact it was just his last desperate struggle before abandoning the city and running away, taking advantage of his eagerness to seize the colony.

Five hundred, one thousand... up to two thousand people. At the cost of two thousand casualties, he took over the Slave Port and Straw Town. He also took all the five eastern colonies into his pocket and approached Gray Snow Town at the east gate of Ice Dragon Fjord. ; It seems that the loss is not small, but it is actually very different from Clovis's army's capture of Sailing City and Arthur Herred's capture of Gray Pigeon Castle.

"So this is definitely not a failure, but a sacrifice that has to be made for victory!"

Holding high the flag of the Ring of Order handed over by the herald, Borre Levent encouraged the officers: "It is precisely because of their sacrifice that this victory was achieved - from Straw Town to Slave Catching. Port, plus Black Reef Port, the territory of the entire six colonies has been captured by the Levent family!"

"Since the beginning of the war, no jihadist legion has achieved a more glorious victory than ours. No jihadist legion has contributed more to the Ring of Order than the 22,000 warriors who fought bloody battles on this battlefield! We are down-to-earth with our feet. Our achievements demonstrate our persistence in our faith!”

"And this is just the beginning, our glory is far from over!"

Under the gaze of countless pairs of frightened eyes, the calm and confident Borei waved his flag and pointed at the firelight behind him: "It is necessary to take down Straw Town and let the Clovis pagans who killed our comrades know about this despicable and shameless behavior. There’s a price to pay!”

"Oh oh oh oh……!!!!"

Inspiring shouts rang out in the siege position. Although it could be seen that many knights and soldiers were just pretending to be inspired to cater to him, Borre Levent still breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, they are willing to obey their orders, which means that the army is not completely out of control, and there is still room for recovery. With the fresh force of 10,000 people plus the main force withdrawn from the town, they can still crush Anson Bach's troops head-on. Storm Legion.

But at this moment...


From the northeast side of the siege position, extremely rapid gunfire suddenly rang out.

The officers who had just pretended to be encouraged immediately revealed their panicked nature and turned their heads to look at the location where the gunshots came from. The expression of Borre Levent, who was full of confidence, suddenly turned to stone.

Accompanied by bursts of smoke from the volley of guns and faint shouts of killing, hundreds of figures seemed to fall from the sky and suddenly appeared on the right flank of the Borre Corps.

It took a full three minutes for Borre Levent to get accurate information from the messenger: about a thousand Clovis people appeared on the northeast side of the battlefield and were rapidly approaching the siege position.

What, why didn’t you find out until now? Because this group of people was not in Straw Town before the war started, and they suddenly appeared after the war began; and the legion's cavalry was used by Borre Levent to break through the city defenses, so of course they could not immediately notice any abnormalities around the battlefield.

But it was too late... Leo, the commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment carrying a shotgun and covered with grenades, took the lead. Before the follow-up troops could arrive, he led a company of skirmishers into the trenches of the Borre Corps.

Facing the enemy who suddenly appeared from behind, the line infantry of the Jihad Army who had no time to retreat had to organize defenses on the spot and blocked several gaps in the trenches.

Thick white gunpowder smoke surged up on the battlefield, and two rounds of volleys swept over Leo's head. The two skirmishers following him fell to the ground. One had his head blown off and died on the spot, and the other had his arm broken. , so painful that he was dying on the ground.

"They march quickly to build fortifications, and they can immediately counterattack when attacked from behind. They are indeed the elite of the southern part of the empire. Even... stop yelling and bear with it!"

Leo, who was unharmed, was lying on the ground while bandaging the wounds of the screaming soldiers. He could also find time to praise the enemy and complain about his own people. He didn't notice the resentment on the faces of the stragglers - he was hiding behind Leo. , but he still couldn't avoid the fate of being sucked away by the group leader.

Putting down the skirmishers who had stopped shouting, Leo, who was lying on his back, gestured behind him. The skirmishers who understood the situation immediately dispersed and slowly crawled towards the rear of the siege position.

The choking gunpowder smoke obscured the defenders' vision, and they fired sequentially in the direction of the Storm Legion's attack, without realizing that the enemy had approached to a distance of less than twenty meters.

The next second, the Jihadi soldiers who were still mechanically repeating shooting actions saw several black shadows break through the smoke and fall into the fortifications with burning sparks.


As the fire ignited, the 1,200 men of the Fourth Infantry Regiment took advantage of the chaos and broke into the siege position of the Borre Corps. After easily annihilating less than half a battalion of defenders on the position, they successfully took control of the surrounding fortifications and continued to threaten the flanks of the Jihadi Army. .

Realizing that their position had been captured, the Borre Legion immediately organized a counterattack. The leading regiment even wanted to copy the Storm Legion's sneak attack tactics, asking one of its battalions to surround them from the side and attack this group of impolite heretics from both front and rear.

But perhaps because he was worried that the enemy would have follow-up reinforcements, the knight did not let the troops pass through the rear of the defense line, but went directly to the front. The result can be imagined... Nearly three hundred line infantry lined up in columns, looking very carefree. Passing through the siege position in front, as expected, it became a moving target for skirmishers to practice shooting.

In less than fifteen minutes, the Crusader Infantry Regiment, which had left hundreds of corpses behind, was forced to retreat. Leo, who was not injured at all, loaded a bayonet on his shotgun, fired a rifle in one hand and a revolver in the other, and fired into the sky in a majestic manner. Six shots:

"Soldiers, charge! The first contribution to Strawtown is our Fourth Infantry Regiment!"

"Go ahead——!!!"

Excited and bloodthirsty cheers resounded through the sky. The assembled Fourth Infantry Regiment divided into three columns along the trench fortifications of the siege position and launched a charge.

At the same time, Borre Levent, who finally got accurate information, was not paying attention to the northeastern side of the position at all. Instead, he narrowed his slightly trembling eyes and tried hard to look at the eleven-star ring flag that suddenly appeared behind him.

Dressed in dusty old gray military uniforms, brandishing simple firearms like long-handled axes, more than two thousand shooting soldiers stood up in a messy formation, like a colony of ants, and roared out suddenly with a roar that only they could understand. Pounce on the artillery positions of the Jihadi Army.

"It...where did they come from?!" The herald's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "This, this is impossible, we have obviously defeated all the indigenous people's troops along the way, how could there be more so much?!"

"It's simple, because these are the guys we defeated before."

Borre Levent's face was ashen, and the raised corners of his mouth showed his ferocious nature: "They were not really defeated, but they pretended to be defeated and quietly gathered behind us - this is the trap set by Anson Bach! "

Seeing the still confused expressions of the people around him, Bo Lei, who didn't bother to explain, became more ferocious, and his pupils began to tremble uncontrollably... He didn't mind his temporary defeat, but what really frightened him was that he couldn't understand it at all.

Instead of gathering the most elite main force in his own hands, he instead let them all disperse and act independently, and they could still appear on the predetermined battlefield at the predetermined time with such tacit understanding; Anson Bach, how did he do it? !

Even if he could solve the problem of loyalty and quality of his subordinates, how could he avoid all kinds of accidents and accidents on the way and be 100% sure that all troops would arrive at the specified place at the specified time?

If he could even do this...Bora Levent suddenly couldn't help but shudder.

He looked behind him at the burning Straw Town, and some uncontrollable anger, or fear, began to spread in his chest, and he suddenly turned his head and roared at the messenger:

"Cavalry...Is there still no news about the two thousand cavalry who rushed into Straw Town?!"

"Not yet!"

The shocked messenger shrank his neck. He didn't know why the regiment commander (his cousin) suddenly became so angry: "The officers from the front line came to report that it will take at least a quarter of an hour for the troops in the city to gather enough combat strength, and …”

"And what?!"

"And, when the cavalry troops entered the city, they basically dismounted and walked. Many people's mounts were frightened by the previous shelling and explosions, and they escaped and suffered many casualties. In addition, the casualties of the cavalry troops... can be put into action immediately I’m afraid there aren’t enough cavalry troops to fight…”


"Not enough...not enough...not enough for a regiment!"


Beaure Levent, whose cheeks twitched violently, resisted the urge to draw his gun and kill, and sneered in order to maintain his confident image:

"It doesn't matter. One regiment of cavalry is more than enough to take care of those indigenous people with horns on their heads. Order the infantry regiment closest to the artillery position to immediately abandon its position and attack to fight, buying time for the cavalry to support."

"As you command!"

The soldier who was frightened to death by the legion commander's sneer turned his head and ran for his life, as if he would be eaten alive if he stayed for one more second.

At this time, the Third Infantry Regiment, which had already evacuated from the West City Gate, suddenly stopped. More than a thousand people merged with the remaining fresh troops, reorganized into a column of nearly 1,500 people, and began to advance south to block the attack. The Jihadist Army was blocked in Straw Town and trying to retreat.

Julien, who also joined the reserve team, was not in a hurry to join the battle. He was stationed quietly in the fortifications outside the west city gate, as if waiting for something.

But Beaure Levent had no time to judge... The main force and the artillery position were in emergency at the same time. The right wing of the siege position was still being attacked by an enemy of unknown size, but he had already defeated an enemy threat from his own infantry regiment. He obviously had more troops and stronger firepower. Instead, he became the one surrounded. Any mistake could cause the situation of the battle to take a turn for the worse, putting him at risk of being defeated!

He must make an immediate decision now. Should he continue to rescue the main force that is in urgent need of relief, or should he ensure that his position is not threatened?

The former is being threatened by fire coverage and a main elite infantry regiment of the enemy at the same time. The latter has been broken through, and the artillery position may fall at any time.

But this hesitation did not last long, because just ten minutes later he received intelligence that his artillery position had fallen - but it was not breached by the enemy.

"The indigenous troops defeated an infantry battalion close to the position. The artillerymen hiding inside thought that the position was about to fall, and the artillery was too heavy to be dragged immediately, so they directly nailed the breech block. As a result, the surrounding artillerymen mistakenly thought that he Even after receiving the order, they immediately destroyed the artillery and rushed forward to fight the enemy hand-to-hand... Now there are only six three-pound cannons left in the entire army that can still be used."

Looking at the tearful messenger, Borre Levent simply didn't know what to do.

After a brief silence, he still forced himself to speak calmly: "Immediately notify the entire army to abandon their positions and launch a general attack on Daocao Town to rescue the main force of the legion who are still trapped!"

"Tell a cavalry regiment that has been assembled to bypass Strawtown from the north and attack the infidel's west artillery fort; it is not necessary to actually break the position, just to slightly distract the enemy."

"Also! Tell that self-made... brave and fearless young artilleryman that he has been promoted. From now on, he will be my direct guard. Let him immediately lead all the soldiers around him to attack the indigenous people. He must not be in the main force. The enemy captured our position before we escaped."

After gritting his teeth and issuing this series of orders, Borre Levent tried his best to squeeze out a smile: "When this battle is over, I will personally award him a medal, and as the top hero of this battle, I will ask your Majesty to confer him a medal." For the knight!”

"Uh..." The stiff-faced messenger twitched his throat:

"Obey, respect your order!"

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