I will be crowned king

Chapter 929 Bon voyage

Early morning, Gray Snow Town.

Although the sky is still gray, the biological clock tells Anson that it is daytime now.

Struggling to get up from the bed, she carefully avoided Lisa, who was still snoring loudly and fighting a life-or-death struggle with the quilt. While putting on her shirt, she left the bedroom and walked along the narrow corridor towards the dining room.

Compared with Beluga Port, Gray Snow Town, which relies entirely on mining for a living, is obviously far from being prosperous. Not only does it not even have a city wall, but its parliament, which can accommodate fifty people, is the largest building in the town.

What, why is there a council of five hundred people in Beluga Port, but only fifty in Gray Snow Town? That's of course because there are only fifty people in the town who can afford to have enough to eat and do nothing all day long. Only people with money and leisure like participating in "politics" can think of the useless work of tormenting others and causing trouble.

Pushing the door open, there was only Thalia's busy figure in the empty restaurant. She had put on a white apron and a soft hat and was skillfully making coffee. There was still a faint smell in the stew pot next to her. The smell of oatmeal.

"Anson finally woke up, breakfast will be ready soon."

The girl said with a chuckle without raising her head. Ansen, who couldn't intervene, could only find a nearby dining table to sit down and wait silently. Ten minutes later, a sumptuous breakfast appeared in front of him like magic.

Mushroom oatmeal, hot coffee, fried eggs, hash browns, applesauce, fried sausages, boiled corn kernels... Before the dazzling sumptuous breakfast, Anson couldn't help but focus on a person who definitely shouldn't be there. things on top.

"This..." He raised his right hand tremblingly and pointed at the cherry cake on the table: "How did you..."

"Don't touch it." The girl knocked off someone's outstretched finger coquettishly: "That's a little surprise specially reserved for Lisa. If Anson wants it, he has to wait a little longer."

"No, I mean... how did you get it?" Anson was still a little unbelievable, and asked in a lowered voice: "This is in Gray Snow Town!"

"So what about Gray Snow Town?" The girl blinked, seemingly even more confused than him: "As long as you think about it, there is always a way to solve it, isn't it?"

Hmm... that's true. With the Luen family's finances and resources, let alone Cherry Cake, it's probably not surprising that she wants to rebuild Lunde Manor in the wilderness.

Embarrassed, Anson twitched his lips and could only quickly change the topic: "Why are you here...ah, no, why are you alone here?"

"Well... Thalia didn't originally want to come, but Freya suddenly wanted to do something. Thalia also hoped to win over Her Majesty the Queen of the Ysel Elf, so she decided to work with her to help everyone. Make breakfast for a few days, and then..."

The girl who changed the topic suddenly sighed: "She suddenly said she was afraid that Louis Bernard would take the opportunity to propose in public while everyone was having breakfast, which would make her unprepared and make her lose her temper, so she simply gave up."

"So the only one who dares to stay in the restaurant with confidence is Thalia herself."


Feeling the resentful look from the girl, Anson suddenly felt that skipping breakfast was actually quite good, and it was an option that was beneficial to life and health.

"This should be the last battle, right?"

Just when someone was distracted and his brain was spinning rapidly, trying to figure out a good way to escape calmly, Talia suddenly said: "For the new world, there is still You."

"Well, it should be yes!"

Anson tried his best to look less embarrassed, but when he noticed the girl's increasingly serious expression, he coughed in various ways and finally became serious: "If nothing else, taking back Beluga Harbor is the last step of the entire plan. ring."

Of course he knew what Thalia was referring to - the pie he drew casually when the two were at Lund Manor, the Luen family's grand blueprint for ruling the new world.

It was originally expected that in order to complete this plan, it would take at least five to ten years to lay the foundation, and another twenty years or so to completely establish a foothold and completely establish the Luen family's status and influence in the new world. Whatever you do, you can hide behind the scenes and control the entire new world; now it seems that all you need to do is win the battle of Moby Dick Harbor, and everything will be solved.

Of course, the price paid is also not small... First of all, the New World has been ravaged by the Jihad Army, and its small wealth has shrunk severely. It will take at least several decades to restore it to its original size. Only then can there be hope.

Moreover, the Luen family has completely come to the forefront. The power and benefits of rule cannot be monopolized. They must be shared with allies. The position is definitely not as stable as initially imagined; if one is not careful, it may still be occupied by the dove. The possibility of a magpie's nest.

Of course, all this is a story later.

All situations are moving forward as planned, all situations are thinking about the same development as expected, everything is moving towards the seemingly predetermined terminal, ushering in the destined moment.

And he is the one who ends it all.

His lips trembled slightly, and Anson's eyes began to become blurry.

He seemed to feel that he had a hand that he had never seen, and with a few gentle touches, he could make what he wanted to happen come true.

Karma and reincarnation...yes, as long as all predetermined conditions are met and all links are achieved, what can't be achieved?

In the past, his strength was limited, and there were too few steps that could be calculated, so he had to leave enough room for error; but now Fabian is said to have obtained the drawings of the difference engine on the steam airship, and William Gottfried has also He claims that as long as he has enough financial resources and enough time, he can perfectly reproduce one, with the computing power not less than 70% of the prototype.

Anything you think can become a reality...if that's not power, what is power?

Looking at Anson who was deep in thought, Thalia opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she stopped talking, and a trace of expectation gradually appeared in her eyes.

With a deep sigh, Anson put down the finished coffee cup in his hand.

"I am leaving."

"Well, have a nice trip."

Thalia stood up with a smile, watching Anson's leaving figure with endless tender eyes.


The golden sun rises slowly on the edge of the desolate land, pouring the morning light on the slowly flowing crowds; thousands of pairs of boots, horse hooves, and wheels trampling on the muddy roads set off from Gray Snow Town and walked along different roads. roads, heading in the same direction.

Beluga Harbor.

Heavy artillery and baggage trains occupied most of the space. The soldiers carried their own luggage and all the weapons they could carry. On the roads on both sides, cavalry galloped past at any time and anywhere, using their weapons in their hands. Flags, bugles and loud shouts conveyed orders and slogans.

However, although it is huge, complicated and messy, not to mention the weapons, even the uniforms cannot be unified in color. One in twenty soldiers has no boots, and one in ten has boots saved by a small private workshop. The quality of the rifle is similar to that of unboxing a blind box, from epic to incomplete in a matter of seconds.

But this kind of army shows a very high level of organization and discipline: 10,000 Shooting Corps, 8,000 Storm Corps, 12,000 Sail City Corps, 15,000 Colonial Militia Corps, a total of 45,000 People moved at the same time, but there was no confusion at all, and the queues were neat and orderly.

In addition to the fact that this was an internal battle, and the whole army knew the route from top to bottom, which accounted for a large proportion, the New World Army Staff also played a big role; it took four days to provide every detail for the entire army. Each group has formulated a special action road map and timetable.

Such a cumbersome arrangement seems to be a waste of energy and time. After all, even Clovis's army general staff will only take into account the division or half-division level establishment, and the lower-level troops will usually be entrusted to the local high command.

"But this time the situation is different. The staff must know the actions of each regiment, or even each company - where they are, who they are fighting, whether their organization is complete, whether they have sufficient ammunition, and how long they can last. All must be As first-hand information, report it level by level!”

"The reason is self-explanatory. This time is different from before. It is a real face-to-face and head-to-head confrontation with the Jihadi Army. In every previous battle, we worked hard to divide the enemy and avoid contact with multiple Jihadi Legions at the same time."

"But this time, our enemy is the entire Jihad Army; it is the Jihad Army that occupies Beluga Port and has more than 100,000 troops; while our troops are only 45,000, less than half of the enemy!"

"With inferior strength and taking the initiative to attack at the same time, this is an absolute mistake in any textbook, and even a negative example; but we have no retreat, let alone a choice; either we can win the victory in an upright manner, or we should never count on this. This war can come to an end!"

"Because of this, I ask you to show the spirit of unity and the courage to face blood and death; I ask the Clovis and the Imperials to fight side by side, I ask the Long Lake Town militia to cover the private soldiers in Red Hand Bay, I ask The warriors of Gray Pigeon Castle take the lead in the charge, giving the warriors of Winter Torch City, Straw Town, and Black Reef Port a chance to flank the enemy!"

"I ask every officer and every soldier to forget all the conflicts and grudges between them and your comrades in the past, and resolutely and strictly implement every order of the New World Army Staff; even if the enemy's cavalry is close in front of you, unless you get Order, otherwise no one is allowed to leave the position at his feet!"

The eleven-ringed flag of the Free Confederacy with gold stars on a blue background rang in the clear sky. The twenty-five colonials who were appointed as flag bearers proudly surrounded the flag with golden tassels, using the colors and colors of their military uniforms. style, showing the unparalleled unity of the colonies of the Free Confederacy.

This and nine other improvised military flags were regarded as "spiritual symbols of the Free Confederacy" and were arranged at several important positions in the marching team to ensure that every soldier could see at least one of them at the same time; and from the troops of each colony Elites with "standard" looks were selected from the middle school to form a flag guard of twenty-five people. They were equipped with uniform standard weapons and walked in front of the military band surrounded by the military flag.

In addition to better uniting people's hearts and promoting the morale and unity of Schrödinger in the New World Legion, this also prepares for subsequent battle deployments and facilitates subsequent command.

"To put it simply, the entire New World Army is divided into nine parts, each with 3,000 to 5,000 men, or six to eight infantry regiments, to fight against the Jihadi Army entrenched in Beluga Port."

He knocked on the sand table in the parliament hall with his baton, and Anson, who was surrounded by everyone, said loudly: "I must ask everyone to give up an established concept first, that is, Beluga Harbor or the battle to regain Beluga Harbor is a whole , as long as we break through the city defenses, enter the city, and drive the enemy out, this battle will be over."

"Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Our enemy is much larger than we imagined; so we must subdivide the entire battle and complete each goal one by one. Don't care about the victory or defeat of a battle or the gain or loss of a position. , the key is to win the final victory.”

"In short, I divide the campaign into three steps, positional blockade, flexible attack, and decisive surprise."

"First of all, we have to station the army into three important strongholds: the Supreme Council, the Shooting Army Camp and the August Military Factory, which are currently under our theoretical control. The enemy will definitely be aware of it and send troops to recapture it, because These three places can effectively block the roads leading to the northwest from Beluga Port and pose a direct threat to the farms on the outskirts of the town."

"At this time, the main force immediately marched westward, assuming a posture of entering Changhu Town. We must convince the Jihadi Army that our goal is to control Changhu Town and prevent the Jihadi Army entrenched in Red Hand Bay from threatening our flanks and seducing us. They attacked Lake Town."

"In this way, Hantu and the Philos Jihad Legion will not be able to threaten us in a short time. The only four legions that need to be fought are Clovis, Fernando, Arthur and Ed Levent. The total strength is about 60,000…worthy of a battle!”

Seeing the smiles on everyone's faces, Anson took a deep breath: "As long as the three strongholds are stabilized, no matter whether the enemies on the western front will endanger our flanks, immediately send out elites to recapture the Beluga Port garrison headquarters; quickly, Be steady.”

"No matter how tragic the sacrifice is, no matter how heavy the price is, we must defend here to the death, threaten the entire town from a high position, force them to withdraw from the defense line outside the city, return to the rear in full defense, and send out two or three times the number of troops to besiege the people. The headquarters we recaptured!"

"What we have to do is to defend these strongholds under our control, and through repeated active attacks and civil engineering methods, we can piece together the strongholds to form a new line of defense."

"At this point, we will be able to win the initiative in this battle. No matter whether we attack or retreat, we will have room for detours and negotiations. Based on this, the second step is..."

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