I will be crowned king

Chapter 930 Initiative


Thunderous artillery shelling exploded in the wilderness outside Beluga Port City. Under the screams that tore through the air, smoke filled the August Military Factory that was already riddled with holes; bright red firelight and ruins and rubble. In the piled fortifications, countless figures were entangled and mixed together.

Among them are the militiamen of the New World Legion who are fighting hard, and the Jihadi soldiers who are holding high the banner of the Ring of Order and roaring and charging. They rush towards the nearest enemy regardless of their own safety and fight with the weapons in their hands until the end of their lives.

In the distance, the artillery positions of the Jihadi Army were still bombarding the munitions factory buildings repeatedly. Although the sound was huge, most of the artillery shells hit the stone walls of the factory buildings, leaving only a few shallow craters and causing no damage. How much damage.

This is not because the Jihadi Army does not want to use higher-pound and more powerful artillery, but because it cannot - the riots in the past few days destroyed the wharf of Beluga Port, and several important streets in the town were burned to the ground. There are messy ruins everywhere, and there is no way to supply the normal transportation of baggage.

Coupled with the sudden appearance of the New World Army, Ludwig, who was in charge of garrisoning Moby Dick Harbor in a hurry, could only mobilize a dozen cavalry cannons supported by Arthur Herred; this kind of convenient and fast The rapid-fire cannon was obviously quite powerless when faced with the cement pouring of the factory building and the entire rock as a base bunker.

Without the ability of artillery to open gaps, the offensive of the Jihadi Army seemed very difficult. After gathering 3,000 people and five fully-equipped infantry regiments, they were still unable to take down the army with only 500 shooting corps and more than 700 colonial militiamen stationed there. Factory building.

On the other hand, the shooting army camp and the Supreme Council are in a similar situation, especially the Supreme Council, because this building was originally built according to the standards of a fortress... The original idea was that if the Jihadi Army first attacked not the Sailing City but the Beluga Port , at least there can be a fortress that can organize a retreat calmly, and can more or less resist the offensive of the Jihad Army. Unexpectedly, it turned into a base for counterattack in the end.

And just when the Beluga Port Jihad Army was struggling with the sudden approach of the New World Legion, the enemy's main force, which was supposed to rush to Changhu Town to garrison, turned around without any recruitment and attacked the Beluga Port headquarters outside the town.

This important stronghold was carefully selected by Anson and cost countless manpower and material resources to build. It can fit the entire Storm Legion into an important stronghold. Its function is not only to serve as a barrier to defend Beluga Harbor, but also to better control this prosperous town. .

Whether it is a commanding fort or an unobstructed, straight and smooth road, they can directly pose a fatal threat to the safety of the town; once it is captured by the enemy and cannot be recaptured as soon as possible, it is only a matter of time before the city is abandoned.

After all, no matter how solid the city defense of Beluga Harbor is, it is only a port town, not a fortress, and it has nothing to do with being indestructible; if the soldiers are left alone, shells will hit their heads at any time, leaving them unable to even hide. It is completely conceivable to hold on to the position where they were hiding.

For such an important stronghold, the Jihadist Army stationed in Beluga Port did not send many people to garrison it; on the one hand, it is of course because everyone prefers to stay in the town - this is of course nonsense, the living conditions are there - more The important reason is that during the previous riots in Beluga Port, Ludwig transferred most of the troops to suppress the protests and the soldiers and colonial people who tried to leave.

The entire Beluga Port has turned into a powder keg, so naturally there is not much room left to station a military camp that may not seem very important at first glance.

Moreover, since the Jihadi Army Headquarters has become a "collegial system", any decision must be unanimously approved by everyone before it can be implemented; therefore, everyone loves the fat policeman and rejects the troublesome ones. It is difficult to live in such a remote place. No one would go to a fortress that was absolutely uncomfortable and even more inconvenient.

Of course, even if most of the city defense facilities are abandoned and the most important defensive strongholds on the periphery are lost, as long as the surrounding towns are dotted with farms of all sizes, the momentum of the New World Legion's attack can still be contained at the end of Beluga Harbor. On the periphery, you can't even get close to the headquarters fortress.

This tactic is not even new, because when Fernando Herred tried to attack Beluga Port from land before, Fabian used thousands of improvised militiamen to fill the defense line composed of these farms. Of course, it is impossible for the Jihad Army to find him dead outside the gate of Beluga Port.

But the problem is that to do this, two prerequisites are needed: First, the Jihadi Army can pull out so many troops. After all, the core of the "stronghold defense line" relies on crowds.

Secondly, you must have a good relationship with the local people. After all, no matter how many troops you have, you will always be a minority compared with the locals. If you spread your soldiers like pepper and still want to achieve results, you must first win over the locals. support.

It's a pity that neither of these two holy war armies can do it.

Not to mention mobilizing the army, no jihadi army is willing to do the hard work of being a sandbag for others; as for the people's hearts, the jihadi army's reputation in the colonies, although it cannot be said to be the best, is almost the same as the same enemy.

Especially now... If the brutality of the Battle of Sailing City can be understood as the first relief, both sides in the Battle of Black Reef Port were relatively restrained, and the looting of slave ports and other colonies can only be regarded as the basic foundation of the empire and many armies. In terms of operation, everyone has long been numb, not angry or angry.

The bombing of Red Hand Bay was really unbearable.

After all, it was the Jihadist Army who first initiated the ceasefire, and the Free Confederacy also gave a very positive response. In the end, it not only defaulted on its own, but also caused tragic casualties of no less than 10,000 people, and thousands of innocent people were given the Ring of Order. The nominal artillery fire burned it to ashes... Only a fool can believe that it can be tolerated to this extent.

Without a solid peripheral defense line that could block the attack of the New World Legion, the Jihadist Army had to take the initiative to recapture several large occupied strongholds. However, there was no heavy artillery that could quickly open the gaps. It could only rely on the soldiers to use their lives to pile up and risk hiding. The enemy in the bunker fired round after round of bayonet charges.

Such a hasty attack was naturally difficult to cover every aspect. It was not surprising that the front was secretly bypassed and important strongholds were attacked.

So because of this series of tangled problems, the safety of the entire Beluga Port is hanging by a thread!

But even at this point, the Jihad Army Headquarters, who still didn't think they had done anything wrong, still sat confidently in Beluga Port City, calmly and calmly commanding a defensive counterattack that seemed certain to win, and seemed to send the enemy to death. Taking the initiative to attack is regarded as a golden opportunity.

Especially Sir Philus himself, he really thinks so.

"Everyone, this is a miracle, a miracle in which our trapped enemies take the initiative to prove that the Ring of Order is invincible and the Holy War Army is invincible!"

In the Beluga Harbor Parliament Hall, Philus stood under the vault with his hands behind his back, looking at the leaders present calmly and confidently, and said loudly in his calm and elegant voice:

"Everyone should know that a few days ago, our logistics transport fleet was shamelessly attacked by pirates when passing through the waters around Nakhir. The direct loss was at least a quarter. It cannot be ignored!"

"Such a heavy loss will inevitably directly affect the next strategic direction of the Jihadi Army in the New World. In other words, we can no longer continue to gather troops in the same area for a long time, let alone organize a large-scale offensive - —Because there is a serious shortage of supplies!”

"However, at this critical juncture, when the Jihadist Army may not be able to end this war before the end of the year, our enemies have given up on continuing to huddle in the wild inland areas of the New World and are determined to attack us. , immediately relieved our urgent need!"

"Let me ask, if this is not a miracle, then what can be called a miracle? The Ring of Order is testing us, testing His warriors!"

Along with the words, the walls of the hall began to shake slightly, and the roar of distant guns penetrated the glass windows and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Before you lament this great miracle, please allow me to remind you a little."

Ludwig, who was sitting in the front row, stood up untimely, interrupting Fellers's impassioned speech: "In my current battle, the Jihadist Army is unfortunately at a disadvantage; the siege of the three strongholds has already begun. It lasted for nearly ten hours, but there was still no result.”

"In contrast, the enemy's elite main force of nearly 6,000 people is storming the Beluga Harbor headquarters. Once it falls, the entire Beluga Harbor - including this house, will be within the effective range of the 12-pound infantry cannon. General. Commander, what do you think about this?"

"My opinion is that you are worrying unfoundedly, Major General Ludwig Franz." Philus shook his head lightly:

"You misjudged the strength of our enemies. They may be able to assemble an army of 45,000 people to launch a siege on Port Beluga, but that's it; let alone the entire Jihadist Army, they are only in the city of Port Beluga right now. There are no less than 60,000 people, plus more than 40 warships."

"If an armed force of this size cannot even defend a small Beluga Port, don't you think it would be a ridiculous joke?"

"I don't think so." Ludwig said coldly:

"If the party with the greater number can win all battles, then Clovis should have destroyed the country long ago, Hantu will not be independent, and there will be no colonial rebellion. We...there is no way we can appear in this ghost place!"

In the suddenly depressing atmosphere, Philus remained smiling.

"I agree with Major General Ludwig."

Pavel Dukaski suddenly said: "When I came here, I carefully inspected the terrain and surrounding environment of Beluga Harbor. I have to say that this is indeed an excellent port that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. .”

"In addition to providing a convenient and safe berthing area, Ice Dragon Fjord also restricts the entry and exit of ships. This means that the number and tonnage of ships that can be accommodated around the port are extremely limited. Forty warships squeezed in at the same time, and the only thing The end result is to become a living target for the artillery battery and be slaughtered by others."

"In other words, as long as the military camp outside the city is captured by the New World Army, the initiative on the battlefield will fall into the hands of the New World Army...well, that is, the colonial rebels and false believers. No matter how many soldiers the Jihadi Army has, Nothing can change the fact that we are at an absolute disadvantage and unable to win, so..."

He hesitated to speak and looked around, receiving approving glances.

"The premise is that the colonial rebels can really capture the Beluga Port headquarters!"

Smiling Sir Philus forced his voice to drown out the roar of guns outside: "Although preparations have been hasty, there are currently nearly 4,000 Jihadi soldiers stationed there, and they are well-equipped; only 6,000 people, this Why should we help the rebels take it?"

"Besides, just fifteen minutes ago, two hundred soldiers of the Judgment Knights rushed to the battlefield for reinforcements, accompanied by twelve land cruisers; the Battle of Red Hand Bay has proven with facts that this advanced What a weapon can do in an open area!"

"Besides, even if there is a one-in-a-thousand... no, one-in-a-ten thousand accident, so what? Controlling the headquarters fortress only takes a little initiative, and it does not mean the end of the battle." Fei. Les shook his head contemptuously:

"The strength gap between the two sides still exists. Without the obstacles in Changhu Town, the other two Jihadi legions in Red Hand Bay can calmly march into the Ice Dragon Fjord and attack the rebels' flanks from the west. Their weak defense line It is impossible to sustain a two-front battle, and collapse... is the inevitable result."

"As for everyone..." Philus shrugged: "I hope it's better for everyone to focus on the battle in front of you, and don't care about the so-called possibilities, maybe, probably... it's meaningless."

"Please remember, we are the Holy War Army formed in the name of the Ring of Order. We are the elites who have gathered the power of the entire Order World to fight against false believers and heretics. We are invincible, and we...must be invincible!"

"Failure! This is something that absolutely cannot be tolerated..."


The heavy main door of the hall was violently knocked open, and the attentive people in the audience immediately cast their gaze behind them, locking onto the figure holding the tattered Ring of Order military flag with a panicked expression.

"Guards, where are the guards?!" Philus, who lost his smile for a moment, darkened his face and quickly reacted: "This is the meeting place of the Jihad Army Headquarters. How can I allow others to come in and out at will? Give him to me. Take it down!"

It should be said that his decision was quite decisive and correct. Without being able to control the situation, any unknown information is likely to have an uncertain impact. The most important thing at this time is of course to eliminate the uncertain factors first and reduce the impact. Minimize.

But unfortunately, he was still a little slow... The messenger who was directly picked up thought he had been misunderstood, and quickly proved his innocence: "Don't, don't pull me! I am the captain and battalion commander of the Clovis Crusade Army, and I am the Judgment Knight. An adult of the regiment sent me to deliver the order! Let me tell the regiment commander that the Beluga Port headquarters outside the wall has fallen, and the city defense facilities have fallen into the hands of the colonial rebels... Wuwuwu... Wuwuwu...!!!"

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