I will be crowned king

Chapter 931 Victory in the first battle

Just as Philus, who was struck by thunder, froze in place as if petrified, standing in the middle of the noisy venue with a smile on his face, the Storm Legion battalion singing a triumphant song broke through the outer defense line of the White Whale Port headquarters and successfully broke into the military camp. internal.

First, they moved towards Changhu Town with great fanfare, and then quietly turned back in one night. Under the cover of the entire New World Army, they flanked the empty and weak flanks and rear lines of the Jihad Army, and penetrated directly into the target!

Not many armies in the entire world of order can achieve such terrifying marching speed and efficiency, let alone colonies. This requires careful planning in advance, a route of action with minimal losses, scientific distribution of physical strength and baggage, and coordination between superiors and subordinates. Of course, the most important thing about the close cooperation between us is the reward after success.

There is no way, it is so realistic that money making has become a traditional jihadi army. Combat power and efficiency are clearly marked, and you can do as much work as you want, and you are absolutely innocent.

"My promise to everyone is very simple. Whether we can capture the headquarters is related to the initiative of the entire battle; as long as we can defeat the Jihad Army and recapture the White Whale Port, the Storm Legion can return to Clovis safe and sound. Everyone is still A loyal servant of the Osterian royal family.”

"Of course, it is obviously not appropriate to risk your lives just for this. Therefore, the remaining profits from the legion's previous smuggling...I mean the sale of tobacco, alcohol and salt, as well as the legion's fixed assets in the new world, will be converted into The corresponding assets will be distributed to everyone according to our previous distribution ratio and position level!"

"But you should also understand that most of this money is stored in local banks. If you want to get it, you must return to Beigang first; and you must go back upright and as a loyal minister of the kingdom."

"So our goal is clear: to recapture Beluga Harbor and return to Clovis with glory!"

"Recapture Moby-Dick Harbor——! Honor to Clovis——! Long live——!!!!"

Under the gate of the dilapidated military camp, the roar of mountains and tsunamis was like a wave, covering up the shrill retreat horns of the Holy War Army. Hundreds of Storm Legion soldiers stared with scarlet eyes like carnivores, climbed over the bunker and climbed up the city wall, rushing madly. To the desperate remnants of the Holy War, running around.

Behind them was the Judgment Knights who tried to block but got stuck on the mountainside and dared not move forward. The steam-belching Land Cruisers were scattered and hidden around the mountains and rocks, and failed to attack the entire line as they wished. The storm army cut them off in the middle.

The reason is simple... less than two kilometers away, the artillery positions of the New World Army have been constructed and are bombarding indiscriminately in the direction of the headquarters.

Beautiful parabolas cut through the sky, hitting the muddy road and the surrounding mountains, splashing dust and gravel all over the sky.

Although the land cruiser of the Knights of Judgment is protected by armor, it is still powerless against artillery positions - not to mention the twelve-pounder infantry cannon and the twenty-four-pounder mortar, even the ordinary six-pounder flat-fire cannon can pose a threat to it .

Moreover, the artillery position covers the shooting, and the artillery fire must be mainly parabolic. Due to the design of the land cruiser, the top armor is so fragile that even a rifle can penetrate it at a close distance... Once these large targets appear, they will all be destroyed one by one. Become a living target for the artillery of the New World Legion.

After all requests for artillery support and cavalry raids on enemy artillery positions were rejected, Grad Manfred decisively ordered a halt to the attack.

Although he knew very well that as long as he launched an offensive, even if the Storm Legion could still capture the headquarters, most of them would be killed or injured, but the price to pay for this was too heavy; At the testing stage, it is not a consumable item that can be discarded at will... not to mention that it has already destroyed an airship.

So it took the Storm Legion less than four hours to successfully penetrate the headquarters' peripheral defense line without any interference. The Second Infantry Regiment, which was responsible for the critical task, even entered half an hour in advance. Inside the military camp, there was a deadly fight with the remnants of the defenders who were stubbornly resisting.

"It's over, it's all over...How come these colonial rebels are attacking so fast!"

Looking at the Ring of Order flag pushed up by a crowd of cheering Storm Legion soldiers on the city wall, Robert Minton, the garrison commander at the headquarters, suddenly felt his heart go cold, and shouted in despair.

Looking around, one can only see a flood of eleven-star ring flags, which have surrounded the entire headquarters. All defensive positions and positions on the periphery have been conquered. Almost all the remaining Jihadi troops have been suppressed in the central square. And in the watchtower at his feet.

This was definitely not an accident, but very planned and rhythmic - the enemy did not break through the main gate that did not seem to be well defended at the first time. Instead, they braved artillery fire and hail of bullets and took an hour to capture it. The outer guard tower on the east side.

As a result, the sentry tower was actually close to the kitchen of the headquarters. The enemy who used explosives to clear the way broke through the wall and was not noticed by the defenders until they rushed into the dormitory area.

Just when Robert thought that the enemy would definitely use this as a breakthrough to attack the Beluga Port headquarters, the opponent not only failed to do so, but also did not take the opportunity to concentrate his forces to seal the gap to break through the main gate and suddenly changed the direction of the attack. To the completely opposite west side.

Half an hour later, he finally knew why - because the headquarters' fort and all the heavy artillery were all to the west. If they were captured there, the entire Beluga Port would be in danger!

Just as he was organizing his defense in a panic, the enemy finally began to attack, and they attacked across the board.

The flowering in the center is fake, and the capture of the fort is also fake. The enemy's purpose is very simple, that is, to make himself busy, and there is no time to interfere with his cleaning up the peripheral fortifications of the headquarters, so that he can set up forts outside the city, plus more than 8,000 people without Hit the front of the obstacle.

Even after breaking through the defense line, deliberately allowing oneself to retreat was a carefully planned step; the headquarters square may seem narrow, but if thousands of people are required to organize defense, it will seem quite crowded.

Such a crowded position, with nowhere to hide and nowhere to escape, was simply a natural target - yes, he finally realized the seriousness of the problem only after the other side finally opened fire.

The pressure suddenly increased and he had to face gaps in several directions at the same time. Robert was completely panicked. He really didn't understand why the enemy on the opposite side knew the structure and defense system here better than himself, the defender commander. It was like a child trying to piece together a jigsaw puzzle. Just as calmly and methodically, he pushed himself to the edge of despair in just four hours.

"Of course that's because the people on the other side are not colonial traitors at all, but the real Clovis standing army!" The herald on the side shouted loudly:

"The fortress under our feet is their original military camp and headquarters. It must be clear!"

"What's the use of talking about this now? Think about what to do next!"

Robert wanted to cry without tears. As an ordinary imperial knight, when he took the initiative to defend this fortress, he felt that no one was aware of the dangerous terrain here and how important it was to Beluga Port. He planned to take advantage of the White Whale Port. The Whale Harbor riots and the news that the colonial rebels are about to attack, fight a victorious battle to make a name for themselves.

Compared with Clovis, it is far more difficult for an ordinary imperial knight to complete a class jump than winning the lottery; you are a dragon-slaying warrior. If your ancestral bloodline does not last for hundreds of years and has nothing to do with the descendants of the seven knights, then The title of "Jazz" is almost your limit in this life. Try to get a head start on the road to reincarnation in the next life.

Therefore, Robert's goal is quite practical: to fight a highly anticipated battle, prove his strength with facts, and strive to have a higher status when he is favored by a wealthy family.

As a result, the reality is cruel... Not to mention other holy war armies, even the Judgment Knights of the Holy See refused to save themselves. They watched the colonial rebels outside the city complete the encirclement of themselves and break through the city wall defense line - themselves He became the first unlucky man to die in the Battle of Beluga Harbor.

"Sir, how about we surrender?" The confidant lowered his voice and whispered:

"If we continue fighting like this, it's really only a matter of time before we are all killed. If we surrender now, we can negotiate conditions with the other side, such as opening up a road so that we can safely evacuate into the town..."

"Nonsense! We are a glorious jihadi army, how can we surrender to despicable false believers and heretics?!"

Robert shouted sharply, but his expression was frightened, and the corners of his mouth that twitched repeatedly almost wrote "uneasy" on his face:

"Besides, even if we retreat into the city, will we be safe?!"

"Ah, are you saying that the enemy has this fortress and can directly threaten the interior of the town?" The herald looked at his commander as if he were a fool:

"To put it bluntly, you think too highly of yourself and our group of people. It is not worth wasting precious ammunition for a group of people who voluntarily surrendered. There are many valuable targets in the city. ;As long as our luck is not too bad, we are actually quite safe!"

"Nonsense, don't I know this kind of thing?!"

Robert also looked at him like he was a fool, and lowered his voice desperately: "What I'm saying is... you know, surrendering and handing over a vital fortress like this, and not thinking that being shot to death is the best for us. What’s the end of it?!”

Everyone knows that each of the six legions of the Holy War has its own backing, and it is impossible to be easily punished by the headquarters; but the legion under the commander-in-chief Sir Philus is an absolute exception - because these groups They are all from humble origins and are composed of the most ordinary followers of the Circle of Order. They are the true holy war army.

Unfortunately, Robert was born here; he was an ordinary knight from the Principality of Xiaolong. He was neither qualified to be recruited by the Hered royal family nor had time to join the elite division of Commander Fernando Hered. Due to the relationship with the Wente family, in the end he could only hurriedly board the ship and became a member of the Philus Legion.

But it is precisely for this reason that he can become the commander-in-chief of the headquarters so smoothly - Philus is not a fool. He cannot trust such an important fortress to any legion. He can only do it under his own command. Talents were selected from the army.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Robert became the chosen one, or in other words, no one but him wanted to do this drudgery that would lead to serious misfortune.

"With the current situation, we have only two options if we want to escape smoothly."

Taking a deep breath, Robert suddenly calmed down a lot, and rationally and objectively analyzed the current situation: "Either the entire army is annihilated, and then finds a way to escape in the chaos; of course, this method is very dangerous, and those who can escape will definitely not There are too many, so it can only be used as a backup plan.”

"Oh, backup plan." The herald nodded quickly: "Then, what about the other way?"

"Another way..."

Robert glanced at him with some apology: "That is to create a fake internal strife. The purpose is to make the rebels on the opposite side mistakenly think that some of us want to surrender, deceive them into temporarily stopping the attack, and create the illusion that the battle has ended. This will give the Judgment Knights who are standing still outside an opportunity to take advantage of the chaos and attack the rear of the rebels!"

"Hey, this method sounds feasible!" The herald's eyes lit up:

"Even if the Judgment Knights cannot defeat them immediately, as long as they can attract a little attention, it can buy us time to regroup, so that the fortress may still be able to hold on!"

"Yes, that's it."

Robert nodded slightly, but subconsciously avoided the other person's eyes.

This plan may seem feasible, but in fact there are still many problems; first of all, to deceive the enemy, you must first deceive your own people, so the internal strife may be fake, but it must look real, so in the end, if you are To seek accountability, someone will most likely have to take the blame.

Secondly, even if the enemy is not fooled, it can still create some chaos, so the first plan formulated by Robert himself will be feasible - regardless of others, he will definitely be able to escape.

But if this is the case, no matter which outcome, my herald will definitely...

"In that case, let's start taking action quickly!"

While Robert was still deeply blaming himself, the herald on the side was already busy: "I will go out and organize the soldiers to start internal strife, and you will pretend you don't know anything, because you have been betrayed by the soldiers for insisting on holding on!"

"Okay, it's really hard work."

"It's nothing, this is all what it should be, what it should be."

The herald, who was full of promises, stepped towards the door, but the moment Robert turned around, he, who should have already left, took out a flagpole from behind the door and hit Robert hard on the back of the head.


Seeing the commander falling straight to the ground, the herald, who did not dare to waste even a minute, rushed to the top of the sentry tower, waving the white cloth tied to the flagpole and shouting loudly:

"Surrender - friends on the opposite side, our commander has announced his surrender -!!!"

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