I will be crowned king

Chapter 934 Thirteen Colonies!

The cold iron boots trampled on the soil that was watered with blood and burned by the fire, and appeared uniformly at the end of the horizon.

The continuous roar was like a war drum beating the earth, like a muffled thunder exploding from the dome.

Under the sun at noon, hundreds of Rings of Order flags were fully unfolded in dense infantry formations. Along with the hoarse slogans and the rapid and cheerful sound of war drums, they marched toward the 11-ring flying flags. The Confederate Supreme Council approaches.

"he came."

Louis Bernard's expression was a little complicated. His eyes quickly glanced at the direction where the Arthur Herred Crusaders appeared. After thinking for a while, he decisively issued an order: "Let the four thousand people from the Changhu Town Militia Group be on top. No one is allowed to attack." The enemy is approaching our flanks and joining forces with the Ludwig Legion that is besieging the Supreme Council!"

"Yes!" The cuirass knight standing next to him stroked his chest and saluted, but his face was a little embarrassed: "Lord Louis, will it be too little to rely only on the militia of Changhu Town? Otherwise, we will need more troops from the Sail City Legion. Deploy one or two infantry regiments in case of... unexpected events."

He originally wanted to prevent the influx of deserters into trouble when these militiamen were overwhelmed, so he might as well send some of his own people to serve as supervisors; however, the headquarters of the Supreme Council included not only Sail City and Storm Legion, but also other senior colonial officials. , I had to change my words to a more euphemistic term.

"That's not necessary."

Louis shook his head: "We just need to slow down the opponent's attack a little to give us time to repel Ludwig's army - what's the problem?"

"No, no more!"

"Then let's go!"


Perhaps their morale was boosted by the Storm Legion's capture of the White Whale Harbor headquarters in just four hours, or perhaps out of heartfelt hatred, the 4,000-strong Long Lake Town Militia quickly marched outside the Supreme Council position. The city rallied and launched a countercharge towards the Arthur Legion, which was still slowly advancing.

In the choking billowing smoke, the militiamen wearing absolutely non-uniform military uniforms and carrying a variety of equipment quickly charged forward in a Clovis-style column. When they approached the position of 200 meters, a thousand people on the right suddenly stopped advancing and headed towards The Jihadi Army, which was still advancing slowly, raised its dark muzzle.

"Aim - prepare - release!"


Hundreds of lead bullets began to pour non-stop, row after row raining down on the dense phalanx of the Jihadist Army. The soldiers standing in the front row fell sporadically, and the soldiers in the back row quickly followed up to fill in. There are no vacancies, and the formation must not be scattered at all.

At the same time, the left and right wings that were still charging stopped, and the originally fast-advancing column also turned into a messy, messy but basically unfolded line, which could just cover Arthur Herred's army. The entire front.

This is also the result of the colonial militia training in Beluga Harbor... There is still a gap between the real Clovis standing army that can quickly change between line columns, but for a group of militiamen, this is almost their limit.

Facing a powerful enemy whose strength was two or three times his own, the Changhu Town militia leader, whose face was extremely pale, drew his saber and gave the order again in a sharp voice that had changed:

"Aim - prepare - release!"


Almost at the same time, the Jihadi Army and the Changhu Town militia pulled the trigger together. Thousands of lead bullets tore through the air within a distance of less than a hundred meters, smashing through skulls and shattering chests... Under the gushing smoke, Each flesh and blood body turned into a cold corpse in the blink of an eye, lying straight in a pool of blood of himself and Pao Ze.

"The Ring of Order is above, who ordered the shooting?!"

Looking at the smoke rising in front of the front, Arthur Herred, who was dragged off his horse by the guards, kept complaining: "How many times have I told you to charge, let all the soldiers charge with bayonets, keep on." Until I reach Louis Bernard, I want to duel with him...\u0026amp;@#¥\u0026amp;!!!"

"This is not an order from the legion commander, it's just a complaint!" The guard, who was so excited, covered his mouth and quickly shouted to the messenger next to him: "Inform the officers and knights on the front line, continue to follow the instructions. The current rhythm is closer to the Supreme Council, and those who disobey will be shot on the spot!"

Facing the almost murderous gaze of the guards, more than a dozen messengers did not dare to stop for a moment. They quickly turned over and galloped out. The surrounding military bands also began to change the rhythm of the drums. The entire large square array slowly unfolded in an orderly manner. , bit by bit, they pressed forward against the Changhu town militiamen who came to block the attack.

Slightly different from the ordinary imperial army, Arthur Herrid's army has significantly improved the configuration of skirmishers; with battalions as units, a small number of skirmishers are placed in the front, rear and left and right gaps of each square formation. Well-equipped Rifled gun. Fire freely while following the movement of the phalanx.

At the same time, a large number of artillery batteries and horse artillery equipped with three-pound light cannons maneuvered quickly on both wings, arranged artillery positions at an alarming speed, and fired at the center of the colonial militia's line.

This was the lesson Bernard Morweis learned after his last defeat: reduce heavy artillery, which was sluggish and cumbersome, in exchange for more portable and mobile light artillery to increase infantry firepower, while adding a proportion of skirmishers to the army. .

Compared with the previous heavy artillery positions that continued to increase the number of line soldiers and were very powerful but immovable once the war started, this lineup is obviously more suitable for the new world where supply is difficult and there are almost no decent troops. It is just that it is obviously a bit difficult to attack the enemy.


The light artillery on the left and right wings of the Arthur Jihadist Army fired rapidly. The central front of the Changhu Town militia that was focused on the fire was like a town devastated by a hurricane. The soldiers who endured fear stood up straight under the urging of their commanders, and then lined up in rows. to welcome the roaring baptism of artillery fire.

With blood and flesh flying everywhere, the Changhu Town militiamen relied on the anger in their hearts against the Jihadist Army to prevent them from fleeing, and they could no longer remain indifferent... The militia leader crawled out from the pile of corpses, holding only half of his saber, and issued an order received the order to charge.

"Thirteen Colonies!"

Hoarse roars resounded in the militia ranks, and soon there were more voices responding, and gradually the meteors flashed by, converging into the Milky Way in the sky.

“Thirteen Colonies—!!!!”

There is no need for any gorgeous words or passionate speeches, just the 11-star ring flag flying behind them is enough to make them put aside their fear of death and rush towards an enemy several times their size regardless of their own safety.

The Jihadi Army stopped its advance in an orderly manner. The front row troops began to fix their bayonets, and the skirmishers retreated. The rear row of infantry filled the gap, gradually opening up two repeatedly staggered lines, one in front and one behind.


The moment the Changhu Town militiamen ran into the Jihadist Army without fear of death, they immediately saw what a real, professional army is:

The staggered stepped lines allow the front row phalanx to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, while the rear row phalanx can still continue to fire from the gaps between the phalanxes to suppress the attack; the light artillery on both wings quickly maneuvers to new guns. position, cross fire, and continue to bombard the center and rear of the Changhu Town militia front.

In just ten minutes and several rounds of artillery fire, the line in Changhu Town was about to collapse... The soldiers were still gritting their teeth and enduring the pain, stepping on the corpses of their comrades and continuing to charge, without any scurrying around. deserters; but the pursuit and annihilation offensive and the disintegration of the organization caused by heavy casualties still pushed them back bit by bit.

In the headquarters of the Supreme Council, everyone in the Confederacy who saw this scene fell into silence... Not only were they shocked by the terrifying combat power of the Jihadi Army, but they were also surprised by the morale of Changhu Town who would not retreat until they fought to the death.

Especially Peter Chatham, Speaker of Red Hand Bay... As an opponent, he knew very well what kind of person and level Long Lake Town was; let alone before, half an hour ago, he would not have dared to imagine this. The guys who have been fighting openly and covertly with Hongshou Bay for many years can actually do this.

"Sir, let me go."

The cuirass knight who had doubted Chang Lake Town before stood up, his face full of guilt: "Give me two... no, an infantry regiment, and I will support their retreat!"

Before he finished speaking, the knight was already walking out impatiently. The fighting spirit exuding from his body made others subconsciously make way for him, silently watching his back.


The young knight without looking back said coldly, stopping the knight from dying generously. He stopped in front of the door in shock and suddenly looked back, with disbelief on his face: "My lord?!"

"The Sailing City Army... and the rest of the New World Army that have not yet participated in the war are all on standby, preparing to launch a counterattack against Ludwig and Fernando's two armies."

Louis, who remained calm, put down the telescope in his hand: "We cannot let the blood of Changhu Town be sacrificed in vain. We must seize this opportunity and suppress the Jihadi Army within the town, so that we can seize the absolute initiative in this battle and let the enemy Give full play to the absolute advantage of having no troops."

"That way! If the other two jihadi armies that are invading Changhu Town really enter the battlefield at the most critical moment, we will be able to even fight!" The young knight turned sideways and looked around at everyone:

"I said that each of you must have the courage to face blood and death, and resolutely and strictly implement every order issued by the staff."

"Now I have done it, the Storm Legion has done it, the Shooting Army has done it, and Changhu Town has done it...what about you?"

There was dead silence.

Louis said no more and turned around indifferently, his eyes always fixed on the direction of Arthur Herrid's army.

To be more precise, someone.

He actually knew very well that the only thing that idiot wanted to do was probably to find himself and continue the duel that he had failed to complete before; as for the Holy War, the belief in the Ring of Order, the glory of the Empire and the Hred royal family... they didn't matter to him at all. Important, or there is no such concept at all.

Unfortunately, I will never satisfy him.

As long as we grasp his only weakness, we can pin down the jihadi army of at least ten thousand people. Only four thousand Changhu Town militiamen can immobilize them, while the New World Army can take the opportunity to counterattack across the board without worrying about the flanks... This is something that no amount of strategic deployment can do.

"Report! The Storm Legion has arrived at the predetermined location and is cooperating with the defenders of the Shooting Army camp to attack the Fernando Army! The enemy artillery positions have been destroyed and are preparing to block the retreating enemy troops!"


Louis nodded, but his eyes were fixed on the cuirass knight who was still standing in front of the door: "How long will it take for the Sailing City Legion to take action?"

"Fifteen...no, ten minutes!" The knight gritted his teeth: "Give me ten minutes, and the entire army will be on standby to launch a full-scale counterattack!"

"Very well, I'll give you twenty minutes." Louis nodded slightly: "The hussars and cuirassiers will serve as the vanguard and attack the flanks of Ludwig's army, telling them to get out of the battlefield immediately, as far away as possible!"

"Follow your orders——!!!"

The roaring knight strode out of the headquarters. Louis, who watched him leave, picked up the saber on the map table and took a deep breath:

"Everyone, the defensive battle is over. Next, it is our turn to attack - move forward, for the Free Confederacy, for the Thirteen Colonies, and for the New World."

After the words fell, Louis, who had a calm face, silently walked out of the headquarters; half a minute later, a thunderous roar exploded in the small room:

“Thirteen Colonies—!!!!”


While the mood within the New World Legion was arousing, the bloody battle on the flank battlefield of the Supreme Council was coming to an end.

Although the Changhu Town militia really showed the courage to fight to the death and resisted tenaciously, they were still defeated due to the disparity in numbers, firepower and even quality. The warriors who gritted their teeth and refused to retreat fell to the enemy one by one. In the ocean, the rest was forcibly pushed like sand and gradually expelled from the battlefield.

The excited Arthur Herred even went into battle himself, leading the elite grenadiers and cuirassiers to attack; in front of this humanoid cannon, any bloody brave man would not turn into literal blood at all. Meaningless.

At the fiercest moment of the battle, in order to break the defense line as quickly as possible, the jihadist army even directly pulled the cannon to a position less than 100 meters away from the enemy, doubled the charge and fired rapidly, and all the artillery shells were aimed at the feet and thighs of the Changhu Town militiamen. .

But it was at this time that Arthur Herald, who was about to get his wish with victory after victory, received a shocking news - Louis Bernard, he is no longer here!

"Then where is he?!"


Facing the fiery gaze of the legion commander and feeling the murderous eyes of the legion commander's guards behind him, the skirmisher who got the information from the prisoner swallowed hard and said: "He is leading the elite legion he brought from Yangfan City, ready to cooperate. Another colonial rebel army flanks Fernando’s army!”

"Sir, victory is close at hand! Otherwise, we still..."

"Stop talking, the whole army listens to my command!"

Arthur suddenly raised his hand and stopped the guard who was still trying to dissuade him: "Turn around and rescue the Fernando Army!"

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