I will be crowned king

Chapter 935 Ansenbach’s Admirers

Chapter 935 Admirers of Anson Bach

Despite their heartfelt reluctance, due to the extremely stubborn stubbornness of the regiment commander, the officers and staff could only follow his orders, abandon the already disabled Changhu Town militia, and quickly change directions to provide support. The Fernando Legion is about to be surrounded and suppressed by the Storm Legion, the Sail City Legion and the Shooting Army.

The Changhu Town militiamen who were originally prepared to die all looked at the enemy who suddenly stopped fighting. They stood there dumbfounded, not daring to pursue or even cheer for victory. They looked at each other and even forgot to breathe.

The Clovis Jihad Army, which was originally "rescued", decisively and proactively chose to retreat the moment they saw the cuirassiers of Sailing City appearing. The echelons were clear, with leaders and cover, in order and without panic, and never gave Louis any chance. ·Bernard's chance to attack the flank.

The New World Legion only felt that in the blink of an eye, the Clovis people who had been shouting and fighting with them just now, and fighting to the death, ran away completely, and unceremoniously killed the friendly Fernando Legion who was trapped in the siege. , Arthur Herred, who came to the rescue, was still where he was.

The speed was so fast and the efficiency was so high that they had no chance to pursue him.

In comparison, Carl Bain, who was supposed to be the safest in the entire battle and whose life was almost impossible to be in danger, unexpectedly ran into the Judgment Knights who insisted on conquering the White Whale Port headquarters and only had one infantry regiment on hand. , an artillery battalion plus two to three thousand Jihadi prisoners who cannot be trusted at all.

"Ring of Order, why is the fate you gave me so miserable!"

The chief of staff was almost desperate... Every time when he thought something was least likely to happen, the blame and all kinds of unlucky things would fall on his head one after another, without even a break.

Behind him, the "iron water tanks" of the Judgment Knights had blasted open the gate of the headquarters. The city walls on both sides and the surrounding defense facilities had also been smashed to pieces by more than a dozen direct-fire cannons. It became scrap metal.

The entire outer defense line has been completely collapsed, and the remaining Storm Legion soldiers have all retreated to the interior of the military camp, relying on large and small buildings to continue to block the attack.

Fortunately, it was very difficult for these damn land cruisers to enter the fortress. They basically stopped on the outside of the fortress. Also, because they were worried about becoming a living target for the artillery of the New World Legion, they all hid behind the mountains and rocks. The firing range was harsh and narrow. , and cannot exert its due power.

But the defenders at the headquarters were not happy for long... Embracing more than a thousand Jihadists, five hundred fully armed Judgment Knights, holding weapons that could be called "magic" in Karl's eyes, walked straight from the land torn apart by the Land Cruiser. Gap stormed into the fortress.

At first, the Storm Legion could barely parry, relying on the speed of fire of its breech-loading rifles to suppress the mad dog-like attacks of the Holy War; but as the Judgment Knights caught up one after another, they soon became the suppressed party.

Moreover, almost everyone in this group of Judgment Knights is a gifted person, and the power of all kinds of strange blood makes the Storm Legion feel like they are facing the abyss, and at the same time, they have the illusion of being extremely honored... After all, it is difficult to see serious gifted people. Most likely I wouldn't have had the chance to see them use the power of blood with my own eyes, but this time there were hundreds of them!

Of course, this is just their illusion. Although there are many talented people in the Judgment Knights, the general "Lancers" are only captain-level and are required to master the power of blood. In addition, the "Swallow-tailed Banner Corps" is responsible for beheading and reconnaissance operations. Ordinary people The scale and number within the Knights are not small.

But even if there are only a few dozen truly talented people, for a small fortress with less than 2,000 people stationed there, it is definitely a top-notch courtesy, not to mention that the gifts prepared for them by the Judgment Knights are more than that.

A "high-explosive grenade" that is as powerful as a six-pound explosive bomb, a steam spray gun with a firing rate of thirty rounds per minute, and a "Hellfire" launcher that resembles a gun... There are only five hundred people, and the intensity and density of firepower are comparable to one An infantry division of five thousand men.

"Bang bang bang bang bang...!!!!"

Rapid gunshots rang out, exploding a column of smoke and dust on the stone wall bunker; Karl, who was hiding behind, fell down almost instinctively, not forgetting to push Julien, who was following him, to the ground.

"Chief of Staff, what should we do next?!"

Not caring about how an ordinary man like Karl suddenly had so much strength, the commander of the 5th Infantry Regiment raised his head nervously: "If this continues, the headquarters will be lost again!"

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know..."

Karl, with dull eyes, lay on the ground and kept mumbling to himself, as if he was completely frightened: "Here is the Ring of Order. This is the first time I have seen such a thing in my life..."




"It's continuous, da da da… and it's still emitting blue fire…"


Seeing that there was no hope for the chief of staff, Julien sighed and had no choice but to drag him to a corner in the bunker. He braved artillery fire and hail of bullets and rushed out alone.

After several rounds of battles, the casualties of the retreating headquarters defenders have approached 10%, and the number of minor injuries has long been incalculable. Moreover, as long as they lean out from behind the bunker, they will be "clicked, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot". "Hit the rifle with a burst of fire, and it will turn into a puddle of minced meat before you can even dodge.

In this case, the battle obviously becomes a one-sided attack. The Jihadi soldiers can rush into bunkers with confidence and boldness under the cover of the Judgment Knights, and start face-to-face hand-to-hand combat with the headquarters defenders stationed inside.

And it doesn't matter even if you lose... As long as the attack fails, the Judgment Knight hiding behind will set up "Hellfire" and fire the cannonballs that will ignite the fire into the bunker, burning the defeated troops and the enemy to pieces ash……

So except for a few strongholds and bunkers that were difficult to attack even with projectile trajectories, the Holy War Army almost captured a third of the headquarters with a sweeping force, even faster than the previous Storm Legion.

At the same time, they don't really need to completely defeat the headquarters defenders, because there are still two to three thousand prisoners sent by the Jihad Army to garrison here... As long as the Storm Legion can no longer maintain control over them, these people will be like bombs. While the defenders were retreating steadily, a center blossomed.

"So this is the reason why you want to release the prisoners and give them the ammunition depot and fort directly?"

Artillery battalion commander Jaroshenko looked at Julien who had been baptized by the flames of war with an incomprehensible look on his face. He could hardly find any intact part of his body: "伱, are you okay?"

"No, I'm fine now and very sober!" Julien wiped the dust from his face. Nervous and excited, he spoke unscrupulously for a moment: "The problem now is that these prisoners are basically in a group." Bombs may launch a riot at any time to coordinate the attack on our Judgment Knights!"

"If we don't find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible, and if we retreat to the innermost towers and houses of the headquarters and build fortifications in the middle of the playground like they did before, the end may be even more tragic than theirs - don't Forgot, the other side has repeating rifles and weird small-caliber mortars, so we can’t defend such an open terrain!”

"Then we have to give them the ammunition depot and the fort?!"

"Yes, because this is the only place that can attract the attention of the Judgment Knights!" Julien's eyes flashed with a light called madness:

"Ordering the entire army to retreat, but leaving the prisoners next to the ammunition depot, deliberately leaving a few people unshackled, or leaving the keys in an obvious place - the first goal of the jihadi army to retake the headquarters is to contact the enemy. They will definitely not let go of the threats in the town."

"That makes sense, but if the fort is destroyed, won't there be no point in taking back the headquarters?" Jaroshenko, who was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought of this question.

"On the contrary, the headquarters of the destroyed fort is equally important to the Storm Army...the New World Army. It does not lie in whether it can bombard towns, but in the initiative of offense and defense, so as to divert the enemy's attention to the east anytime and anywhere." Julien He suddenly stepped forward and pressed the artillery battalion commander's shoulder violently:

"Believe me, this plan will definitely succeed - even if it were the Commander-in-Chief, he would definitely do it!"


Jaroshenko twitched his lips. He finally realized why this crazy plan always felt so familiar - the commander of the 5th Infantry Regiment, who looked so quiet and elegant, simple and aristocratic, was actually the crazy commander-in-chief. A fervent admirer of...

"Where there is no Commander-in-Chief, there will be a second person who takes the place of the Commander-in-Chief and is responsible for coming up with these bad ideas that are unreliable in any case... With the Ring of Order above, is this the fate of the Storm Legion?"


Scattered gunshots rang out on the battlefield, and unknowingly, the city gate around the headquarters had been completely reduced to rubble by the Judgment Knights, and no more defenders could be seen.

The Holy War Army, which originally planned to continue the pursuit, was forced to stop by the grand leader of the Judgment Knights. They stayed on the spot to clean up the battlefield. At the same time, they reorganized their ranks and reorganized the Holy War Army, which was about to become a mess.

Grad Manfred learned the lesson from the previous Battle of Red Hand Bay. A blind attack can easily cause the army to lose its organization because it cannot get a clear signal. In the end, it will collapse without a fight and be in a dilemma.

In the past, due to the small scale of the Judgment Knights, each of the elite knights had a high degree of subjective initiative, and they were familiar enough with each other to know how to cooperate, so they did not care about this issue; but once it comes to large-scale battles, it is When commanding an army with which you are unfamiliar, organization becomes extremely critical.

Moreover, although the Judgment Knights have fierce firepower, their ammunition is not unlimited, and a certain degree of rest and replenishment is also important.

"Well, what's going on over there?"

Looking at the cheering Jihadi soldiers in the distance, Grad asked casually.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Grand Commander, we captured the ammunition depot and fort in the fortress, and rescued a large number of captured Jihadi soldiers who had just fallen into the hands of the enemy!" the Jihadi commander who followed him closely said with a smile. : "Now the enemy's only means of threatening the headquarters has been completely eliminated, and all the jihadist companions in the town are safe!"

"Conquered the fort and ammunition depot, and rescued a large number of prisoners?" Grad's eyes twitched:

"Have you all counted them? How many prisoners were rescued? Did you capture the guards responsible for guarding them?"

"Uh...there are none of these. In terms of number, there are about two or three thousand people, right?" The commander scratched his head: "I don't know the specific situation. I just heard the report from the ordering soldier. It seems that the other side took all the prisoners when they retreated. Throwing them around the ammunition depot and fort, they were locked up and found the key themselves, bumped into the soldiers who were attacking over there, and then..."

It is logical to regard it as the contribution of the Holy War Army... Grad sighed in his heart. It was not that he could not understand this kind of style and habit after seeing it too many times, but he just vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Even if they choose to give up because they are worried about being unable to suppress so many prisoners, the enemy on the opposite side is too decisive. There are also forts and ammunition depots. Such important positions are actually given up. Aren't they afraid that we will use them to beat them? Or……

"Instruct the soldiers not to get close to the forts and ammunition depots for the time being, as well as the captured Jihadist soldiers, and evacuate these people to the rear as soon as possible. We don't need them to join the attack..."

The words stopped suddenly, and a thunderous noise and dazzling fire interrupted the conversation between the two, instantly attracting all the attention.

Those are fireworks that are enough to eclipse most of the battlefield, and are so gorgeous that they eclipse the sun above the earth.


The loud noise mixed with a storm-like heat wave swept through most of the headquarters in an instant, including the forts and sentry towers around the ammunition depot. The city walls turned into powder, and the blackened cannons and lead bullets shot straight into the sky and turned into powder high in the sky. Meteors one after another.

As for the Jihadi soldiers who were still around just now, cheering and celebrating their victory, they have completely disappeared. The remaining people were either swept away by the violent air waves, buried alive by collapsed walls and bunkers, or were blown away by stray bullets and stones. Hit...death has become extremely easy at this moment, and life is so insignificant at this moment that it can almost be ignored.

The shock and aftermath of the explosion lasted for several minutes, so that everyone from the White Whale Port dock to the New World Legion headquarters of the Supreme Council witnessed this scene that was destined to be deeply unforgettable.

Fifteen minutes later, Grad crawled out from a pile of collapsed rubble and spit out the sand. With his still calm and sober mind, he made a decision that he believed was the most correct and in line with the current situation of the Jihad Army:

"Everyone - withdraw!"

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