I will be crowned king

Chapter 946 Enemy troops, reinforcements? !

Perhaps because of his previous experience in the White Whale Harbor Council, almost at the same time as the explosion sounded, Philus, who was still impassioned a second ago, had already hid in the corner with lightning speed and lay on the spot with his head in his arms. Lying down.

On the contrary, Pavel, who was sitting on the sofa, was delayed in hiding. In a hurry, he could only hide under the table close to the fireplace, and was almost shot by a falling beam.

At the same time, the earth-shattering roar has not ended... The roaring storm dominated the entire dome, and the scorching air waves ravaged the earth at will, and the countless crushed stones and rubble were smashed like thunderstorms. On the landing, the exquisite and luxurious smoking room only a second ago was left with only the remains that were so dilapidated that it was regrettable to leave behind.

With his ears ringing, Philus held his head tightly and fell into a great panic. Countless extremely pessimistic speculations poured into his mind like a flood: Ludwig's rebellion, Pavel Duka's Ski surrendered to the enemy, Fernando Herred was actually a spy for the Clovis people, the Society of Truth rebelled against the party and set off a riot in the city, and the Rune family made a desperate move...

Strictly speaking, these are not even the worst results. After all, if the Holy War Army really ends in a disastrous defeat, the Holy See will have sufficient reasons to organize rounds of Holy War armies to bloodbath the New World.

But for some reason, when Philus realized that the enemy might actually overturn the table, he couldn't restrain his trembling heart. Even though his rapid breathing had brought a lot of sand into his throat, he could still feel the indescribable pain. asphyxia……


A crisp sound rang above his head, and Philus raised his eyes to hide his fright. He was slightly relieved when he saw it was Pavel; the elegant Marquis of the Palace was now disheveled, and his hat was missing. The dusty hair and face perfectly illustrate the word "embarrassment" vividly.

Fehlers, who was helped to stand up, took the telescope handed by Pavel and immediately noticed several warships in the fjord not far away that were spitting out fire and gunpowder smoke. They were firing in rows towards ports and towns. Rounds of shells and billowing black smoke billowed around the pier.

Then, he saw the eleven-star ring flag flying on the top of the battleship's mainmast.

"The Free Confederacy..." Fellers shouted in astonishment: "How could these colonial rebels have their own fleet?!"

"Of course they didn't." Pavel sighed meaningfully, his right hand always firmly on Philus' shoulder:

"Didn't you notice that the shapes of these ships look surprisingly familiar?"

look familiar?

Philus, who was stunned for a few seconds, observed carefully for a long time, and then suddenly, as if someone had pierced the top of his head with an ice pick, the commander-in-chief of the Jihadi Army suddenly felt as if he was feeling cold, and he became restless from head to toe. He was trembling, and a few words came out from under his clenched teeth, as if he was biting hard:

"Three Kingdoms of the North Sea?!"

The equally unbelievable Pavel Dukaski's eyes became confused, and he suddenly remembered the Royal Fleet of Clovis that had left to "receive reinforcements" at the beginning of the battle.

Although they didn't know what the process was and what the reasons were, the answer was clearly revealed in their minds: the Three Kingdoms of the North Sea... more precisely, the pirate fleet composed of the rebellious nobles of the Kingdom of Naxir. Already defected to the colonial rebels!

Currently, there are only a few cruisers and one battleship of the Empire's "Grand Fleet" parked in the port of Beluga Port. In order to strengthen the outer defense line, most of the sailors have been transferred to build fortifications and serve as logistics troops. Only a very small number are responsible for normal operations. The gunners responsible for maintaining and covering the garrison with firepower...faced with a sudden attack from the sea, the fate can be imagined.

As for the Royal Fleet of Clovis that "happened not to be there", they should not appear again until the end of the battle, right?

Pavel, who was sighing secretly in his heart, not only looked back at the battlefield outside the town behind him.

His movements were very small, but he was still noticed by the alert Philus: "What are you looking at?"

"The battle outside the town seems to have no results yet. We are still in a stalemate with the enemy." Pavel immediately responded without changing his expression:

"Being able to hold off for such a long time with a slightly inferior force to the enemy, and still doing so with ease, His Excellency Ludwig is really an excellent leader. Do you want to consider asking him to send some reinforcements back to reinforce the defense of the port?"

"Defense, why?"

"With all due respect, Sir Philus, generally speaking, when a fleet attacks a port, landing operations will not be considered 100%; if the enemy attacks the city under the cover of naval guns, with the current strength of the Jihadi Army in the city, The scale, I’m afraid…”

"That's not necessary!"

Without even thinking about it, Philus directly rejected his suggestion - to let Clovis's mole control the defense force in Beluga Harbor City again, wouldn't it be equivalent to betting the fate of the entire Jihad Army on Ludwig Absolute? Are you loyal to the Ring of Order?

Of course, this cannot be said on the surface: "The defense outside the city is equally important. Besides, we don't know the details of the battle outside the city. It is better not to put more pressure on Major General Ludwig rashly."

I don’t know the details, so I don’t dare to know... Pavel sneered in his heart. Of course he would not reveal the opponent’s face head-on, just like he would not send the troops he had to the dock to become a waste that delayed the landing of the enemy fleet. Taste.

If he was still a little shaken at the beginning, then as the situation in Beluga Port gradually became apparent, Pavel had decided to place all his bets on Ludwig and Anson Bach, and would never let the Holy See get involved in the New World. Benefit!

However, cooperation requires bargaining chips, so the Sir Fellers in front of him, as well as the tens of thousands of people in the town, are Pavel Dukaski's bargaining chips; in the next time, he will ensure that the Jihadist Army Commander The command will not mess around, while ensuring that there will be no accidents that result in a large number of casualties in the town.

In exchange, the Dukaski family should have their own place in the cabins of the New World Company and the Northern Chamber of Commerce... They want to win over the Grand Duchy of Brahm as an ally and prevent the Roland and Bernard families from causing any blood. How?

"Why didn't the port forts on the east and west wings of Ice Dragon Fjord have any prior warning and response?!"

Philus, who was trying to remain calm, could no longer suppress his inner panic. He lacked military experience and now felt suspicious about everything he looked at: "Isn't their mission to monitor the water and be on guard against possible incoming enemy fleets? !”

"Sir..." Even Pavel, who was as patient as he was, began to feel speechless, but he still couldn't help but remind him softly: "The forts on both sides of the port were already in place when Major General Ludwig captured Beluga Port. It was all destroyed and not repaired.”

"Not fixed, why?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Philus saw Pavel's helpless look for a moment, and instantly understood the reason - yes, the colonial rebels did not have a fleet, so who were the two turrets in the port used to defend against? ?

But Philos would definitely not say such a slap in the face, and Pavel also understood it well and had already found a step for him before he spoke: "Of course, although the fort has been destroyed, the Jihadist Army is still there. A small observation post has been established at the original site, and normally it should be able to issue a warning as soon as possible."

"But they haven't had any feedback so far, which means..."

The words stopped abruptly, and he raised the monocular in the direction Pavel pointed; on the towering cliffs of Ice Dragon Fjord, an eleven-ring flag with a blue background and gold stars rang in the strong wind on the top of the mountain.

"If I'm not wrong, they probably took advantage of the darkness last night to do it." Pavel sighed:

"The colonial rebels have taken control of the Beluga Port headquarters, which is equivalent to blocking the only escape route for the two forts. As long as the speed is fast enough and the actions are stealthy enough, the few sentries at the observation station will not even have a chance to call for help. "

Pavel's expression was extremely ugly.

at this time……


A sudden loud noise exploded in the direction of the Beluga Port Pier, and between the narrow fjords, the battleship parked in the center suddenly burst into flames.

The raging fire devoured the entire deck at an extremely alarming speed, extending all the way to the sky along the main mast, shining brightly under the clear sky.

The already chaotic pier was full of people screaming and shouting. The Jihad Army, which was not numerically dominant, tried its best to maintain order and could only ensure that it would not fall into complete chaos.

From time to time, figures holding wine barrels and wooden planks would jump into the boiling water from the anchored ship, swimming desperately to the dock and calling for help; but the jihadists on the shore had long been unable to save themselves, and they could not care about other people's thoughts.

Looking at this familiar scene, Fellers and Pavel looked at each other and fell into silence.


A thunderous sound came again, the burning sail hit the deck of the battleship heavily, and the fire completely enveloped the entire hull.

Facing the sudden enemy, several battleships anchored in the port with almost no sailors were completely helpless to fight back; even the battleships galloping across the sea were nothing more than motionless wooden targets.

Seizing the opportunity, the Naxir rebels poured out their firepower almost recklessly, and the excited gunners cheered, as if they found extraordinary pleasure in firing and hitting the target.

The fact is almost the same... Although Naxir is considered the strongest among the three North Sea countries, it is not even qualified for equal dialogue in front of Clovis or the empire; if the three North Sea countries do not act as a whole, they will not be able to talk as an equal. It will not attract the attention of any force in the world of order.

Such a country that barely gets respect now has the opportunity to ravage the literally most powerful fleet in the entire Order World... The excitement and joy are indescribable.

"We cannot wait any longer, Sir Pheles!"

Pavel said solemnly: "Please give an order immediately and ask Major General Arthur Herred outside the city to send reinforcements to support the port, or at least bring back some of Sir Arthur Herrid's or the Judgment Knights' troops. .”

"Otherwise, when the enemy completely annihilates the warships at the port and begins to land, it will be absolutely difficult to compete with the size of the Jihadi Army in the city!"

Philus, who was staring intently, didn't seem to hear his words, and the tense heartstrings seemed to have made him stop thinking completely, or rather he didn't dare to think.

Transferring the garrison outside the city to the port... It's easy to say, but if Ludwig's army is mobilized, then the entire Jihad Army is at risk of being coerced or even kidnapped by him; in turn, it is replaced by the Judgment Knights and Arthur... The same goes for Hered. Only he knows what Ludwig can do without this final restraint.

But Pavel has also made it very clear: if troops are not dispatched to garrison the city as soon as possible, Beluga Harbor will undoubtedly fall - and this is absolutely literal, there is absolutely no second possibility.

After a brief struggle, Philus chose the safest option: "Send messengers to the front line to transfer the Judgment Knights back to the city as soon as possible to reinforce the port."

"As you command!"

The respectful-looking Marquis of the Palace gracefully touched his chest and saluted, bending his waist to ninety degrees: "Your order is the code of conduct for me."

Looking at the figure of the latter leaving calmly, the corner of Philus's mouth twitched slightly - even now, this representative of the Grand Duchy of Brahm is still as slippery as some kind of gelatinous creature, thinking about the pot all the time. Throw it out and never bear even the slightest bit of responsibility.

But this kind of person is the only one he and the Holy See can win over and bribe... Philus, who sighed secretly in his heart, stood in the ruins and still looked nervously at the incoming Naxir rebels.

At this time, the battle at sea, or the unilateral massacre, has basically come to an end... Although it was only destruction and did not sink any Jihadi warships, the obstacles that blocked their attack no longer existed, and thousands of nakhir rebelled The pirates under the nobles may land at Beluga Harbor at any time holding the eleven-three-ring flag.

Of course, these troops are not many compared to the Jihadist garrison in the city. They are even larger, and their weapons and equipment are considered sophisticated. The problem is that these troops will continue to suppress tens of thousands of people, and if they make a slight mistake, Not to mention the enemy's attack, Beluga Port itself might be blown up first!

At 15:33, after another round of shelling on the port, which completely destroyed the defenses around the dock, the Naxir fleet finally began to put down its small boats and organized its troops to prepare for a formal landing to attack the city.

Philus, who still hadn't received any news from the Judgment Knights, had begun to fall into despair. The cold feeling came like a flood, from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and his limbs gradually began to become numb and weak.

Then, he heard an absolutely unexpected piece of information from Pavel Dukaski, who hurried back:

"What, the Hantu Crusaders...have arrived outside Beluga Port City?!"

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