I will be crowned king

Chapter 947 Before the sunset

Northwest of Beluga Harbor, the road leading to Changhu Town.

In the center of the endless horizon, many figures suddenly appeared. In a dense and neat square formation, hundreds of Ring of Order military flags, accompanied by fast-paced drum beats and loud bugles, slowly appeared in Beluga Harbor. The edge of the battlefield.

"Jihadi Legion - keep in formation - move forward!"

Enthusiastic command slogans were repeatedly sounded from one company to another, making the soldiers who were wearing wet and dirty uniforms, and could barely see the original color of their uniforms proudly puffed up their chests, and wanted to push their knees to ninety degrees every time they stepped forward. , the rifle on his shoulder was pressed hard, the muzzle pointed directly at the blue sky.

This jihadi army of nearly 60,000 people, immersed in infinite pride and heroism, centered on the road and slowly spread out along the hillside with few undulations on both sides, like a torrent rolling up on the earth, towards the direction of Beluga Port. swept across.

And the source of their pride comes from the battlefield in front of them - these 60,000 people will directly determine the outcome of the entire Battle of Beluga Harbor!

The time goes back to almost two weeks ago, not long after the "Red Hand Bay Disaster"... At that time, the Jihadi Army Headquarters had almost made up its mind to prepare to strengthen the defense of Beluga Port and use this important port as a means of annihilation in the north. An outpost of colonial rebels.

But there is a problem here, that is, the Jihad Army has not been able to effectively control the colonies except Beluga Port; even important colonies like Lake Town are still under the control of the rebels (Free Confederacy) Underneath - there must be a jihadi army responsible for clearing out the surrounding rebel forces and capturing Changhu Town at the same time.

Not surprisingly, this responsibility was handed over to the Hantu Jihad Army.

In name, of course, this is because the Hantu Jihad Army has landed in Red Hand Bay. Compared with the legions scattered in other colonies, it has a geographical advantage and is more convenient to quickly organize an attack on Changhu Town. The Holy War Legion and the followers of the Ring of Order in Hantu are also in urgent need of an opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

It sounds nice, but in fact everyone knows that it is not because of this at all.

The essence is that because Hantu is weak and it is a southern country, there is no way to get a share of the cake of the New World. They are here to make up for it; so they simply throw irrelevant work to them and avoid the most important thing. The key main battlefield saves them from having to settle the account after the war.

Although this result sounds unpleasant to say, the Hantu Army is basically satisfied - after all, they are really just here to make up the numbers, and they are not prepared to get any benefits. Although Changhu Town is small, there is always some gain in a hard-fought attack. Counting the achievements of the Red Hand Bay catastrophe, this "New World Holy War Expedition" is almost complete.

But just when these knights who had come all the way were about to lie down and transform into "people of daily life", a shocking news suddenly came - Changhu Town was an empty town, and the main force of the rebels was attacking Beluga Port with all their strength. The Holy War The military headquarters is in danger!

When William Cecil, who came after all the trouble, said, "The survival of the Holy War rests on the shoulders of the Knights of Hantu," the entire legion was boiling; as if a holy light fell from the dome, straight It shined on them.

The Hantu Legion, which was originally ignored and treated as a transparent person, was even at the end of the entire Jihadi Legion in the order of attack, and had not gained a single victory or any trophies, suddenly became extremely important; as if they could not be in time. If they arrive, the fate of the entire world of order will be overturned.

There was no need for any mobilization at all. The Hantu Army left behind a series of baggage and moved forward with light equipment. In order to buy time, they even refused William Cecil's invitation and rushed to the battlefield by land, so that they could join the battle as soon as they arrived.

Under the banner of the flying Ring Army of Order, the knights of Hantu wearing ancestral breastplates are showing off their style, and each of them has a cold expression as if they have become the savior of the world of Order.

It's just that some leaders don't think so.

"All the outer strongholds have been captured, and the most critical highland fortresses and fjords are also in hand. The naval fleet has completely controlled the fjords, suppressing the defenders in the last line of defense... In other words, this attack and defense of Beluga Port Did the war really last only two days?"

Looking at the battlefield down the hillside, even though Lenore Emmanuel was mentally prepared, he still showed a shocked look: "Even for Anson Bach, this result is too exaggerated, isn't it?"

"Really? I don't think so at all!"

Little Leon's mood on the side was completely opposite, and he seemed to be a little out of his mind: "Creating miracles that attract the world's attention in places that no one can imagine, isn't this exactly cousin Anson's consistent style?"

Style... Renault couldn't help but roll his eyes, and turned angrily to look at the Commander-in-Chief of the Hantu Army beside him, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to whom he was loyal: "Then we will have to fight with you, who is good at creation. Miracle's cousins ​​are fighting each other, I wonder if His Highness has already thought of a plan?"

"That's natural!"

Leon Francois showed a confident smile, with a businesslike demeanor: "Although Anson Bach is the idol I want to pursue for the rest of my life, as an opponent, I will not let this longing and blood relationship And forget your duty.”

"It would be better to say that it is because of this vision that I understand cousin Anson's style and habits better than anyone else, and I have enough confidence to resolve the crisis currently facing the Jihadi Army Headquarters!"

Yes, because you all have the blood of Alfonso Francois, and Anson Bach's great-grandfather's father married your great-grandfather's aunt, so you are the one who knows him best in the world... Lenore cursed in his heart.

Leon, who had not heard these sarcasms, was still high-spirited and raised his hand to point to the northeast of the battlefield: "Did you see that stone building that looks like a church over there?"

"The colonial rebels...oh, they seem to be called the Parliament of the Free Confederacy. What's wrong?"

"If our 60,000 people directly join the battlefield, it seems that the situation can be reversed instantly. In fact, this is simply impossible."

Leon Francois talked eloquently: "The area around Beluga Port seems empty, but even so, the number of troops that can be accommodated is still limited. Sixty thousand troops pouring into a battlefield with nearly 80,000 people? Isn't it really true? Not even one-tenth of them can be put to use, and other than containment, they won’t have much effect at all.”

"What's more, there are Major General Ludwig and Sir Arthur Herred holding their positions under the city wall. There is no worry of being conquered for a moment... Rather than throwing the army into an absolutely useless battlefield, it is better to find another way and use other methods. Resolve the crisis for the headquarters."

"Other ways..." Renault, who understood it, showed a flash of a smile: "You are not planning to besiege the enemy's stronghold, are you?"

"why not?"

Little Leon stared with big eyes, shining brightly: "Now the colonial rebels have rushed out in full force to seize time to capture Beluga Port. The three crucial strongholds must be very empty; we just need to take advantage of this Wouldn’t it be more effective to take the opportunity to capture their base camp than to go directly into battle?”

"Not only can it directly threaten the rebels' front and rear, cutting off their retreat and posing a fatal threat, but it can also echo with the defenders outside Beluga Port City to form a two-sided trap, leaving the rebels with nowhere to escape!"

"This... is exactly the decision made by Cousin Anson." Leon, with his hands clasped on his chest, said with high spirits: "Avoid the enemy's sharp edges, attack their weaknesses, do not focus on the enemy's will, and secure the initiative. Keeping it firmly in your own hands is the key to victory!”

The more he talked, the more excited he became. When he was so excited that he couldn't help himself, he took out a small notebook from his arms and flipped it twice to confirm: "Yeah! That's right, that's what it says in the notebook. ——Oops, I gave the original notes to my cousin and forgot to get them back, luckily I kept a backup."

Ah, yes, yes, you are so amazing...Leno was completely speechless: "Then let's..."

"The entire army changes direction and avoids the frontal battlefield!" Leon drew his sword out of its sheath:

"Toward the rebel headquarters—advance!"


The roaring footsteps and the loud bugle vibrated slightly in the air, and even the dock of Beluga Harbor in the distance could be vaguely felt.

Under the cloudless sky, countless figures and flags swept out from the horizon. The brilliance that symbolized armor, spears and bayonets was like sparkling river water, making people unable to bear to look away - the entire white There was no distinction between friend and foe in Whale Harbor, and all eyes were nervously watching this unexpected army.

At this moment, there was cheering and cheering around the port of Beluga Harbor, staring intently at the reinforcements all over the mountains and plains. Some people even cried with joy and burst into tears.

The absent-minded Philus was also not exempt from this. It took him several seconds to finally react, and he still couldn't completely believe what he saw in front of him.

In my impression, the Hantu Crusaders were not just outsiders who were about to rebel, but they were definitely not believers of the Circle of Order who were loyal to the Holy See. It could be said that from the beginning of the battle, I had never expected them to arrive on the battlefield in time. ...But now the facts are right in front of him, and he has no choice but to believe it.

Could it be that the François royal family of Hantu before arriving had secretly reached an agreement with the unknown monastery representative hidden in the legion, in exchange for the assistance of Hantu Legion for the mint of Carindia Cathedral? Shares, or recommendations for the next Archbishop?

No...it's impossible. Even if the Holy See really values ​​Hantu, it's impossible to pay such a big sacrifice. But other than these, what else can make the Holy See make a desperate move?

While Philus was excited and confused at the same time, the Holy War Army in the distance suddenly changed its direction - not towards the battlefield, but further north.


What are they going to do? Philus' expression froze on his face.

In an instant, everyone who was so excited just now fell into panic.

"Is this the plan you said?!"

Louis Bernard stared at the Hantu Army in the distance. Although he had been mentally prepared before, he was still surprised: "How did you do it?!"

"It's very simple, I didn't do anything." Anson shrugged and put away his pipe: "The Hantu Jihad Army... they decided to attack the strongholds we left behind on the premise of complete voluntariness."

"Did nothing?!"

The face of the young knight was full of disbelief: "How is this possible... Even people with no common sense know that there are no troops stationed in those strongholds now. They can be easily occupied by sending a small force. There is no need for a full-scale attack by an army of 60,000 people." ?!”

"Of course it's not necessary for others, but for Han Tu, this is a must." Anson blinked: "Otherwise, wouldn't they have to divide their forces and attack us again, really preventing the fall of Beluga Port for the church? ?"

"……What's the meaning?"

"The meaning is that for Han Tu, since there is no benefit at all in this war, why should we participate?" Anson asked: "It is very simple, that is the pressure from the empire and the Holy See - they have to send all the elites from across the country. Only by speaking out can you avoid being blamed and held accountable.”

"For this reason, Hantu must find a way to avoid casualties as much as possible without being criticized - so they are willing to be the last to set off, willing to be squeezed out to take on jobs that others don't want to do, and march in a hurry when they are called. Going to the battlefield...that’s why.”

"So as long as we go all out and attack Beluga Port without leaving any troops, the Hantu Army will definitely target the undefended stronghold... This is their optimal solution."

The confident Anson silently took out his pocket watch and explained to Louis.

Of course, in addition to this, it was also because Ludwig went through Roman and himself in advance to ensure that Hantu had not reached any agreement with the Holy See, and later on, Renaud specially sent someone to contact him, so he knew about Francois The family has actually established a connection with the Truth Society. Hantu's contribution to the success of things with the Naxir rebels is also due to Hantu.

After learning about this, Anson lamented that the world of Order was indeed full of rebels from the Ring of Order. He finally no longer had any worries and came up with a plan to attack Beluga Port with all his strength, abandoning the three strongholds he had previously occupied. Let the Hantu Army occupy it, and both sides will get what they need.

"Wait, I have a question." Louis suddenly realized something:

"Since the Hantu Army is planning to use the occupation point as a reason not to support the frontal battlefield, and there is no one to defend the stronghold, then... after they occupy the stronghold, don't they have to attack it?!"

"Exactly, so we must end this battle before then." Anson raised his pocket watch:

"It's four o'clock in the afternoon. It won't take more than an hour and a half to capture the position and set up the defensive line, so..."

"Before sunset, we must capture Beluga Harbor!"

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