I will be crowned king

Chapter 955 Long live the Free Confederacy!

"...September 1, 101 in the Calendar of Saints, after long negotiations, countless exchanges of interests, and repeated revisions of the draft articles, it lasted nearly a year and was full of ups and downs in the 'new world' The holy war has finally come to an end.

In my limited memory, this should be the most difficult negotiation. Sir Ferrers lives up to his reputation. As the adjutant of the Grand Master of the Knights of Judgment, his professionalism and reaction speed are really impressive for a secretary. I feel ashamed as a junior official, and I clearly realize that there is still a lot of room for improvement in my future career.

I am not a person who likes to use metaphors, because such descriptions and records can easily cause ambiguity among readers and listeners, but I have to admit that the level of Sir Ferrers's debating and negotiation skills has completely exceeded the scope and scope of my knowledge. The ability that language can describe.

So I, the humble clerk Alan Dawn, can only describe it as follows... If the Ring of Order comes to debate with people, it will probably be a sight no different from Sir Philus.

Alert, talkative, quick to respond, able to grasp the key points in a flash, emotions fully displayed for the required purpose, occasionally unexpected surprises will not be too rude, always clear about one's goals and not too greedy... From where From all aspects, they are all rare and powerful enemies on the negotiation table.

However, his opponent is Lord Anson.

At first, Sir relied on his off-field advantage and understanding of the goals of the Crusaders to gain a certain degree of initiative. Unfortunately, it did not last long. Sir Philus seized on Sir Anson's weakness in retaking White Whale Harbor. Once again, the advantage in the negotiation was tilted to one's own side.

This process lasted for a long time...the two sides who couldn't argue with each other started a long tug-of-war, during which there was almost no stop except for a short break of one or two hours at a time.

Although both parties know that the other party has almost no room for persuasion and compromise, they also know that their time is really extremely precious... The situation outside may change at any time. If it is not finalized as soon as possible, it is likely that everyone will be unhappy. Hope for foreseeable results.

So despite being suppressed, Lord Anson, who was always very physical and energetic, still got the better of Sir Phileas. The latter seemed to have lost his original judgment after the long negotiation, and the Lord seemed not to interrupt the attack. After successive defeats, in the end even the basic bottom line could not be fully guaranteed, and he almost fully accepted the plan given by the adults.

According to the outcome of the final negotiations, the Free Confederation became an independent country recognized by the Church of the Circle of Order. It enjoyed rights and obligations at least equal to those of all world kingdoms of Order. It could choose to form an alliance with any country, declare war, make peace, trade, etc.

In the treaty, Sailing City, Gray Pigeon Castle, Black Reef Port, Red Hand Bay, Long Lake Town, Winter Torch City, White Whale Port and even the entire Ice Dragon Fjord, plus the five eastern colonies, were recognized as the territory of the Free Confederacy, basically It also includes all human activity areas in the entire New World.

These two items are particularly important to Lord Anson and even his colleagues in the Storm Legion, because only with this result and recognized by the Holy See, the Storm Legion can not bear any responsibility for the loss of the colony, and at the same time, it can explain the previous reason by being invited by the Confederacy. war without being classified as a rebel.

As a relatively special colony, Red Hand Bay will set up a Jihadist Army base camp after the war, and will be managed by dedicated personnel and institutions dispatched by the Holy See. However, the territory and local administrative power will still be owned by the Free Confederacy; similarly, there is Sail City, A brand new cathedral will be built there to highlight the authority of the church, and the name seems to have yet to be determined.

All in all, it is a happy ending - at least I think so - the authority of the church is guaranteed. At the same time, the Free Confederacy that Lord Anson worked so hard to create did not perish in the holy war, but became a new barrier to the Ring of Order. Colonize in the wild world and continuously expand the boundaries of the ordered world.

The only regrettable thing is that the Universalist Church, which unites the people of the New World and even laid the foundation for the creation of the Free Confederation, is required to be completely disbanded, all believers must convert, and the priests will be expelled.

Despite Sir Anson's efforts, Sir Ferrers was only willing to give in to the point of "not launching a wanted and extermination campaign for the Universal Sect", and then there was no room for maneuver.

As a clerk who was born in a monastery of the Holy See, I can understand his difficulties very well, and I also know very well that now, forty-seven years after the Calendar of Saints, it is impossible for the Holy See to acquiesce or even allow the existence of a heretical sect... but countless sacrifices have been made for the Free Confederation. It is still a pity that the Universal Sect ended up like this.

All we can say is that any reward must come at a price, although we don’t know whether that reward is worth such a heavy sacrifice.

But no matter what, this is a rare victory; Anson Bach, Clovis' army brigadier general and commander-in-chief of the Storm Legion, personally supported a kingdom, saved a race, and founded a republic. He is only twenty this year. At three years old, his future is bound to be extremely bright.

The day for the final negotiation was set for tomorrow. In fact, it was originally today. However, the White Whale Harbor Parliament, which was the venue for the meeting, was severely damaged during the war. Even if it was only temporarily cleaned up to a usable level, it would not be possible within a day or two. .

Speaking of insisting on holding it in the White Whale Port Parliament, it was also Sir Philus's insistence. He did not mention the reason, but I dare to think that if it is placed in the Supreme Parliament outside the city according to Lord Anson's proposal, it may make the Jihadi Army and even the commander-in-chief Some people have the illusion that the war has been lost, which is very detrimental to the relationship between the two parties.

On the contrary, the Free Confederacy does not matter at all, it can be anywhere; only Sir Louis Bernard is a little regretful; because the war first broke out in Sailing City, and the first cathedral in the New World is to be built there, he thinks It might make more sense if it could be changed to Sailing City.

But meaning does not originally exist, but is given by people; no matter the thousands of people in the new world or the jihadist army, everyone who is tired of the war urgently needs a signal to bring an end to it all, and rush to the Sailing City all the way to return to the city. Organizing a grand ceremony obviously does not meet everyone's inner expectations.

Of course, these are Lord Anson's original words... Although many people are doubting your true intentions, and there are also rumors that hope to weaken the influence of Sailing City, but it is obvious that they are just rumors because they have not been officially verified..."


The atmosphere in the Beluga Port Hall was extremely depressing.

Although the two sides have officially declared a truce, and even announced that all previous conflicts and disputes were caused by misunderstandings, the almost light words cannot make what has happened disappear.

The sacrificed comrades, the towns reduced to ruins, the lost territory... If the two sides are to truly resolve their conflicts, it certainly cannot be done in a day or two.

Of course, it's best not to forget all this too quickly... Ansen thought to himself as he looked at the crowds, which were divided into two groups by the main entrance and aisle.

I have spent so much effort, of course, not to make the two sides put down their hatred. In a sense, it may be just the opposite... For a long time in the future, the Free Confederacy will be a thorn in the side of the Holy See and a target of much attention. Whatever happens here , it may cause the Holy See to make a fuss out of a molehill, or to use it as an excuse.

Of course, this is something that has no choice, or a last resort... It is much better to lock the Holy See's attention in the New World than to have them think about causing trouble in the Old World all the time.

This is also an important reason why families from Hantu to Bernard and Roland in the north of the empire are willing to stand on the side of the New World. Everyone needs a living target to stand up to avoid becoming the next target of the Holy See.

At the same time, for the Holy See, this is also a bitter pill that they have to swallow... If the vigorous Great Holy War fails to achieve even the slightest result, the prestige of the Holy See will fall off a cliff, and even directly destroy the Supreme Prestige of the Holy See, at least in terms of legal principles and beliefs. .

You must know that even now, the Holy See still has no secular interference power. The so-called power is completely based on the core of the leader of the national faith; since he is a leader, he cannot make mistakes, let alone show even a little bit that is not in line with people's minds. A mistake in a perfect image.

Therefore, the Holy See cannot fail, or at least cannot admit its own failure. Then they must accept the suggestions of the so-called "Holy War Base Camp" and not split up the New World colonies. At the same time, they will only target the Universal Sect and the Old God Sect.

While Anson was still reviewing the situation in his mind, two figures walked out of the crowd, one on the left and one on the right in a very tacit understanding, and came to the front of the rostrum in the hall.

The crowd in the hall raised their heads one after another, and the originally chattering chatter was instantly replaced by solemn silence.

The first person to walk onto the stage was Louis Bernard... The young knight put on a brand new knight's dress. Under the eleven-star ring cloak decorated with golden tassels, it looked extremely gorgeous, with countless exaggerated carvings and bronzing. Patterned breastplate.

Judging from the style of the armor and the entranced expression of an elf girl in the audience, Anson had reason to suspect that this treasure was probably made by the Elf Queen Ysel.

Louis, who walked into the stage, had his right hand behind his back, and his left hand exposed from under the cloak was holding the handle of the knife at his waist. His thin and slender figure and the heroic look on his eyebrows made Philez, who came on stage next, look eclipsed, as if he was young. The king is meeting with the rural landowners who have come from afar.

Philus himself seemed to be aware of this problem, but he had been staying up with Anson for several days and nights. Now it was a miracle that he could stand still. He really had no more energy to think about his image. How hard can you keep your spirits up so that you don't lose your composure?

"Louis Bernard."

Step by step, Philus walked towards the other party reluctantly, with two dark circles under his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "This should be the second time we meet. I didn't expect it to be in this way."

"Yes, you are absolutely right." Louis smiled slightly: "If I follow the path of my expected life, I should be a trainee knight at this moment. I sincerely ask you, as the grand leader of the Judgment Knights, Answer my questions."

"A true knight... This has always been my ideal. Becoming a Knight of Judgment was also one of the goals in this ideal. With the blood of the seven knights, there is nothing more glorious than serving the Ring of Order and fighting for the faith. "

The young knight's heartfelt emotion was no less than sarcastic to Philus's ears; especially when the opponent appeared in front of him like a victor, the sarcasm was not too strong at all.

But the other party does have more advantages now, so Philus can only swallow the bitterness and force a smile: "But none of us can go back to the past, can we?"

"No, but the ideal can still be realized in a new way." Louis pursed his lips slightly, showing his serious attitude:

"The Free Confederation will become the strongest city wall in the world of Order, guarding the borders of the Ring of Order, and will continue to expand its territory and spread the glory of the true God to more distant lands."

"And the Holy See will provide all possible help to all warriors who are willing to fight for the Ring of Order."

Now that the other party has expressed his position, Philus of course cannot be negligent. He nodded slightly and said, "May the songs of praise to the true God always ring out in the land where the thirteen-ringed flags are flying."

"With the authority given to me by the Ring of Order, I hereby declare to the world..."

"Under the blessing and guidance of the true God, a brand new country will stand on the earth in the name of the 'Free Confederacy'; inspired by God, it has won the qualification for independence in the most traditional way of ordering the world."

Philus took Louis' right hand, and they both turned around at the same time, slowly raising their hands: "In accordance with the oath jointly made by the Ring of Order and the King of the World, we hereby acknowledge the legal principles of the Free Confederation, and arrive from the harbor of Sailing City. From the mountains of Winter Torch City to the wilderness of Salt Rock City...the sky, the earth, the hills, the rivers, the bays, all belong to the name of the 11-Three Ring Flag."

The rich voice echoed in the hall with the hole in the roof, and together with the sunlight leaking in, it solidified on the faces with different expressions: excitement, excitement, entanglement, heaviness, joy, regret...

For Anson, it was a sense of relief and an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.

"...It was born on this land in the name of freedom. I hope that thousands of believers living in this country can always enjoy unrestrained happiness." Philus was still reciting the content that had been finalized long ago:

"May the dictatorial power, unreasonable tyranny, and oppressive tyranny be shattered into pieces in the wind of freedom, and never come over this land again; may the ring of order always protect thousands of believers who long for freedom and independence, Let them enjoy unfettered happiness that will remain unchanged for hundreds of years, thousands of years and even the end of eternity."

"Long live the Circle of Order...!"

"Long live the Free Confederacy...!"

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