I will be crowned king

Chapter 956 The Significance of Change

As Philus' hoarse voice echoed in the roofless hall, the audience, who had been able to remain silent, erupted like a sudden shower, with a noise that was enough to knock the roof off again.

The members and officers of the Free Confederacy cried with joy one by one, their faces flushed with excitement, they hugged each other with the people around them, their noses and tears clumped together, and they kept shouting the name of the Ring of Order and Long Live the Thirteen Colonies...half of The hall was plunged into a sea of ​​carnival.

Two years... three years to be more precise, nearly three years of disputes, countless blood and tears, from kneeling and pleading to rising up to resist, the colonies finally won the recognized freedom and independence as they originally expected.

Of course, this is not actually the case. The "liberals" within the colonies were not independent at all in the beginning. On the contrary, many liberals who are still alive today are still members of the original "loyalists", and what everyone hopes for is only the local area. It can give greater autonomy and reduce taxes.

But time can not only blur, but also distort memory. For the upper echelons of the Free Confederacy, who finally won the final victory after all the hardships, this was the result of their continuous resistance, countless sacrifices and the will to never back down.

As for colluding with the Old Gods, colluding with the enemy country - Clovis - invading, promoting heretical ideas - the expansion of the Universal Sect - and countless insiders and outsiders, most people even thought about compromising at the last moment. , being pushed hard by Anson and Louis, holding a gun to his head to resist before being willing to persist to the end, this kind of thing will definitely not appear in the official history of the Free Confederacy in the future.

The only possible outcome is probably to become an "unknown truth", live in some people's diaries and third-rate novels, and become a source of conversation for some people.

But no matter what the process was, they did persist until the final victory and were still qualified to enjoy the glory of this moment.

In comparison, the atmosphere among the Crusaders gathered on the other side of the hall was not so cheerful.

Hantu and the Clovis Crusaders had a completely indifferent attitude. After all, the establishment of the Free Confederacy itself did not affect their interests. Clovis lost two colonies, but in exchange for it, the empire completely withdrew from the New World. No matter how you look at it, It's a big profit.

In particular, this new country is almost naturally hostile to the empire. With the attitude that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, it is simply a natural ally of Clovis, and its advantages are complementary in terms of trade - Clovis needs cheap raw materials. , the Free Confederation needs labor, manufactured goods, and efficient production tools and technology, which can be mutually beneficial.

Even because of the hostility between the Free Confederation and the Empire, luxuries such as tobacco, wine, chocolate, and sugar that were not produced in the New World could only be imported from Clovis, and Clovis itself imported quite a lot from Han. Imported from the local area... Even the François royal family, which had no interest at all, could take the opportunity to drink the soup.

In comparison, those who came from the empire, or the imperial nobles and knights headed by Fernando, were not in such a good mood.

The declaration of the founding of the Free Confederacy that Philus spoke of was no longer a yin and yang, but an upright connotation empire, with ridicule written directly on his face.

What kind of dictatorship, what kind of tyranny, what kind of despotism... Doesn’t it mean that the empire is a ruthless, cold, high-pressure and excessive state, not as good as their free and independent Thirteen Colonies in the New World!

Put in any public place, this kind of speech full of hatred and self-superiority is enough to break the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and even start a war because of it. It is no exaggeration - there are countless smaller excuses for starting a war than this. Lift.

A row of imperial noble knights changed their expressions, were shocked, angry, and gnashed their teeth with profound meaning, but no one spoke to protest or object to this act of publicly humiliating the empire.

The reason is simple, the war is over.

This was not the opinion of one family, or the wishful thinking of one party, but the result that everyone acquiesced to; the moment Philus stood in front of the stage and shouted that the Holy See recognized the status of the Free Confederacy, the war ended.

Of course, if the Empire insists on declaring war on the Free Confederacy because it feels humiliated, there is definitely no problem; but the Holy See will definitely be the first to withdraw from the war, because the Church is not allowed to interfere with the secular world.

Since it is a secular war, of course the Free Confederation can also ask for help from the secular kingdoms, Clovis and Hantu, and the latter will definitely not refuse; so the original war of the Old Continent against the New World has become a war between all forces An empire of common resistance.

As for the Imperial Crusaders in the New World, Arthur Herid's Legion has lost more than half, Ed Levent's Legion is on the verge of destruction, and Fernando's Legion has been completely wiped out... On the contrary, Clovis and the Hantu Crusaders have lost more than half of their army. , still well organized, and still controls the choke points and important passes around Beluga Port.

The empire's large fleets are scattered throughout the New World coastline and provide logistical material transportation for the Crusaders. Clovis's royal fleet and the Naxir rebel fleet can be anchored around the Ice Dragon Fjord.

If a war starts immediately in this situation, the empire's army will be annihilated at the speed of light, and the fleet that is difficult to gather immediately will also be divided and annihilated...

The balance of power in the ordered world, and the empire's authority, at least on the surface, sufficient to control the situation, will be shattered in an instant.

So...the war is over.

Moreover, even if he really wanted to do this, would those Grand Duke's troops be willing to fight for the empire?

The pale Fernando turned his head, his sharp eyes passing through the angry faces; he saw Pavel Dukaski who said nothing, and Bernard who had just regained his freedom and was extremely relaxed. Morvais saw Arthur Herred holding his shoulders, as if he was happy and sad for his friend.

Pain... was not enough to describe his mood at the moment, so he also chose to remain silent.

The air in the hall was filled with the cheers of the Free Confederates, and the song of victory was played under the dome.


"So...this is the end?"

At the end of the ceremony, Louis, standing in the empty hall, looked at the still-unrepaired roof and the eleven-star ring flag flying above, with a complicated and melancholy expression.

"Oh, what do you mean?"

Anson, who was sitting in the audience, was smoking a pipe, with an expression of emptiness that had been squeezed out, and leaned lazily on the back of his chair: "The establishment of the Confederation, the formulation of laws, the ownership of the New World Legion, the whereabouts of the Universal Sect, and the ordering of all countries in the world. The relationship...why do I feel like it has just begun?”

Ignoring someone's long-winded words, Louis, who put away his gaze, walked forward with tangled and serious eyes:

"You once said that since we have decided to resist, we must make changes. We cannot continue to let the New World and the Free Confederacy stay in the meaningless reincarnation of the past; even if the so-called freedom and independence were once just lies. , and at least make it have some meaning...right?"

"Yes, that's what I said." Anson nodded slightly and exhaled comfortably: "And we did it."

"What have we accomplished?"

With the scorching sun above his head, Louis asked: "Yes, we defeated the empire and drove all the rulers of the Old Continent from this land...and then what?"

"Liberals, no matter how many titles you give them, it cannot change the fact that the basis of their identity...these people who led the new world to win independence were all landowners, industrial owners, or had their own private armies."

"This is what I thought about that night when I was asked whether I wanted to carry out the siege of Beluga Harbor to the end; the New World is independent, but are they free?"

Louis' eyes became sharper, and the sun cast a deep shadow under his body: "Next, these liberal people will definitely become the rulers of each colony, and then have a seat in the Parliament of the Free Confederation, and then they will inevitably It will be passed down from generation to generation, making the Confederacy theirs."

"I don't want to discuss with you whether the empire's system is excellent, because I can probably guess what the answer is... But I still have to ask, what does this 'confederation' ruled by lords large and small have to do with the kingdoms of the old continent? respectively?"

"Not to mention that they will definitely communicate with other countries in the future. In order to consolidate their family and personal interests, they will marry into wealthy families and give themselves a prominent family name... In the final analysis, compared with the aristocrats of the old continent, they are now only It’s just that there is no title.”

"But I guess that day won't be far away." Louis said softly, whether it was ridicule or emotion: "In this case, the so-called Free Confederacy is just an alternative empire with a different flag... It's still just repeating the reincarnation. .”

"So, what exactly did we change?"

He raised his head and stared at the man who gave him the direction, eager for an answer.

Anson was silent, smoking his pipe continuously.

After a long time, when the young knight sighed and was about to leave, he whispered: "The Bernard family...has always been the duke of the empire from the beginning, right?"

"It's the Grand Duke." Louis, who stopped, corrected:

"This title is actually older than Duke, or it is the original meaning of Duke, which means 'a trustworthy king'. The opposite is naturally a 'unfaithful king' like Clovis, who has never been in The lord of a country who was loyal to the emperor among the first seven knights."

"Hmm... that means that as the grand duke's heir, you are actually the crown prince of Adran, and your status is equal to that of Leon Francois." Louis looked up at him:

"Am I right in saying that?"

"Yes, but that was in the past...the current rule in the world of order is that the Grand Duke is half a level lower than the King. He does not need to salute but should be the first to pay respects. The same is true between the Emperor and the King."

Louis frowned slightly: "Why did you mention these suddenly?"

"And our Bach family is a small baron in the central province of Clovis. I am still the second son in the family, not even a baron." Anson still said to himself leisurely:

"So I am inevitably a little curious. If we were in the Grand Duchy of Adlan, what is the probability that someone like me would want to see you?"

"This..." Louis couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "It shouldn't... be... particularly difficult, right?"


"Of course not. You have a family name, and you are a gifted person. The laws of the empire stipulate that all gifted persons can have the title of knight. Although it can only be regarded as a noble, Adlan has always been tolerant of knights."

Louis nodded slightly and explained seriously: "Whether it is the principality's New Year's party, father and mother's birthday party, occasional cocktail parties, dances, etc... Even if there is no invitation, knights can enter at will; I basically have to attend these occasions, so the chances of us meeting are very high.”

"Ah..." Anson's mouth opened with a smile:

"Then you see, my current position is the commander-in-chief of the Storm Legion. Technically speaking, I am also the de facto governor of Ice Dragon Fjord. Is this possible in the empire?"

"Absolutely impossible! Not to mention you, even your brother who inherited the title is impossible; for a mere baron, becoming the head of the infantry regiment already has the highest status and ability, let alone..."

Louis suddenly paused after blurting out, and his brows furrowed even more: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is actually very simple." Anson's eyes were blazing: "No matter what method it is used, when the change begins, the past reincarnation will no longer exist."

"As for the issues you just mentioned, I admit that they all exist; and there is no need to doubt others. The current Frey family is the best example. Within the next two or three generations at least, this family will have an absolutely indispensable position in the Free Confederacy. His status is unshakable, and he will have no less authority than the emperor within the territory of Gray Pigeon Castle."

"But the Free Confederacy won its independence by shouting the slogan of freedom, and the Declaration of Resistance relied on the promotion of the army, newspapers and the Promise Keepers League, and became something that everyone knows, rather than being shelved. The classics have already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people during the war."

As if he had seen the future, Anson smiled calmly: "For the people living in the land of the Free Confederation, this country is completely based on denying the empire, and naturally will not recognize the rules of the empire. In other words, it is extended by blood. The hierarchy and system that emerged did not exist from the beginning.”

"Powerful wealthy families will definitely be born, and a certain family may even become a royal family in the actual sense of the Free Confederation in the future. There will also be large and small landowners who vassal them, forming the 'nobility system' of the entire country... Definitely."

"But the people living in this land do not think that their strength and wealth come from the nobility of their blood. They do not think that they are born lower than them and are servants who must surrender." Anson said solemnly:

"On the contrary, they will always remember that these superior guys were the same colonists like themselves three or four generations ago, who came to the New World alone to work hard."

"Even if we just let them remember this, our efforts and sacrifices... are meaningful!"

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