I will be crowned king

Chapter 957 I can’t see it anyway

"When change begins, the reincarnation of the past will cease to exist..."

The young knight murmured to himself, with a different kind of brilliance in his eyes; he seemed to have found the answer, but he felt a little afraid and hesitated.

Compared to when he questioned Anson just now, not only did he not suddenly become enlightened now, but he became even more confused.

"From this point of view, you and Freya are really a match made in heaven, an enviable couple... I am serious." Anson, who was not prepared to stop at all, looked at him and prepared to continue striking while the iron was hot:

"You are all the people at the top of the Old Continent, or the world. You all firmly believe in what you have inherited; blood, family, mythology, belief...you are all shaped by these things. In the end, For those outstanding people, inheriting and carrying them forward is almost the only way to realize the value of their lives.”

"Under such a trajectory, let alone the new world, even the probability of you and me meeting is very slim; as you said, the second son of a small baron family can only meet you, the heir to the Grand Duke, in those At a lavish banquet.”

"I don't even need to think about it, I can guess that unless something unexpected happens, there is a high probability that the two of us will not have any intersection."

"...And now, we are friends who know each other's ins and outs, and comrades fighting side by side. This was absolutely unimaginable in the past."

"You mean Freya and I were also influenced by the new world and chose to betray our origins?" Louis frowned slightly: "Yes, I admit this, but what does it have to do with the changes you just mentioned?"

"The relationship is that you are also part of this change." Anson's expression was a little more smiling than before:

"Without you stepping forward at the critical moment, Sailing City would not surrender easily. The Empire still has its roots in the New World. The Free Confederation would not be as closely united as it is now, let alone the invasion of the Holy War."

"This world is never an isolated individual, but a collection of countless people and events. If you want a certain factor or result to appear, it is not enough to rely on one or a few conditions alone. All factors and prerequisites are missing. Not even one."

"Similarly, the impact of an event will never be limited to itself, but will inevitably spread to everyone and everything...In the end, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes, from the edge to the center, and even replace the truth of the past and become the general trend of the new era. law."

"Of course, this takes time, a lot of time... But even so, we can already get a glimpse of the future and know what it will be like."

Although someone seemed to have deliberately made his words ambiguous and confusing, the young knight gradually guessed or understood the meaning:

"You are saying... that the empire, or the entire world of order, strives to maintain, that the past institutions and systems are gradually declining and collapsing, and that the new world that happens to be on the edge has relied on resistance to win a freedom that is completely different from the past, and this Will freedom gradually affect the world of order that can no longer maintain the old order due to the success of resistance?"

After the words fell, Louis and Anson looked at each other. One was confirming his guess, and the other was completely stunned. They were silent for a moment without a very tacit understanding.

Anson Bach: "...Yes, that's what I meant."

Although Louis' reaction was a bit unexpected, Anson quickly reacted: "Just like the archduke in the past was no different from the king, it is even less likely that a mere baron would become the commander-in-chief of a standing army. Order has begun to meet its end.”

"The Free Confederacy is a symbol and a new beginning; the era respected by blood is coming to an end, and a new era is slowly opening its curtain."

"The princes and humble little nobles of the old era worked together with a group of people who made their fortunes from scratch and relied on their own hard work and sacrifice to gain its beginnings; in the future it will surely be out of control." Anson's eyes were burning:

"The storm has begun. If we don't want to be engulfed, then we must do something and change something."

This was what Draco Vertes used to convince himself, and Anson suddenly felt that it was particularly appropriate to use it here.

To be honest, even now, Anson doesn't have the slightest fondness for the Society of Truth. This small group that focuses on making trouble and stirring up other people's ambitions and restless ideas is as dangerous as a natural disaster; and they are not keen on wealth. Excessive purity becomes more and more dangerous.

But I have to admit that in terms of their insight into the situation, they are probably the most powerful group in the world, bar none.

The instability within the empire, the crisis in the Hantu situation, the conflict between the Yiser royal family and the Thirteen Councils, the riots in Clovis City, the tendency of the three countries in the North Sea to unify, the great colonial rebellion...

This group of people can always grasp the most critical points and deal a fatal blow to the "balance of power" that the church desperately maintains.

The reason is probably because this organization is really too mixed... From Ludwig's most trusted lieutenant to a street gangster like a certain novelist, he is so pervasive that even his own legion has at least one member of the Truth Society. .

This is under the premise that they have already suffered a heavy blow, and their strength is far less than before; it is difficult to imagine what the grand occasion of the Truth Society was back then. I am afraid that if there is not one active member in ten people, the rest are all given to others. They tipped off the news.

Maybe in the eyes of others, even I am already a member of the Truth Society.

With a self-deprecating chuckle, Anson stood up silently and walked towards the outside of the White Whale Harbor Parliament.

In front of the door that was smashed by the shells, he couldn't help but stop as if recalling something, and looked up at the 11-star-ringed flag hanging on the roof; the broken flag fluttered slowly in the breeze at the end of midsummer, tenacious. It shows the unruly majesty.

It’s not that the New World Army couldn’t find a flag that was still clean and tidy, but that it insisted on hanging the flag that was first on the city wall, together with the golden fleur-de-lis of the Empire, the bloody unicorn of Clovis, and the red thorns of the vast earth. Flowers and the church's ring of order hang equally above the city gate.

Starting from Beluga Port and ending at Beluga Port...my journey to the new world seems to be a reincarnation.

With a certain emotion full of aftertaste, Anson walked toward the dock.

The young knight was left standing still, meditating for a long time in silence.

He still remembered that when he was in Sailing City, he decided to join the rebels purely out of the basic principles of knights and believed that he should protect the residents of the town; if he did not do so under the circumstances at that time, the entire town would be destroyed. Destroyed by a rebellion full of conspiracy and without reason.

For a knight, there is no other reason to join the battle than to protect the weak, even if doing so will force him to break one or two promises and oaths; in the empire, even the emperor and the archbishop would not do this. If you criticize, you will praise the behavior vigorously.

But what he did was undoubtedly a betrayal of the empire; because he wanted to practice the code, he betrayed the empire that advocated this code and even wrote it into the law...

If it were Anson, he would probably ridicule in the most sinister tone; if it were his past self, he probably wouldn't even think about such a problem, but now he...

In a daze, Louis suddenly realized something.

Perhaps there is nothing wrong with chivalry and principles, but its "correctness" is based on the past era when the seven knights protected the empire; in that dark age full of dark creatures and powerful enemies, the few humans Strong people need to stand up and protect thousands of weak people.

Therefore, the Seven Knights were born, and the talented people who inherited their bloodline appeared. A group of "knights" who gained strength due to their bloodline became the sword and shield of the empire.

In that era, there would never be any knight who had to make a dilemma between his code and his oath of loyalty because he wanted to protect the weak...because they were one.

But today, it seems that it is no longer the case.

The empire is still trying to maintain the order of the past, the emperor is still the guardian of thousands of subjects and even the world, and the knights are still advocating that set of principles, but the times, it...

Louis took a deep breath and stared at the sword at his waist in a daze.

In the past, knights might really be able to protect the peace of a party with it alone, but it is obviously impossible now; even if it is as strong as Arthur Herred, it is just one person and cannot be compared with an army.

As for the apostles in the Old God Sect, not just one or a few talented people can compete with them.

If this is the case, then why is bloodline noble?

Since a country can be established without the guidance of a noble bloodline, and it is a brand new country, completely different from the past, then what is the meaning of continuing to abide by the wisdom, traditions, and norms of the old era?

"Maybe... Anson is right."

The absent-minded Louis muttered to himself.

"Unlikely, what do you mean?"

A voice full of suspicion sounded behind him - the returning Chief of Staff of the Storm Legion stood on the stage, scratching his head and looking at him in confusion.

"Carl Bain...Lieutenant Colonel." The young knight struggled to remember his title. He shook his head and said calmly: "It's nothing, I just felt it. Why are you here?"

"Uh... Actually, the first 500-person meeting of the Beluga Harbor Council after the war is about to be held here. I was responsible for all these troubles before, so I came here in advance to prepare..." Karl twitched the corner of his mouth:

"Well, well, even though I'm here, I didn't hear a word of what you said, really! I'm not going to lie to you, I have no idea what you said!"


Louis couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Actually... I hope you heard it better."


Seeing Karl who was completely stunned, the young knight had no choice but to repeat the topic he had just discussed with Anson and the conclusion he gave from start to finish.

In Louis' view, Anson's statement that he refuted the "blood theory" from beginning to end, despised tradition, and believed that the Free Confederation would definitely usher in a new era of equality and freedom would definitely be endorsed by Carl Bain from the bottom of his heart.

After all, Anson is still more or less a nobleman, and Chief of Staff Karl is an outright civilian. He is able to reach his current status entirely due to his relationship with Anson and his promotion regardless of status. He must support equality and the supremacy of ability. View……


"What the hell, why did you just believe what that...our commander-in-chief said?!"

Before he finished listening, Karl couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Equal status, no matter where one comes from, and freedom? How is this possible?!"

"Why is it impossible?" Louis looked puzzled: "Isn't it the best proof that we can win independence from the Jihadi Army?"

"Pfft... If you think about it carefully, can you win this war just by relying on us?"

Karl smiled and asked: "Without the cooperation of Major General Ludwig, without the negotiations with Pavel Dukaski, without the hook with Hantu...the alliance, without the fleet of the Naxir rebels...it would just rely on the four Will the 15,000 New World Army be the opponent of the hundreds of thousands of Holy War Army?"

"Even if we regard them as allies, among the remaining 45,000 legions, which ones can really be called 'combat power'? Isn't it still our Storm Legion and the knights under your command?"

"Without you, the heir of the Bernard family, why would the knights of the empire join the Free Confederacy, and why could those colonial leaders who are just like useless people persist until now? The reason is very simple. As long as you are here, the Bernard family will be here. In the worst case scenario, they won’t be killed!”


Louis, whose thoughts were in confusion, was at a loss for words: "What about Anson? He is from a small noble family. He started from scratch from the bottom, and proved himself bit by bit with his strength. He has reached his current status and... you, what are you laughing at?"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry...I...hahahaha...I really didn't expect that you actually look at our Commander-in-Chief like this!" Karl laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears:

"Really, actually I think so too, but I'm always afraid. I'm afraid that in the eyes of others, our Commander-in-Chief...he relies on...hehehe...hehehehahahaha..."

"Nothing! Yes, it's really nothing. Brigadier General Anson Bach. He relied entirely on his own strength to continuously prove himself before he became one of the few brigadiers in Clovis. His success was entirely due to his personal efforts, and it was not the same as that of the Franz family. Miss Sophia, Miss Thalia of the Luen family, and those rich and noble people I know or don’t know, don’t have half a copper to relate to each other!”

After saying these words seriously, Karl immediately turned away at the speed of light, shoulders shrugging.

Louis' expression was completely confused: "Then, what do you mean, blood and nobility are still the norms of this world, and the era of freedom and equality will never come?!"

"I'm not so sure, but definitely not at the moment." Karl curled his lips with a look of disgust on his face:

"As for when...it doesn't matter, I won't see that day anyway!"

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