I will be crowned king

A leave of absence, and then a look ahead to the next volume

I originally thought that I would have enough time, but Kongkong suddenly caught a cold and felt dizzy. I really didn’t have the energy to worry about it. I felt that it was not possible to write more than two thousand words, so I had to say sorry to everyone first.

Then comes the next volume... I believe readers who have read this can guess that Ansem will return to Clovis, and then there is a foreshadowing for a long time. An important but not very important character will appear at the beginning of the next volume. By the way The prologue to the entire story begins.

Yes, this is the beginning of the story of Anson's "Crown as King" - after four volumes and millions of words, this book finally gets to the point!

Ahem...that's too far off topic.

Regarding the coronation as king, this is the biggest spoiler in the book, but I believe readers who read this will definitely see that the order of the old continent is on the verge of collapse, the king's power is no longer so stable, and someone has just begun to emerge. The ambition is somewhat against the trend.

Therefore, the key to the problem is where the foundation of royal power is based. Moreover, if someone is no longer a human being, why should he become king? This will be the main line of the story in the next volume.

Finally, there are two small questions (actually a spoiler) - this volume mentioned that the holy city of Boredim of the Old Gods disappeared, so how did it disappear?

And where is the Holy See of the Ring of Order?

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