I will be crowned king

Chapter 962 The Last Hope

Although Talia never thought that she was proficient in the skills of dealing with people - of course she did not need to be proficient - but under the influence of her ears and eyes, she had somewhat mastered some of the keys.

For example, a gift can be either a gift or a yoke.

Converting the property in the name of the Storm Legion into a fund, indirectly holding shares in the New World Company and the annual Free Confederate raw material export quota, it seems that Anson has mastered a thing to unite the Storm Legion, and it will also make Clovis extremely hostile to him. A weapon that attaches great importance to; but on the other hand, it is equivalent to labeling him a "Free Confederacy".

In this way, as long as Anson wants to maintain his importance in the eyes of others, he must keep this label, and even continue to strengthen this identity to ensure that the Storm Legion will still be loyal to him alone, and in Crow Wei Chi is in a hot position.

Then can we just give up on all these and completely get rid of the relationship with the Free Confederacy—or the Rune Family?

Unfortunately, that doesn't work either.

Not to mention that without these shares and funds, how can Anson ensure that his subordinates will not cause trouble and mutiny? There is no suitable explanation for the side effects of his troubles in the new world.

Without a background in the New World, and without the support of the New World Company and the Free Confederation, Anson Bach was not a lonely loyalist with "curved loyalty", but a sinner who lost his position and caused Clovis to lose important interests in the New World.

So Anson had no choice from the beginning. From the moment he set foot on Clovis, whether he was or not, he was the spokesperson of the interests of the Free Confederacy (the Rune family) in Clovis.

Of course, Thalia also knew very well that this level of "shackles" was definitely not enough for Anson - she didn't really doubt anything, it was just that someone taught her too well, and she must be cautious and strive for perfection in everything she does. Strive for every step of the plan to be watertight.

So while Reinhard tried his best to completely convince the middle and lower-level officers and soldiers of the Storm Legion to accept the fund dividends, Thalia found a certain Elf Queen and persuaded Louis Bernard through her to send a free The diplomatic ambassador of the Confederacy returned to North Port with the Royal Clovis fleet.

Then, the name of the ambassador was Baekeland Wetzler - the younger brother of the novice Carlin Jacques and the apprentice of David Jacques.

The reason for choosing him is also very simple: Mason, the previous head of the Wetzler family, died in the rebellion of the Faithless Knights. Baekeland, who was young and fond of art, directly inherited the position of the head of the family and continued to stay in the mixed-race Beluga Port. Even if the Luen family is willing to protect them, it is inevitable that they may be eaten alive by other families.

For such a harmless young man who loves artistic creation to become the ambassador of the Free Confederacy is obviously not qualified to monitor someone after work - or it is very likely that he cannot even complete his job.

In this way, the upper echelons of the Clovis people can turn their attention to the real "ambassador", the outstanding Brigadier General of the Clovis Army.

Whether he likes it or not, Anson Bach has been completely bound to the Free Confederacy; the entire Clovis upper class will clearly realize that he represents the interests of the Luen family.

This...is Thalia August Rune's perfect plan.


"...It's a lie, it's not that complicated."

The smiling girl put down the snack plate and coffee pot in her hands, and sat beside Anson with a graceful posture: "As a fiancée, trust in her husband is the minimum basis for dealing with the relationship between the two parties, so how could Talia doubt it?" Where is dear Anson?"

"The reason why we have to make so many preparations is entirely for the sake of Anson; after all, the Storm Legion is Anson's only base right now. If we can't unite them firmly around him, how can we ensure that in the future we will be able to stay in Crowley?" What’s the future within the dimension?”

"As for the kid from Baekeland... Anson should also be clear of his longing for art. There is no future at all in the new world. He should go to the real center of the world while he is still young and draw nourishment from countless artistic predecessors... Of course It doesn’t matter if you fail, the Luen family will never treat their friends or their families badly.”

"The reason why I specially arranged for him to be the ambassador is because I hope Anson can provide some help. After all, little Baekeland is really pitiful; he lost his father at such a young age, and Talia really can't bear to see him lose his ideals again... …”

"All in all, it was definitely not out of any suspicion of Anson, so I was fully prepared in advance just in case...well, really!"

The girl blinked her big, watery emerald green eyes, and her expression could be as sincere as it sounds:

"So, dear Ansem, are you willing to believe Thalia's words?"

Anson didn't dare to speak at all.

He deliberately glanced at the snacks and coffee on the table, which looked very delicious and tempting; the steaming coffee was refreshing, and the smell of freshly baked biscuits was so delicious.

But the more delicious something is, the more dangerous it is. Who knows that underneath the candle-lit birthday cake, isn't there a sparking grenade that has already begun?

Of course, this is not the point. The point is actually...

"Actually... Thalia knows about Sophia Franz." The girl suddenly said, as if she had brought up a trivial topic very casually:

"Freya mistakenly thought that Talia knew nothing, but in fact, Talia had met Miss Sophia a long time ago; even the black mage lady from the trial had already met once."

"But so what, dear Anson has only had an intersection with them. They have never really understood each other in depth, and have never completely opened their hearts to each other. In human time scale, it may be called They are friends, but if you put them on the time scale of the spell caster and the blasphemous mage... they are just passers-by."

The girl chuckled, her tone and demeanor revealing unparalleled confidence: "Thalia really doesn't understand why 'emotions' are so fragile in the cognition of the Elf Queen; well, maybe it's really because She is really too fragile and has low self-esteem, and she imagines being abandoned by Sir Louis Bernard all the time, right?"

"But Anson and Thalia are completely different. We have already made a contract and have a deep understanding of each other; there are no secrets between us."

Picking up the coffee cup on the table, the girl approached little by little: "Anson's dream, Thalia's dream, had already opened the curtain on that morning at Lund Manor, and the gorgeous and solemn drama had begun to be staged. Any No one can interrupt it.”

"Anyone." Thalia spoke clearly, word by word:

"Nothing can be done."

Anson, who was smiling, was trembling in his heart over and over again.

It's not that he objected to anything, after all, what the girl said was indeed true; after he "traveled" to Boredim and became a blasphemous mage, his future path was destined to be inseparable from her, and even the separation was destined to be temporary. .

The blood mage pursues a perfect life, and the curse mage wants to create his own laws...but these are just illusions, or just the most superficial and superficial things. The two, or the core pursuit of the old god's path, is to be the enemy of the world. .

Whether it is becoming an eternal existence, or creating a code that is different from this world, becoming the enemy of this world is an inevitable result; even now they are already on the road to fight against the world.

From this perspective, Anson is even glad that he did not take the path of a blood mage when he made the choice; because as long as he wanted to achieve a perfect life, he would inevitably have a conflict with Thalia... with his beloved mentor Judging from Mace Hornard's fate, his own results will only be worse.

The Curse Mage is different... not only do the two sides have no conflict in terms of evolutionary paths, but they can even reach a complementary situation to a certain extent; the powerful vitality possessed by the Blood Mage can make up for the fragility of the Curse Mage's body in the final stage of evolution, while the Curse Mage It can directly tamper with the rules and provide the blood mage with the environment that best suits his strength.

Of course, it is more likely that Thalia's target group for choosing a "fiancé" never included blood mages; if she had chosen the path of blood magic, the best outcome might have been to be used as a tool to send Lisa back. People will never get the Rune family’s angel wheel.

But even this result disappeared because he "traveled" to Boridim thousands of years ago and became friends with August and Rune; the two timelines entangled with him have been completely locked into a closed loop. , unless you get rid of the timeline, it can never be tampered with.

"...The most important point, dear Anson, is that what we represent is the opportunity for dashed hopes to be rekindled."

Thalia suddenly said: "This is not just us, but also my father Rune, August, and the thousands of spellcasters who have worked hard for the 'big plan' and finally fell into despair. The only one who is still Hold on to hope!”


Suddenly catching the key word, Anson was stunned: "Why do you say that?"

"This is my father's point of view... For the spell casters in the past, the contact with the world should be as little as possible, so that they can get rid of the interference from this world, and also avoid being eroded and harmed by their sensibility, and even more Rationally engage in the path of evolution.”

The girl silently put the coffee cup into his hand and spoke softly: "But after fighting with August and countless observations, my father came to a completely opposite conclusion - there is something wrong with the world. Too much involvement will create constraints, but perhaps constraints are the key to final success.”

"Compared with the past, this evolutionary path will be very difficult; the advantage is that it has not been verified by any forerunners; and all those approaches that have been verified...without exception, all have failed."

"They exhausted all possibilities, created a city like Boridim that was too great to be described in words, created countless prosperous and glorious civilizations, and created ancient and glorious families one after another. Then, they ushered in a complete transformation. A miserable failure.”

"But now, the shattered hope may have a chance to be rekindled." Thalia's voice trembled slightly:

"Dear Anson, that opportunity is yours."

I? Anson couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

During the Battle of Red Hand Bay, he did mention this from Rune; the three old gods fell, the spellcasters who lost their guides have been gambling, the Boridim failed, and human evolution gave birth to the perfect bloodline. They also failed, and they also failed in creating a family lineage.

Now, it's their turn to gamble - since avoiding participation in the secular world is ineffective, why not try actively participating in the secular world, maybe it can work?

A situation like Luen's is considered completely hopeless. At his level, he has been unable to find a breakthrough or evolutionary direction for many years. Living itself is like a curse, so death has no threat to him.

As for failure? It doesn't really matter if you fail. No one knows what "success" actually means anyway, so as long as you are still alive or there is no hope of evolution being completely cut off, it is not considered a failure.

As for how to intervene in the world... isn't it already self-explanatory?

"That's right." Thalia nodded slightly:

"So dear Anson must not stop at the status quo, but must continue to intervene in the secular world and leave his own traces in this world; accumulate more power and hold the fate of thousands of creatures tightly in the palm of his hand!"

"This is by no means an easy and pleasant road. It must be full of countless predictable and unpredictable hardships; but with your strength Ansen, there is definitely hope." The girl followed the temptation:

"Of course, Talia will do her best to assist and provide more help. Together with Ansem, we will set foot on the top of the world, and then we will see if this is the truly correct path to evolution."

"But no matter whether she is right or wrong, Talia will never regret it; rather, being able to experience all this with Anson is already a great victory."

Holding the coffee cup handed by the girl, Anson fell into a long silence.

Reason told him that this was Thalia taking the opportunity to continue to deeply bind herself to her. After all, the degree of cooperation between the two parties was no longer at the initial stage, but had truly reached the point where they were indistinguishable from each other; so the Luen family needed to confirm repeatedly that they This collaborator doesn’t drop out or change his or her mind…no surprise there.

But...so what?

No matter what the reasons were for starting, the person I am today is no longer the person I was then; what’s more, even if the other person doesn’t take the initiative to ask, will I give up?

Obviously, I have no time to give up, and I no longer have the same thoughts as before; whether it is right or not, I will embark on this path.


"Let us hope that this road can open the door to success for thousands of spellcasters." Picking up the coffee cups, Anson and Thalia looked at each other:

"May our hardships ignite this last hope."

"My dear...fiancée!"

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