I will be crowned king

Chapter 974 A good idea

The moment the explosion went off, Laura, who was still immersed in the excitement of "the plan succeeded", didn't even realize the abnormality behind her. It wasn't until she saw the young man's panicked face and the flashing light in his suddenly shrunken pupils that she finally realized what seemed to be happening. What.

The flames that burned everything poured into the stained glass windows, melted together with the surrounding walls, and swept towards the panicked people. The two inexperienced people even forgot to escape. One tried to rush forward to block the girl, but his feet failed. Damn, the other one simply forgot that he was still alive and froze in place without looking back.

At this moment, the girl saw a figure suddenly flashing in Baekeland's pupils, wearing a neat black and red military uniform, standing between them and the sea of ​​fire.

"Stay there and don't move!"

Along with the angry roar of the figure, a translucent barrier opened in front of him like an umbrella, separating the fire from the corridor behind him; no matter how the flames roared, they would be annihilated the moment they got closer.

In Fula Laura's eyes, the figure who blocked the sea of ​​​​fire with just one hand seemed to be on a theatrical stage, with countless lights aimed at his back... which perfectly met her expectations for the climax of the atmosphere to be completed.

A heroic appearance at a critical moment is cliché, but isn’t cliché a synonym for classic?

The only regret is that the other party is probably not the "hero" of this drama, but probably the tool "for some reason, he happened to reach out to rescue him", which makes Laura a little disappointed; giving up the role to others in such a critical occasion , it was a direct waste of a God-given opportunity for the emotional sublimation between the male and female protagonists!

"You two, stop standing there and run!"

After the firelight dissipated, Norton Crosell, who had withdrawn from the "Dustless Land", had no time to calm down his breathing. He looked nervously at Baekeland and the girl who appeared from nowhere: "Go to the banquet hall and stay with everyone. The assassin should not dare to go near there for the time being."

"Remember, always stay in crowded places, but don't get too close to them; be wary of anyone you try to approach - remember I'm talking about anyone, including...someone you know. !”

He originally wanted to say "a servant in the mission", but then he thought that it would not do anything except make the other party more scared and nervous, so he had to change his words temporarily.

The frightened little Baekeland nodded, climbed up from the chair in a panic, and dragged the still reluctant Laura towards the other end of the corridor.

It wasn't until they were far away that the commander of the Third Infantry Regiment relaxed his tense heartstrings and looked again at the traces blasted by the fire: the ceiling and the walls on both sides were completely black, and there were even traces of melting on the exquisite marble floor tiles... Directly opposite The windows and the entire wall disappeared without a trace.

With this level of power, and the magical atmosphere in the air, the opponent has at least one conjurer, and the level is not low. It should be that they saw that the power of my blood was restraining them, so they temporarily chose to retreat... Norton secretly thought in his heart Slowly put down his right hand: "Stop hiding, come out."

After the words fell, Jason Fruhauf, wearing a cavalry uniform, walked out from the corner behind the wall with a look of resentment on his face. He happened to be next to the place where the two had just had a "secret conversation": "When did you...find out?"

"At the beginning." Norton said without looking back: "By the way, did Colonel William also tell you about the assassin?"

"Well, that's not true. I happened to overhear him when he was whispering to Lieutenant Colonel Alexei." Jason scratched his head, and then suddenly realized something: "If you say that, do you also..."

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

Directly dispelling the other party's attempt to get to the bottom of the matter, Norton turned back to him with a solemn expression and said, "Go and inform all the officers lurking in the corridor and at the corners of the wall. Don't wait any longer. Go to the banquet hall to assemble immediately!"


The stunned Jason watched the other party walk away with a serious expression, and couldn't help complaining: "Where are those guys hiding? How do I know?!"

"You knew it!"

Norton didn't even look at him again - the most critical task now is to control the situation, and the truth about the assassination mission must not be exposed, otherwise it will be difficult for the Storm Legion and Clovis to end!


Just when Norton realized that the situation was getting out of control, the banquet hall was already in chaos.

Although the guests present were drunk, most of them could still distinguish the difference between explosions, gunfire and fireworks; especially when the guards of the City Council rushed into the hall, notifying that assassins were attacking the Council and asking everyone to Don't leave the scene with panic written directly on everyone's face.

And just when the atmosphere in the hall was boiling, a heavy-faced Norton Crosell walked in from the side door with a revolver, followed by several officers of the Storm Legion, whose expressions were also not very good-looking.

The next second, countless figures in uniforms stood up, unsheathed their weapons, and then...

Aimed at each other.

"Stop, don't move!"

"What did you just do?!"

"Hands up, guns down!"

"You want me to put it down? It's obviously your turn to let it go!"

"Shut up, I'm asking you now!"

In an instant, the officers of the Storm Legion looked at each other, and everyone with different expressions stared at each other nervously - they all got the assassin information from William Cecil, but what they knew was not complete, and some people still I overheard it from others. As a result, everyone was acting independently and noticed each other's abnormalities, so they all came to a conclusion that sounded very reasonable:

The assassin can sneak in so easily because there are insiders in the officer corps!

It should be said that this is actually a quite reasonable guess. After all, although they all work together in the same unit, they all believe that they are loyal ministers loyal to the Commander-in-Chief and His Majesty. As a loyal minister, you should not touch the background of another loyal minister... But after a long time, Even dull people can understand each other's background to some extent, which may be a bit problematic.

In the chaos, Norton, a non-staff member of the Truth Society, appeared the calmest. Alexei, the fire knight designated by the Dukasky family, pointed two guns at the surroundings at the same time. Julien, who had a black background of the Old Gods, held the gun nervously. Leo, who was hiding in the crowd, had his eyes wandering, ready to seize the opportunity and run away first.

The tense confrontation only lasted a few dozen seconds, but for the dozens of officers present, it was no less intense than the aftermath of a long bloody battle.

"What are you doing?!"

Just when everyone was tense, Fabian's calm words broke the deadlock.

He pushed aside the officers around him and strode to the center of the crowd. His cold eyes swept over every officer present: "Although I don't know the specific situation yet, it seems that an assassin is trying to attack the Free Confederate Mission. Disrupting normal intercourse between the Kingdom and the Free Confederacy.”

"In this case, the Storm Legion, as a loyal minister of the kingdom, must take action to stop it as soon as possible! Now that the Commander-in-Chief is temporarily absent, I will issue a task to you as the deputy commander to end this unnecessary internal conflict immediately, and establish a peaceful and harmonious society within the Legion as soon as possible. Reach a consensus and take necessary action!”

Some sonorous and powerful words quickly calmed the panic of the officers; everyone looked at each other's experience and quickly reached a tacit understanding.

So, everyone pointed their guns directly at the deputy commander.

"What is this doing?"

Fabian raised his eyebrows and subconsciously wanted to dodge sideways, but Alexei behind him pressed his gun directly to the back of his head: "Aren't you doubting me? I just knew what happened. I'm better than you." Everyone was quite late.”

"Stop pretending, former Guards officer and royal spy." Alexei sneered and pushed the muzzle forward again:

"We all already know that the employers behind those assassins are people from the Ministry of War - tell me frankly, how did you hook up with them?"

"The Ring of Order is above, I really know nothing about this matter." Fabian said lightly, silently raising his hands and glancing behind him: "Ministry of War? I don't mean to doubt, but Alek Thank you, how can you be sure that he is from the Ministry of War?"


"I guessed it." Norton interrupted. As the unlucky guy who was almost shot to death by his own people just now, he looked at the unlucky Fabian with a slightly sympathetic look:

"Both Alexei and Chief Hank ran into the officer. According to what they said, his appearance was very similar to a senior official of the Army General Staff in my impression. That's why I came to this conclusion - Clovis City, Someone wants to frame Beigang and prevent the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Free Confederacy."

"A reasonable guess, he is indeed...a well-informed member of the mysterious organization."

Fabian was unhurried and even joked leisurely: "As for your suspicion that this matter may be related to the royal family... I can't clarify anything without evidence, but at least I have not received any orders in this regard. "

"And I also implore you to temporarily put aside your suspicion of each other. Once this incident becomes true, it will be harmful to the entire Storm Legion. All assassins must be found as soon as possible and eradicated as soon as possible without leaving any further trouble." ; If necessary, not a single person shall be left alive.”

Only at the moment when he said this, the frosty-faced Fabian once again regained the feeling he had when he was working in the Guards. The chill emanating from his whole body even made Julien and several young officers couldn't help but take half a step back; The mistaken impression that the deputy commander was "gentle" and "understanding" was immediately cleared away.

"I agree." The expressionless Norton nodded slightly, and at the same time turned his gaze to Alexei behind Fabian: "This matter must be ended as soon as possible, and the news must not be spread outside, and the sooner the better."

"The sooner the better, then..."

Alexey vaguely realized something, and whispered as if talking to himself, or as if asking: "Do you still want to tell the Commander-in-Chief?"


"No need."

In the warm secret room, Anson, who was thinking a little, raised his hand to stop the mayor of Beigang who was standing in front of the door and was about to say something: "Your Excellency Francis, no matter what happens in the city council tonight, I know nothing about it. ."


The mayor of Beigang wanted to explain something, but he saw Viscount Bogner staring at him with a serious face and shaking his head meaningfully.

Looking at the two people who had such a tacit understanding, he finally realized something... If the news of the assassination of the mission was known to Anson Bach, the commander-in-chief of the legion, things might not end so well.

The reason is very simple. The Free Confederate mission is escorted by the Storm Legion. If something happens, Anson Bach, who is the first person responsible, must get to the bottom of it; no matter who the mastermind is, the "murderer" of this matter must be caught. ".

Obviously, Anson Bach doesn't want to do this at the moment, because it would be tantamount to a head-on conflict with forces that oppose the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Free Confederacy, or simply want to cause trouble in North Port; for someone who has just returned to Clovis, his identity and situation are quite embarrassing. This is by no means a wise choice for the Storm Legion.

Even not only him, but even himself should not know at best, because as long as he "knows", he must take action, otherwise he will be charged with irresponsibility; but as the mayor of Beigang and on the city council, he simply cannot It was impossible not to know - in other words, from now on, he was already the enemy of Clovis's War Department!

"It seems that our Lord Mayor has finally realized the seriousness of the problem... Yes, the battle between us and the careerists begins now." Viscount Bogner said solemnly:

"It won't be long before they send people to North Port to ask Brigadier General Anson to go to Clovis City, but what awaits you will definitely not be a grand welcome ceremony, but a court trial!"

"For them, both the Storm Legion and the Free Confederacy are variables on the road to the final seizure of power. Since they are variables, of course the smaller the better; they will fight you who has a good relationship with the Franz family but is ostracized by the entire army. Being a sinner who harmed Clovis' interests is very helpful for their internal unity."

"Using the blood of the Storm Legion to let the Privy Council witness the strength of the Army Department is definitely a good deal for them." Viscount Bognar followed the temptation:

"Brigadier General Anson Bach, at this time, you need a partner who can recruit allies for you in the Privy Council. You also need a local force that can scare powerful enemies for you and echo outside Clovis City in order to contain those Man’s greedy ambition and arrogant thoughts.”

"You are right." Anson smiled softly: "But I have them all now, don't I?"


Viscount Bogner nodded, showing a knowing expression: "Those careerists will never understand that their arrogance will only make us more united, and their conspiracy will only make them lift a rock to hit themselves." toes."

"To be honest, I already have a very good idea about the time when you and the Free Confederate mission went to Clovis City and the War Department planned your trial..."

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