I will be crowned king

Chapter 975 Safe and sound!

City Council, beyond the hallway.

Following Christian's "reminder," William Cecil carefully left the banquet hall and came to the area where the explosion had just occurred. He did not stay indoors, but followed the balcony outside and hid at the top of a window. in the shadow.

"...Although I am not a talented person who is proficient in fighting, nor do I have the honor of inheriting the power of my bloodline, there are only two rules for fighting or fighting, either to fight quickly, or to achieve the goal at all costs."

"The other party's purpose is not to assassinate the mission, but to create an incident of 'assassination of the mission'. Therefore, for them, no matter the scene or the momentum, the bigger the better."

"On the contrary, the Storm Legion and Northport must do everything possible to minimize the impact of the incident; even if they cannot completely cover it up, they must ensure that the vast majority of people will treat it as an insignificant matter."

"The demands of both sides are so contradictory, so it is not difficult to guess where the fiercest fighting will be...the square in the front court of the City Council. The Storm Legion will ask the guards of the City Council to block it, and then they will take action themselves."

"Only in this way can the impact be controlled to a minimum; at the same time, as long as the assassins can break through their blockade, as long as one person rushes into the hall and shouts, 'Death to the country folk of the Free Confederacy,' it will be considered a success."

"So what you have to do is to find a location where you can best see the situation, and send out a signal at the critical moment, so that soldiers you can trust and can command will stand guard outside the banquet hall, just in case."

"But... in order to prove their strength to Beigang and the Cecil family, the Storm Legion will probably solve this accident alone no matter what, just as a show of their strength? The so-called preparation will probably become useless..."

Just as William, who was in a daze, was recalling what Christian had just said in his mind, three figures flashed across the pitch-black night before his eyes, and got into a fight under the moonlight.

And it’s incredibly fast!

Alexei Dukasky, who was rushing at the front, had a ferocious expression on his face... The opponent was moving right under his nose. As a result, he became the only regiment commander among all the officers who knew about this matter who had not yet made a "gain". Even Julien, a half-grown child, killed an assassin and accidentally saved little Baekeland's life.

Although he considers himself not a competitive person, this incident still stimulated the pride of the dignified commander of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, so as soon as he discovered that the assassin had the aura of a spell caster, he rushed out and intercepted the opponent decisively.

The assassin blocked by him was obviously very unlucky. His clothes and exposed skin were covered with burnt smoke. He was obviously deliberately keeping a distance from Alexei with lingering fear, and even gave up the opportunity to break through the opponent several times. Don't dare to approach easily.

The reason why William saw him first was also very simple - it was the flaming sword that he waved in his right hand that was burning in the night.


The tip of the knife lightly grazed the ground and threw out a string of sparks. However, it did not die out like fireworks. Instead, it turned into a dancing golden snake, dragging out terrifying fire along the way!

Feeling the heat wave coming towards his face, the assassin's expression instantly distorted. He tried his best to avoid it and soon discovered that the flames were chasing him - to be more precise, they were hunting for his own life force!

The power of Alexei's bloodline is fundamentally different from ordinary flames; its fuel is not fuel in the ordinary sense, but the breath of life.

Therefore, unless the commander of the Second Infantry Regiment can be killed quickly or his flesh and bones are cut off, as long as he is touched, the flame will continue to burn forever until the ignited life is drained out.

In the raging fire, the assassin who couldn't get rid of the "Fire Snake" suddenly looked sideways and cut off the little finger of his right hand with a dagger. At the same time, he activated [Mist of the Undead] and turned it into a cloud of smoke that spread around.

The blood spurting little finger instantly turned into charcoal, and then shattered into charcoal slag and flying dust all over the floor. Alexey, who missed the hand, snorted coldly and shook off the fire on the blade with his backhand.

"Alexei, don't worry!"

Norton Crosell appeared behind him, panting slightly and lowering his voice to remind: "The surrounding area has been blocked by the guards of Troublesome North Port. Deputy Commander Fabian has also gone to bring people over. Reinforcements from the legion will arrive at any time. They escaped." It won’t fall!”

Before he finished speaking, a hand suddenly stretched out from the drifting smoke, and a gloomy gray-white flame ignited on the tip of the withered middle finger, attacking the two of them under the cover of night.

Without a moment's hesitation, the commander of the 3rd Infantry Regiment opened the "Dustless Land" on the spot. The gray-white firelight instantly covered the surroundings of the two people. However, it did not dissipate as quickly as when it attacked Baekeland and Fula Laura before. It stuck to it.

Norton raised his eyebrows. The other party was obviously prepared and guessed that the "dustless land" had a time limit; as long as he waited for the effect of the bloodline power to end, he could turn himself and Alexei into human torches.

The assassin reappeared in the dissipated smoke, with a ferocious and proud smile on his face.

I waited patiently and fought back and forth with these guys for so long just to wait for this moment; two lieutenant colonel-level officers died unexpectedly, and it was useless even if Beigang tried to hide it!

Burn them to ashes! He could calmly rush into the city council, kill the ambassador of the Free Confederacy in public, and complete the task assigned to him by the Lord... Well, why don't they seem to be afraid at all? Don't they understand their life and death? It's all in my own mind...


The gunshot that pierced the eardrums exploded beside him.

The assassin whose smile was frozen widened his eyes, which were stained red by the spurting blood.

Just now...his right hand...disappeared.

He moved his suddenly heavy head tremblingly and looked in the direction of the roar. Before his peripheral vision could catch the extremely cold figure, he flew out with another loud noise.


The flaming shotgun spurted out a cone-shaped barrage, knocking the assassin straight away like a battering ram; the bloody body was like a discarded sack, rolling on the ground for a long distance before stopping. He pulled out blood stains filled with broken meat and bones.

The pale flames attached to the "Dustless Land" immediately dissipated, and Norton, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at Hank, who was walking towards them with a shotgun: "Thank you."

"No need... just thank you. Just don't tell anyone about the bad things I did in the past." The military doctor skillfully reloaded the shotgun in his hand and said jokingly to the two of them:

"This kind of thing is that you are too accustomed to the way of fighting on the real battlefield and do not understand the gang war. There are many people who are bold and patient, even spell casters and talented people are no different from ordinary gangsters."

Before he finished speaking, Hank pulled the trigger again. The screaming lead bullets ravaged the assassin who had collapsed into a pile. The flesh and blood of his "body" could barely be recognized and twitched slightly in the dark red viscous liquid, making an ear-piercing sound. Groaning with sore teeth.

Norton frowned slightly... Although he was in favor of leaving the assassins alive, it was difficult for him to endure such an almost "murderous" behavior; especially after knowing the other party's former notoriety, he became increasingly wary of whether the other party would return to his old ways.

"Don't worry, it's just last-minute hits. I've given up that 'hobby'."

Seemingly seeing the vigilance in his colleagues' eyes, the military doctor couldn't help but smile: "Ah... it's actually a fixed method for dealing with ordinary spell casters; these guys either have particularly strong vitality or have special life-saving means, so They must be incapacitated as much as possible - one round of shotgun fire in three minutes, and even if he is immortal, he still has to lie on the ground and listen to you."


As if he felt that words alone were not enough, the military doctor simply demonstrated it himself - his thick and heavy military boots stepped hard on the assassin, and his blood-stained chest sank directly: "Say, where is your accomplice!"

"Cough cough cough cough cough...!!!!"

The dying assassin coughed violently, turned his scarlet eyes desperately, and sneered at the figure who was pointing the shotgun at his head:

"You...ahem...you think, you think you can stop us like this?"

"Don't be kidding! The adults in Clovis City have already made plans before you traitors came back - the great Clovis will never build a country with a group of traitors and rebels. Join us! You gangsters who help others commit evil will inevitably...!!!!"

Heart-rending screams rang out over the empty vestibule, and Norton's brows furrowed even more.

"If I want to hear these truths, I can just go to the Commander-in-Chief or the priest of any church. There is no need for a scum like you to make irresponsible remarks." The indifferent military doctor smiled contemptuously, and the military boots under his feet slowly work hard:

"Answer my questions obediently, or I will hand you over to Mr. Alexey Dukasky next to you and give you a taste of what the 'Fire Knight' is like."

Alexey next to him first smiled proudly, and then he vaguely felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what it was.

"Ahem, cough, cough...you, just be proud of yourself now."

The assassin, whose chest had completely sunk, still sneered with disdain and stared at the three military chiefs: "Those ambush among the servants of the mission are just baits we deliberately left behind to cover up the movement of the large group of troops in Beigang City. .”

"Who would have thought that you are so hopelessly stupid that you only just discovered such an obvious target! It won't be long before there won't be a single person in the entire city council who can breathe."

"If I were you, run away while you still have the chance. Otherwise, if you are a few minutes later, you will have to prepare to face hundreds of murderous guys!"

With his throat soaked in blood, the assassin sneered wantonly, as if enjoying his last carnival before death.


Hank, whose expression changed slightly, was about to say something when he heard a sudden commotion outside the gate in the distance.

The three of them, who were all too familiar with large-scale collective actions, looked at each other and immediately realized that the assassin lying on the ground... was probably not lying!

More than a dozen, dozens, hundreds... the crowds were already climbing over the gates and walls of the city council, pouring into the vestibule where the three of them were.

Wearing factory uniforms and shabby linen coats, scarves wrapped around their heads and necks, holding hoes, short knives, wrenches, and homemade firearms in their hands... the crowd in "standard gangster attire" looked indifferent and jumped over the wall without saying a word. Entering the vestibule, without any order or guidance, he spontaneously walked towards the banquet hall.

"Isn't this too much?!" Alexey was stunned in shock: "How did they sneak into Beigang? Are the locals all fools? Thousands of outsiders sneaked into their own city and they didn't even notice. Sleep?!"

"It is indeed possible to not detect it."

Norton, who had an ugly face, remained calm: "If you think about it seriously, this place used to be an outpost of the Holy War Army. There must be a large number of outsiders and supplies gathered here. I'm afraid I've already gotten used to it over time."

"Is there any point in correcting me at this time?!" Alexey's eyes were horrified: "What should I do? Are you really going to run away like this guy on the ground said?!"

He wasn't worried about himself, but the city council was now filled with all the powerful families in North Port, including the Free Confederacy mission and the Commander-in-Chief of the Storm Legion... Covering their retreat as soon as possible seemed to be the truly wise choice.

"I agree!" The military doctor was the first to agree, and shot the assassin's head off with a shot: "The fact that the other party can break in means that all the guards of the city council have been wiped out, and there is no point in staying here."


"You three, get down!"

The conversation between the three people was interrupted by a sudden voice in the distance. It was the voice of the beloved deputy commander of the legion that they were all too familiar with: "I will not repeat it a second time. This is an order!"

Perhaps sensing the unusual heaviness in each other's tone, the three people who looked at each other quickly fell to the ground without any hesitation, holding their heads in their hands.

Then, they heard fierce and almost non-stop gunshots not far away, as well as the screams of the crowd being ravaged by a storm of thousands of lead bullets.



The heavy push of the door allowed the light from outside the house to shine into the secret living room. The solemn-looking little clerk appeared outside the door. Without waiting for the consent of Viscount Bognar and the mayor of Northport, he quickly walked into the room, leaned next to Anson and lowered his head and said. A few words or something.

"Louder, I can't hear you clearly." Without looking back, Anson raised his hand to stop the little clerk who was still trying to get closer, and said expressionlessly: "What happened?"

"Lord Anson?"

"Say." Anson looked back slowly, as if he didn't notice the expressions of the two people next to him at all: "What happened?"


The little clerk who finally understood nodded slightly, subconsciously straightened his waist, and shouted loudly to the three people in the room: "The gangsters attacked the city council, and all the Northport guards were wiped out. We, the twenty-five captains and above of the Storm Legion, stepped forward. Come out and successfully stop the gang in the vestibule!"

"The city council...all officers and soldiers...are now safe and sound!"

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