I will be crowned king

Chapter 976 The Value of Cooperation

3:15 in the morning, West Beigang City, Anchor Hotel.

In a luxurious suite with a balcony on the third floor, an unshaven middle-aged man stood by the window holding a cigarette and looking through the gap in the curtains at the night outside.

This was a position he had carefully chosen to have an unobstructed view of the city's main thoroughfares, the city council and the squares near the outskirts; no matter what happened, he could know it immediately.

According to his advance plan, the gangsters entrenched in Beigang would gather around eleven o'clock and launch an attack on the city council, which had no defense at all. They would capture the city council in three hours at the latest.

Of course, it can only be taken temporarily; after all, Beigang is an important town where the Royal Fleet is stationed. Once the sailors react and eliminate hundreds or thousands of gangsters with crude weapons, it will not be easy, not to mention the Storm Legion that has just landed. But there are eight thousand people, an organized standing army!

But in that way, my goal was achieved... The Free Confederate mission was attacked, the security of North Port was poor, and conflicts broke out between the Storm Legion and North Port. These sounds...

Perfect, so perfect.

The only flaw is that the plan seems to have gone wrong with what he originally expected; even if calculated according to the latest time, they should have captured the city council at around two o'clock in the morning, and now...the middle-aged man took out his pocket watch irritably. After a quick glance, the pointer suddenly stopped at four o'clock.

"Damn it!" No matter how calm he was, he couldn't help but curse: "These untouchables from the outer city are really untrustworthy and have no sense of time at all! If they were on the battlefield, they would all gun……"

"Dong dong dong!"

The heavy banging on the door interrupted the middle-aged man's soliloquy. His pupils suddenly shrank and he immediately left the window and hid quietly in front of the bed. He deliberately pretended not to hear the sound and stayed close to the bed. side and the blind spot of the room.

It wasn't until the third knock on the door sounded that the middle-aged man slowly approached the door with heavy steps: "Who knows what time it is now?!"

Even at this moment, he still did not take the initiative to open the door. Instead, he stopped by the wall near the door, his back pressed against the fireplace, staring at the closed door in the darkness.

"City Council guards are performing an emergency search mission." A low voice came from outside the door:

"An hour ago, unknown elements attacked the city council and destroyed a dinner prepared to entertain the Free Confederate delegation; now most of the gangsters have been killed, and we are being ordered to hunt down the remaining fugitives."

"An informant reported that he saw the fugitive running towards the street here."

"No, I don't know!" The middle-aged man said in a panic: "I...it's only what time it is. I fell asleep early in the morning and I don't know anything!"

At this moment, he was surprised and happy. Listening to the tone of the people outside, the plan seemed to be successful. What surprised him was that the losers not only escaped, but also escaped towards him. Are they brainless? !

"Even so, please open the door and let us go in and search." The voice outside the door remained unchanged: "Don't get me wrong, it's just a routine matter. Please understand."

"I understand, I understand! That..." The middle-aged man twitched his throat and touched the revolver hidden on his back with his trembling right hand: "Can you please stop disturbing the things in the room? I left some on the table. I bought a wallet and invited everyone to the bistro downstairs for a few drinks."

"Thank you very much. Please open the door. We can take a look and leave."

"Okay, here we go."

The middle-aged man, with his back hunched over, cautiously approached the door and reached out to open it, still very careful not to keep his body and the door in the same straight line.

The moment he touched the door handle, a roar that penetrated his eardrums swept over without warning.


The golden-red fire broke through the wall in an instant, and the middle-aged man hiding behind was knocked out by the air wave like a cannonball, penetrating the entire room and directly smashing the three-meter-wide bed into pieces.

In the choking smoke, a figure appeared outside the hole in the wall that was blown open. Fabian, expressionless, walked into the room through the hole in the wall with his hands behind his back, and opened the door under the meaningful looks of several colleagues:

"Okay, you can come in now - Hank is going to check the target. Lieutenant Colonel Norton and Lieutenant Colonel Julien are responsible for searching the debris in the room to see if they can find any clues. Lieutenant Colonel Alexei...please wait outside. ,in case."

"Do you think I want to go in?" Alexey rolled his eyes at the messy room: "Why do you want to blast it directly? It's not like you can't force your way in after making such a big fuss in Tokyo."

"The reason is simple, because we can't let each other live." Fabian explained: "It's not just physical death, but also to make his accomplices realize that he is dead."

"This explanation is a little complicated. In short, although the other party is already openly hostile to the Storm Legion, the Commander-in-Chief and we have just returned to Clovis. It is very disadvantageous to declare war rashly when we are single and weak. so……"

"So although we already know who did it, we still have to pretend not to know. Not only do we have to pretend, but we also want them to think that the matter is over, and the important living person is dead, and we can't trace them." Alexey waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, I understand this."

"Absolutely correct. Therefore, as the nominal 'mastermind' of the entire incident, this... Your Excellency, who is definitely not an officer of the Ministry of War, must die without any evidence."

Fabian nodded in agreement and looked back at Hank, who was digging for someone in the rubble: "Chief Military Officer, how is the situation? Can you confirm the other party's signs of life?"

"Uh, wait a minute."

The military doctor who was half squatting on the ground quickly took out two iron awls and a hammer from his tool bag, skillfully placed one of them on the dying middle-aged Tianling Cap, then picked up the hammer and smashed it hard...

"Cang! Cang!"

As the bodies of everyone present trembled slightly, the middle-aged man with an iron awl on his head and chest tilted his head and lay expressionless on the ground like a broken toy.

"Well, that's enough." The military medical chief stood up after wiping his sweat and turned to look at his colleagues with stiff faces: "He should be completely dead now."

Before he finished speaking, he took out the shotgun from his arms and fired at the middle-aged man's body.

"...very good, very rigorous, very scientific." Fabian praised without hesitation: "As for other physical evidence, I guess there is no such thing at all, right?"

Julien and Norton, who were still busy, looked at each other and looked at each other:

"should not."

"That means that all our clues have been cut off here." Fabian nodded slightly and said to himself with a relaxed look: "As for the truth of the whole incident, I think I will never know. Someone can know."

"The city council has urgently approved a wanted order for the murderer of this incident; anyone who provides relevant clues will be rewarded with no less than one thousand gold coins." Norton added on the side:

"Although the reward is huge, I'm afraid there won't be much hope."

No, there should be no hope at all... Fabian secretly thought in his heart, after all, although the status of the Cecil family and the Wang family in Clovis far exceeds that of the army, when it comes to hard power and influence, they have ten The Army Department, with its standing legions and countless levy regiments and local garrisons, was the number one force in Clovis, far surpassing all the local gangsters and so-called wealthy families.

After all... this is a group that unites even Archbishop Luther Franz to stay away; no matter how much the Privy Council and the church targeted them at the time, they only dared to attack the Guards who were so weak and everyone was shouting to beat them. If you really want to offend the entire army, no one in the entire Clovis territory will be spared.

Even if we take it seriously, even the Storm Legion itself can be considered a part of this group; it’s just that his “Brigadier General” is too young, and he was promoted by the Franz family, which has the worst relationship with the Ministry of War, not to mention personal connections. No, almost no more.

As a result, the entire Storm Legion was squeezed out by the Army and became a marginalized and unpopular existence... Of course, the vast majority of them were originally marginalized people; regardless of their establishment, military rank or income, they were all financed by the Storm Legion themselves. There is no talk of being dragged down or implicated.

"But I still have a question."

Just when everyone was about to leave, Alexei seemed to be completely unable to bear it and asked Fabian: "In other words, our mission this time is to get Lu Lu who is hiding in the dark. ...The mastermind of the assassination mission believes that the clues have been cut off and we have not caught them alive, right?"

"It is also to give Beigang and the mission a proper explanation." Fabian nodded slightly: "But what you said is indeed the core goal of this matter, so what is the problem?"

"In other words, from the very beginning, this guy had to die, and he had to die... vigorously, so that everyone could know." Alexey asked: "We, including the Commander-in-Chief, have no intention of hearing from this guy. Dig out any useful information?"


"So...we don't need to gain his trust, we just need to kill him openly?"


"Then why did you keep talking to him for such a long time? Wouldn't it be over after confirming whether he was in the room and then just blowing it up to the sky?"

"...I'm sorry, I can't change my professional habits."


While the officers were "united and friendly", the citizens of Beigang in their dreams also woke up from their beds, either in shock or in horror, looking at the Storm Legion soldiers passing by with great fanfare on the streets of the town.

For the Storm Legion, which has accumulated rich experience in suppression in the colonies, this "temporary operation" is not much different from the after-dinner movement; except that the movement is indeed a bit late, and it is not easy for everyone to have a chance to rest and celebrate. At this time The sudden gathering was somewhat disappointing.

But it is troublesome to them, and terrifying to Beigang, especially the local wealthy families in Beigang.

Thousands of newly arrived soldiers blocked the entire main thoroughfare of Beigang in just a few hours and occupied all the commanding heights around the city council... Although Beigang took the initiative to open itself to the Storm Legion, it only acquiesced to their actions. , but did not give them the map of the town!

what does that mean?

This means that the discipline of this newly returned army, especially the extremely high obedience to Anson Bach's orders; otherwise, even if it were a private soldier from a noble family, it would be difficult to rest and suddenly carry out a mission, which would be easy. In other words, mutiny or rebellion is definitely not a joke.

Secondly, in a completely unfamiliar city, it is possible to quickly control the situation and take absolute initiative at night; this is not a skill that ordinary troops can master. Without rich and large amounts of experience in urban warfare, middle and lower-level officers are of high level. You can perform more complex tasks alone, but you will never be able to complete this kind of operation.

Combining the two means that Anson Bach has a legion that is loyal to him, and this legion is extremely good at urban warfare and skirmishing tactics, and can complete an area of ​​​​the city at an extremely fast speed, even in areas Crackdowns and blockades throughout the city.

The actions of the Storm Legion were to send this signal to both Beigang and the army forces still entrenched in the city.


"What, I didn't lie to you?"

In the secret room, only he and Viscount Bogner, the mayor of North Port, were left standing by the window, smoking a pipe leisurely and looking at the latter: "Bringing Anson Bach into our camp is definitely a profitable business. ——Even if the military strength cannot be compared with those of the generals, the Storm Legion is unique to Clovis in terms of their loyalty to him and their ability to suppress the city!"

"Of course I know this. I have heard this story many times about how a hastily formed storm group with less than a thousand people rescued you from a factory occupied by thugs... I have heard this story many times." The mayor of Beigang shook his head:

"But I know better that without the Jihadi Army, our loyal general would have been the uncrowned king of the colonies at this moment... It is easy to win over him and please him, but how much do we need to give before we can be sure that we will not be betrayed by him? "

"It's very simple, as long as you give him what he wants." Bogner was full of confidence: "A guy who comes from the countryside, works hard to climb up in the army, and does whatever it takes to even dare to confront the Vatican head-on. What do you think he wants? "

"Money? He should not be short of it now; reputation? It's a little possible, but he doesn't seem to care much about it; title? A country noble who failed to inherit the title may be interested, but he must not be easily moved."

"However, during my communication with him, I found that he is actually very ambitious, and ambition is often linked to the desire for power, or the idea of ​​dominating others, so the answer is actually very simple."

"Simple? Hey, you, are you planning to..."

"I just think I can give it a try. I can at least use it as a bargaining chip, right?" Bogner looked out the window. The city in the dark seemed to have a special charm:

"At least...the fact that he has no foundation is his greatest value for cooperation."

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