I will be crowned king

Chapter 979 Irreversible

The moment the words fell, the whole room fell silent.

Clovis City's quick response and decisive decision were indeed beyond Anson's expectations. He originally thought that even if the royal family and the Ministry of War were prepared to regard him as a traitor, they would have to wait until he arrived in the royal capital at the earliest to use various methods to He used various excuses and means to separate himself from the Storm Legion, deprive himself of his military power, and only then took action after being completely isolated.

As a result, he had just arrived at Beigang, and the order to arrest him was sent so impatiently, and he was not alone, but also included the entire Storm Legion. This was a little surprising - how could he arrest the rebels? Everyone from the Commander-in-Chief to the lower-level officers will be spared. Doesn't this force the Storm Legion to rebel?

But what is more important than the attitude of Clovis City is the attitude of its allies: Viscount Bogner made a special trip to inform him in advance, proving that he was well aware of the seriousness of the matter, while the mayor of North Port had more expressions on his face. It was shocking and incredible, that is, he had just learned about this.

In other words, at least their alliance was sincere and not a trap deliberately dug... Ansen secretly thought in his heart.

This is not because I think too much, it is simply that the Storm Legion is too passive at the moment and has no initiative at all. Life or death all depends on the attitude of Clovis City, and how it treats the allies who come to the door. There is no right to refuse.

In a tense atmosphere of silence, Anson, who calmly completed his preliminary judgment, nodded slightly and looked at Karl, who looked heavy-faced: "Thank you, I understand."

"What are you going to do?" Karl asked impatiently. The sweat on his face was not clear whether it was because he was running too hastily or because he was too nervous:

"The people from the Army Department are temporarily detained at the station by the Cecil family, but they must not be for too long. Once they arrive, you will be the first to be arrested!"

"Then let them come."

Anson chuckled casually and said, and then thought about it seriously: "In this way...since they are at the station, I will go with Alan Dawn to greet them now; in addition, you should quickly return to the station and notify everyone in the legion to return immediately. Waiting for orders.”

Welcome, welcome?

The three of them were stunned on the spot. They all looked like "there must be something wrong with their ears" and stared at the Commander-in-Chief of the Storm Legion in disbelief.

Anson was not prepared to explain any more. He patted the dazed little clerk on the shoulder, and the two of them walked straight out of the room.

"Uh, sir, Sir Anson!"

As soon as he walked out of the room, Alan Dawn, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly stepped forward to stop him. His usual calmness seemed a bit at a loss at the moment: "That, that... I personally express my sincere condolences for your behavior of obeying the law. Approval and admiration, but sometimes in order to ensure the greater good, we have to do things that... seem to violate the rules!"

"For example, now...as your secretary, I strongly disagree with your behavior of going to meet with the dispatchers of the Ministry of War! This matter is obviously the other party's malicious use of the current system to cause unwarranted harm to you, no matter from any angle. , are all extremely despicable practices, and there is absolutely no need to pay attention to them!"

The young secretary was rarely excited: "I personally think it is recommended to use the rules in reverse, follow the revised method for handling officers suspected of violating the law in the 78th year of the Saint's Calendar, and require the Ministry of War to provide at least clear evidence of the Storm Legion's rebellion. And an arrest warrant issued by His Majesty the King himself, more or less, can buy you at least fifteen days to two months..."


Gently pressing the young clerk's shoulders, Anson interrupted: "That's enough, we don't need to do this."

Alan Dawn pursed his lips tightly. Although he no longer spoke, his face was almost full of pessimistic expressions of disapproval.

"I understand that you are doing this to prevent me from falling into the trap set by those people, but have you ever thought that our reaction may be expected by the other party, or even part of the trap?" Anson asked:

"It is precisely because the enemies are such despicable people. As true loyalists of the kingdom, we must use upright means to defeat them and defeat them; because they will definitely think that we are as despicable, as despicable and shameless as them. , only interests are in his eyes."

"We must defeat them openly and defeat them; we must let them know that there is such a thing as integrity and loyalty in this world!"

The impassioned Anson could even see the sparkling light in the expression of the young clerk's sudden realization.

"I understand, your plan is to use the enemy to think that we will definitely make the choice to do the opposite, to make the other party misjudge that 'the Storm Legion is an upright and good person', and then use your most familiar Defeat them with all possible means!" The little secretary repeatedly praised:

"As expected of Lord Anson, your plans are always so mean...perfect without any flaws!"

Anson Bach: "...Alan."

"grown ups?"

"Well... in the future, if I don't take the initiative to speak or it's just the two of us, if I don't say anything, you won't have to explain things that we both understand."



Storm Legion station, public cafeteria.

Although he could not understand someone's thoughts at all, Carl Bain gathered all the officers as ordered and announced the decision about the War Department to everyone.

"...Things are probably like this. Even if we want to do something now, we don't have enough time." The chief of staff sighed, looking at his colleagues in front of him with tangled and complicated eyes: "The commander-in-chief has already gone to the station to greet the Army Department. People, you will all know about this from public channels at the latest tonight."

"I don't know what you all think, or you may have known about this matter in advance through your respective channels. Let me tell you my personal opinion: Clovis City has no intention of giving us any time to rest from the beginning. , the matter of being escorted to the royal capital for interrogation was discussed by the adults from the beginning."

"If we hadn't happened to come back a day early, and if it hadn't happened that the Cecil family had a good relationship with us, then... we might not even have had the glory we had yesterday. As soon as we got off the boat, we were publicly declared traitors and taken away. .”

"No, not a traitor, but a suspect."

Norton Crosell said silently: "According to the laws of the kingdom, unless there are clear charges and are sentenced on the spot, the officers who need to be escorted for interrogation can only be regarded as suspects - to put it more euphemistically, they are suspected of committing crimes. But someone who has no substantial evidence.”

"What's the difference between a traitor and a suspect?" Alexey, who was sitting next to him, rolled his eyes: "Anyway, once you are caught in Clovis City and go to court, how can you not convict with just one word from them? thing?!"

"On the contrary, it's really not that simple."

Julien put his hands on the table and explained while thinking deeply: "Although the people from the War Ministry have the right to arrest us and even theoretically charge us, the court that sentenced us and the right to deprive us of our military ranks is in In the hands of the Privy Council and His Majesty himself.”

"So as long as His Majesty and the nobles in the Privy Council don't think that we and the Commander-in-Chief are traitors, then it's useless no matter how hard the people from the Army Ministry call us, right?" Leo looked at the others uncertainly:

"Does that mean there's still a chance for a comeback in this matter?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the officers who were looking at each other, including Karl himself, all looked in the same direction.

"That's true, but I also advise you not to be too optimistic."

In the corner of the room, Fabian, who was in disheveled clothes, hugged his shoulders, lowered his head and whispered, deliberately avoiding everyone's sight: "After all, our enemy this time is the entire Army Department."

The words of the deputy commander of the legion echoed among the walls. It was obvious that he could barely hear them clearly, but they were as heavy as Hong Zhongdalu, hitting everyone's chests.

"The entire War Department...so what?!"

Alexey stood up suddenly and looked at Fabian with some confusion: "We even defeated the Jihadi Army, but we are still afraid that a group of them will hide in the rear and enjoy themselves... Don't pull me away!"

Norton, who had his right hand thrown away, looked at the glances from around him and could only laugh twice.

"Yes, so what if you are the enemy of the entire Army Ministry?" The deputy commander of the legion nodded slightly, but still did not open his eyes: "Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Dukasky, you are from the empire and don't understand the key. This I can totally understand that.”

"Let's put it this way, within the empire, you can annoy a certain lord, a certain duke, or even the emperor himself; it doesn't matter, because their scope of power is limited, as long as they are not in the territory they control, or avoid the people they send people, you will be safe and sound, and even become a guest of others.”

"But no matter what, you can't offend the entire 'knights' class, at least you can't do something that will make all the knights get rid of you. That is a real way to seek death." Fabian raised his voice slightly:

"In the Empire, it's the knights, in Clovis... it's the army, or everyone in this profession; if you piss off the War Department, you'll piss off hundreds of thousands of Clovis standing troops, plus at least two or three times that number of levies. "

Alexei was startled.

"Of course, in most cases this kind of thing will not happen. After all, even if they are all soldiers, they may not necessarily be united with each other. It is normal to have conflicts. As for the Army Department... they cannot fully represent the interests of the entire Army. , and often even have conflicts of interest with the legions below." Fabian sighed:

"But this time is an exception."

"Oh, why?" Alexey didn't understand: "We also started as a levy corps and went through a lot of hard work to become a standing army. We didn't steal anyone's quota or offended anyone's interests, right?"

"On the contrary, the very existence of our group is the greatest violation of their interests." Fabian smiled contemptuously:

"From the Signature Corps to having a standing army, it is enough to make all the officers of the Signature Corps jealous enough to want to kill people."

"As a standing army, we have squeezed out a large number of standing army veterans. After all, the money bag is in the hands of the Privy Council. Even if we have a few thousand more people, the budget cannot really increase the size of a standing army immediately. .”

"What's more, from the War of Hantu, to the Battle of the Royal Court of Yser, and then to the War of Independence in the colonies, in terms of military merit, the Storm Legion has more or less defeated the Empire's legions head-on twice, and the local standing army has defeated them in the past two years. It can be said that there is no result." Karl also sighed:

"Although there are many other reasons for this, who can easily swallow this breath?"

"In addition, our Commander-in-Chief, who started his career thanks to the support of the army's most hated Franz family, has gone from being a small captain to a brigadier general in less than three years." Leo is also deeply aware of this. Feelings:

"Not to mention other people, when I first saw him, I was so jealous that I wanted to shoot him!"

"With various factors mixed together, today's Storm Legion is in a state where everyone in the army is shouting for a fight." Fabian concluded: "As long as the Army Ministry is a little aggressive, we can easily use us to unite more than a dozen people. Vancrovis’ army.”

"We, this group of people, are the best living targets and the best sacrifices - by turning the Storm Legion into Clovis sinners, the Clovis Army can achieve unprecedented unity!"

"Then what are we going to do?" Alexey finally panicked: "We can't really be caught by people from the Army Ministry and put him on trial in court, right?"

"This... partly depends on ourselves." Fabian raised his head and looked at Karl opposite him: "If you can make up your mind to leave the Storm Legion and return to where you used to be, or else simply retire, the Army I think it won’t be too difficult for me.”

"However, based on everyone's loyalty to the Commander-in-Chief, this kind of thing should not happen, so the matter comes to the second step - what to do to avoid the worst outcome."

"If you ask me, it doesn't have to be so troublesome!" Leo snorted with an impatient look, and looked at everyone sadly: "Since they are also new here, and the Cecil family is also on our side, why not... …”

"Wait a moment!"

Karl, who was trying to stay calm, quickly interrupted, his head buzzing: "I think it's more appropriate to treat such an extreme plan as a trump card until the end - of course it would be more appropriate not to use it!"

"I agree. If people from the War Department die publicly in North Port, our alliance with the Cecil family will probably be unsustainable." Norton nodded: "On the contrary, we must do our best to ensure their safety. , to avoid being saddled with acts of violent disobedience that clearly violate the law.”

"Then what do you think we should do?!" Alexey looked quite irritated: "If we wait until tonight, we may all be arrested!"

"Yes, once you are taken to court, things will be irreversible." Fabian said thoughtfully: "If this is the case for us, then..."

"What about them?"

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