I will be crowned king

Chapter 980 Satisfactory Negotiations

That is of course even more irreversible.

The Storm Legion was completely convicted without any substantive evidence, which is equivalent to the two sides completely turning against each other and going to court. Once it goes to court, it is not the Ministry of War's own final decision. It also depends on the king and the Privy Council. Not willing to cooperate.

As loyal ministers of the kingdom, the former at least must have full confidence in themselves. They firmly believe that His Majesty will never fail to distinguish between loyalty and treachery, and will definitely support them.

As for the latter... no sensible senior official of the Ministry of War would think that there is any complete certainty.

So their wishful thinking is obvious... deliberately showing a tough attitude to anger the other party, allowing the Storm Legion to take the initiative to take the blame for their irrational behavior, and then they can justifiably frame it and talk back.

Ideally, the entire Storm Legion would be sentenced without even going to court.

It's just that the Storm Legion arrived one day earlier than them, and all the men lurking in the city have been wiped out. At the same time, the Cecil family took the initiative to form an alliance with the Storm Legion... This is a small flaw in this perfect plan.

This is also the confidence Anson dares to come directly to the door - the other party can't find anything to do with him, and the Privy Council faction headed by Viscount Bognar has also formed an alliance with him. Even if they go to court, the Storm Legion will not necessarily lose.

And if the Ministry of War cannot win this lawsuit, the Storm Legion cannot be turned into traitors who will be infamous for thousands of years. The excuse they originally used to unite hundreds of thousands of troops will collapse in an instant, and may even turn into villains who framed "loyal ministers of the kingdom" , becoming the second of the fallen Guards.

"...So if you two have anything else to ask, please feel free to ask. I will tell you everything I know."

The smiling Anson crossed his fingers on the table, sat on the chair in an extremely relaxed posture, and said with a smile.

In the station lounge, which was as quiet as a tomb, two Army Department officials looked at each other with extremely weird expressions.

To be selected by the Ministry of War to carry out such a difficult task, the two of them are naturally experienced. They have dealt with many harsh and tough-tongued legions, encountered some who were slippery and good at dancing, and also encountered those who dared to violently arrest them.

But someone like Anson Bach who is very proactive, or even more proactive than them, is indeed quite rare; his enthusiasm even made them couldn't help but say: "Do you know that we are here to harm you?"

Of course, as professionals, they changed to a more euphemistic way of saying: "Brigadier General Anson Bach, do you...really know our purpose?"

"If I don't understand, how could I take the initiative to see you two?" Anson said with a smile that said, "You know what you're asking":

"I'm ready to be completely honest. You two can start asking questions at any time."

"You know what we are going to ask?"

"have no idea."

"Then why did you say you were ready to confess?"

"I'm just prepared, but that doesn't mean I know what to confess." Anson laughed again:

"The specific content, of course, depends on the two of you - otherwise?"


The two officials looked at each other again. What should they do? They couldn't say: "No need, we are just here to frame you"?


The officer sitting on the left, with a scar running diagonally across his cheek, coughed twice and said in a ferocious deep voice: "Brigadier General Anson, since you are so cooperative, please describe your experience in Beluga Harbor in the past two years. About the employment situation."

"Who is this?" Anson turned his attention to another officer.

"Ah, his name is..."

"You may call me Major Russell. As for the title, that is not something you need to consider."

Before his colleagues could speak, the scar-faced Major Russell directly interrupted: "Please answer my question, Brigadier General Anson, please state everything you have done in the Beluga Harbor Colony in the past two years."

"If this is the case, then I can only ask for your forgiveness." Anson's expression did not change: "I will not say even half a word to you about this matter, Major Russell."

"Oh?" Major Russell sneered: "Didn't you say you must tell everything you know, but you changed your story so quickly?"

"On the contrary, I did it purely out of business principles."

Anson said seriously: "About all the situations that happened from the time I officially took office in the 101st year of the Saint's Calendar until two or three months ago, a full set of paper reports have been written and handed over to Major General Ludwig. Presented to His Majesty and the War Office.”

"Combined with my personal impromptu dictation without any information, the paper report is obviously more comprehensive, and there is also Major General Ludwig's own assessment report, which is much more objective than me alone."

"As for why you didn't answer... of course it's because you two asked this question, obviously because you haven't seen this report yet." Anson said word by word:

"If there is a discrepancy between the conclusions you have drawn now and my paper report, then did I deceive you two, or did I, Major General Ludwig, and even the entire Clovis Crusaders jointly deceive His Majesty?"


Seeing that Major Russell was about to continue biting, someone on the side quickly stopped him, chuckled and said, "We will study this carefully, and then consider whether to ask you questions after confirming it is correct."

"Brigadier General Anson, please don't be too hostile to the Army Department. We are only acting according to the rules; you and the Storm Legion are just suspects now, and no one is necessarily accusing you of being traitors."

"Of course I know this. Everyone is just doing their job. Conflicts and conflicts don't exist at all." Anson pretended to be indifferent and smiled: "Excuse me..."

"Crown, Lieutenant Colonel, is affiliated with the General Staff like Major Russell, and runs errands for the adults who manage personnel." Lieutenant Colonel Crown said mockingly:

"I've heard about you a lot. It's really not easy. I was caught up in the Battle of Thunder Castle before I even graduated. If it had been for me, I would have gone crazy!"

It’s only been less than thirty minutes since it started, and I’m about to be tricked... Anson shrugged calmly:

"You are exaggerating. That battle only looks hard, but after all, it is an inside battle, and it is actually very easy to win."

"But it was precisely because of that battle that you were able to win the favor of the Franz family and lay the foundation for later holding the Storm Division and today's Storm Legion." Lieutenant Colonel Crown said with emotion:

"How many people can seize the fleeting opportunity like you do? How many people can rely on their amazing talents on the battlefield to turn over and be directly promoted to lieutenant colonel?"

"Even if it is not unprecedented, there are definitely only a handful of similar situations, so the decision you made at that time was correct. Others either couldn't do it, or they didn't have the courage you had at that time!"

Lieutenant Colonel Crown, who did not hesitate to praise, suddenly changed the topic: "But... that was then, not now."

"With the end of the Holy War, more and more people have become aware of the contradiction between Archbishop Luther and the Holy See; at the same time, His Majesty himself has begun to feel tired of the arrogance of the Franz family."

"Continuing to stand with them is not the right option..."

This is to sow discord between me and the Franz family. It seems that even if they have the upper hand, the Army Department is still very afraid of the main protagonist Luther... Anson thought secretly in his heart.

However, it is actually normal for them to do this. Not to mention the transcendent status of the archbishop of the diocese, the relationship between Luther Franz himself and His Majesty the King is the biggest threat in the eyes of the "loyal ministers" of the War Department.

After all, loyal ministers cannot be hostile to each other. If a loyal minister meets someone who is more loyal than himself and is trusted by His Majesty, he must be a flatterer and a sycophant and needs to be criticized and knocked down as soon as possible.

In addition, relying on the advantages of the church, the Franz family has even crushed many wealthy families in Clovis City in terms of financial resources. In the military, they have Ludwig as the backbone, and they are also very prestigious in the army.

In fact, in the eyes of most people in Clovis, Ludwig is the "general star" who has risen in recent years, leading Clovis from one victory to another.

The Battle of Thunderburg, the suppression of the riots in Clovis City, the Revenge of Yser, and the recent Holy War... Except for the few months when the Army deliberately arranged to "sit on the bench", Ludwig rarely lost, almost It is necessary to win every enemy.

After all, unlike Anson, who could be discarded at will, no one dared to conceal Ludwig's military exploits; after adding up the victories in several battles, no one dared to question his rank and military level as a major general.

With steady achievements and absolutely saturated propaganda, no matter how much the War Department hated the Franz family, it could not stop the middle and lower-level officers from admiring Ludwig.

But since they want to target the Franz family so much, then they might as well let them think that their guesses are true... Anson, who was moved in his heart, suddenly sighed:

"Actually... I am also a little dissatisfied with the Franz family."

Um? !

The two people who had just been pressuring and comforting suddenly became energetic and stared at Anson's cheeks intently, trying to read his micro-expressions.

"In the eyes of outsiders, my current status is all thanks to the support of the Franz family, but in fact, when has there not been a big trouble thrown at me and then let me solve it myself?!" Anson complained:

"I won't talk about the Battle of Thunder Castle. I was a student who hadn't graduated yet. Why were you suddenly forced to go to the battlefield?"

"It was the same when we were in Clovis City. They asked me to form a reinforcement group to manage public security, but it turned out that there were only two people in the whole group including my secretary. Even the officers had to figure it out on my own!"

"In the Battle of the Kingdom of Yser, in order to complete Major General Ludwig's genius siege operation, I had to find a way to climb over the Dawn Ice Peak! More than two thousand people got lost on the snowy mountains and almost froze to death on it! "

"After finally defeating the Royal Court of Yser, they didn't even give me a chance to rest. They just sent me to the White Whale Port Colony! In order to prevent the soldiers from mutinying on the spot, I almost went bankrupt!"

"It was the same when I was in the colony. Even though I was far away from the mainland, I still refused to delegate power to me. I also had to protect the interests of the Franz family. How could I guarantee that?!"

"When the Holy War broke out, I turned out to be a traitor... Nonsense, the Holy War came to the door. If I don't join forces with the empire's colonies, do I have to commit suicide to prove my loyalty to the kingdom?!"

...Looking at Anson's endless complaints, the two War Department officials were stunned.

Originally, they just wanted to sow discord between the other party and the Franz family, but now it seems that the Ministry of War has thought too much - there is no need to sow discord here, they are already on the same page!

It seems that Anson Bach cooperates with the interests of the Franz family in everything, and is just forced to do so. After all, apart from doing this, a guy like him who was promoted under the exception and has no personal connections cannot find a second backer, so No matter how dishonest the Franz family is, he has the only choice.

This... if things are like this, it seems that they can be used to make the Franz family's own forces fight each other!

Having thought of this wonderful idea, Lieutenant Colonel Crown looked at his companions in tacit understanding, and then turned his gaze to Anson: "You don't need to be too excited, this kind of thing is actually very common."

"In the eyes of those big shots, people like us are just tools that can be used. They will give you some benefits when they are happy, but they will soon forget you."

"After all, to them, no matter how loyal you are, you are not a member of their family, so why should they waste resources on you?"

"But for us, that is completely different." Crown changed the topic: "We are all soldiers, loyal ministers of His Majesty the King, and the cornerstone of the entire kingdom."

"As long as we unite, we can prevent those wealthy families from monopolizing power and put the entire country on the right track. Your Majesty can truly rule the kingdom without being sidelined by the bureaucracy of the Privy Council!"

"That's right. In fact, I think so too." Anson agreed deeply: "That's why I took the initiative to greet you two, because I firmly believe that we are both loyal ministers of the kingdom and should not distinguish between each other. !”

"So, loyal Brigadier General Anson Bach."

Major Russell, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: "Regarding the accusations of all your actions in the colony, are you prepared to..."

"The two of you and I will leave immediately for Clovis City." Anson said righteously:

"Not just me, but the entire Storm Legion, as well as the Free Confederacy's mission, set out together to speak with the facts."

"If I am really a traitor, then I am willing to be punished; if not...continuing to serve the kingdom and being Clovis's loyal minister is my only wish!"

"And doing this will also have an advantage for both of you - we will set off on the steam train, and on the way you can interrogate other members of the Storm Legion alone; everyone is separated by the carriages, and it is neither possible to collude or escape, right? Whether you can find the evidence depends entirely on the efforts of the two of you, and I will never interfere."

"In this way...are you satisfied?"

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