I will be crowned king

Chapter 981 Sincere Unity

Satisfied, that's really satisfying. Is there anything more satisfying than a live target jumping into the shooting range and letting yourself shoot at will?

Crown raised his eyebrows and lightly touched Major Russell's elbow to prevent him from agreeing too decisively.

Loading 8,000 soldiers and officers into a train, the journey from North Port to Clovis City would not take less than ten days at least... In ten days, even if the Storm Legion is invulnerable and invulnerable to water, there is no way there will be no flaws; As long as there is an officer who is dissatisfied with Anson, or is weak-willed and willing to be bribed, the commander-in-chief will be dead!

What, without the evidence of Stone Hammer, it’s just like framing someone? Just kidding, they are just here to frame you!

One... As long as there is one crime that can kill the Storm Legion and Anson Bach, it does not need to be really beaten to death. As long as the Storm Legion can have a sense of crisis and lose control, the goal of the Ministry of War will be achieved - logically unite hundreds of thousands of people. The standing army, with their merciless fury, overthrew the Privy Council, and welcomed His Majesty to the throne.

Perfect, so perfect, so there is something wrong here... Lieutenant Colonel Crown thought secretly, his many years of experience made him full of vigilance.

From the moment they met, the attitude of the Commander-in-Chief of the Storm Legion was strangely abnormal; every step of his actions was in line with or even exceeded their expectations; the two of them achieved everything they came here to do without any effort. Purpose.

But not only did his suggestion seem perfect, the two of them even had to accept it - even if the other party took the initiative to cooperate with the review, you were reluctant. Didn't you take the initiative to confess that you were evil?

"In that case, we've made an agreement." After a moment of pause, Crown smiled slightly: "As for the departure time..."

"I suggest that there will be a direct steam train to Clovis City tomorrow morning or early tonight." Anson suddenly interrupted:

"It was originally supposed to be a mix of passengers and cargo, transporting a batch of coal; we might as well let the Cecil family from Beigang come forward and charter the car directly for us."

"As for the cost of chartering the car... the Storm Legion is not rich, but if a few of them are willing to nod, they can go to the legion's public accounts - don't worry, we collectively fund it, and the Ministry of War does not need to pay an extra copper."

"...Then thank you and everyone in the legion for your generosity." Lieutenant Colonel Crowne nodded slightly and said calmly: "Since I owe you a favor, please feel free to ask if you have any conditions. It is within your duties. , never refuse.”

"There aren't too many special requirements. There's only one thing I have to say."

Anson chuckled and raised his right index finger: "Since the train is chartered by the Storm Legion, we hope to give up the first-class carriage to the Free Confederate Mission."

"Because we are foreign friends, I would like to ask you two not to set foot in their carriage after getting on the bus, and not to question them in any way. Is this okay?"

"No problem!" Crown agreed simply, glancing at Major Russell next to him from the corner of his eye.

The latter's face was expressionless as he understood it, but the corners of his mouth moved slightly.

Now that it has been said, the Free Confederate Mission must confirm it carefully before it can be considered worthy of Anson Bach's "generosity".

"In addition, my brother Christian is also in North Port and hopes to go to Clovis City with me; I will arrange him in the first-class carriage with the delegation, please understand."

"No problem, that's what you should do to take care of your family." Crown nodded with deep sympathy: "Don't mention you, who in the entire army doesn't do this?"

Great, and then there will be one more subject to interrogate.

Both sides were "bah bang bang!" thinking about their own wishful thinking in their hearts, and at the same time they were wary of the traps that the other party might have laid. It was a scene of very happy conversation.

It was completely impossible to tell that just last night, one of the other party's colleagues and hired thugs were all blown up to the sky, and the other one was deliberately trying to frame the other party as a frame of reference, so that he could watch how the other party was randomly robbed and beaten to death, so that he could be punished.

That's right, just because of what happened last night, Anson couldn't let the other party stay in Beigang for a long time - no matter how powerful the Cecil family was in Beigang, they couldn't hide everything with one hand.

At least for now, Anson is not sure whether there are any Army spies in Beigang City, of course there should be; so they must not be allowed to have any communication with these two Army Department officials.

Regardless of Beigang's attitude towards himself and the Free Confederacy, the private alliance between the Cecil family and himself, and the fact that all the chess pieces they arranged in advance have been destroyed, the later the War Department knows, the better.

The less they know, the more hasty they will be when they start, and the more flaws they will have. Only by being passive can they and the Storm Legion take the opportunity to seize a certain amount of initiative, instead of being led by a few forces and acting as their Cannon fodder and tool man.

Yes, this also includes Viscount Bognar... Anson glanced at the clock above his head casually, the time was already noon.

If it were Ludwig, he would have appeared outside the station by this time, right?



In the secret room of the city council, the mayor of North Port, who was already standing at the door, looked at Bogner who called out to him: "You told me that Anson Bach is crucial to our plan; without him, we will be without him." We have an army we can rely on!"

"But if the War Department discovers our alliance in advance, the situation will be even worse!"

Viscount Bognar bit his pipe, his face as dark as water: "They still think they have the upper hand and don't pay too much attention."

"Once outsiders realize that there are factions within the Privy Council that have secretly formed an offensive and defensive alliance with the local area, do you know what this means?"

"Collusion between powerful ministers and the local government is tantamount to conspiracy." As the head of the Cecil family, the mayor of Beigang knows all too well:

"But they have no evidence. You are just a guest in North Port. No one prohibits a noble from going to a friend's house to have a glass of rum and taste specialties with different flavors from Clovis City."

Seeing him still trying to defend himself, Viscount Bogner couldn't help but laugh: "Francis...oh, my dear old friend, I really hope that I can be as optimistic and cheerful as you, what a wonderful life that way." Happiness!"

"It's a pity that this world is not based on reason or evidence. Once the seeds of doubt are planted, people will start shooting arrows first and then draw targets, so that the results will meet their expectations!"

"For things like rebellion, there is no need to provide any evidence! As long as the Army catches me here, they can make up whatever they want! It doesn't matter whether it is true or false, because as long as we cross the line first, they can blatantly Cross all lines and end up blaming us!"

"When we fail, our companions and enemies will not exonerate us; they will only call us despicable and accuse us of cowardice - they have neither the confidence to fight openly nor the courage to play tricks!"

Viscount Bognar exhaled a puff of smoke heavily: "Remember, this is a battle involving thousands of lives and deaths, and there is no room for any emotion!"

"I don't care about emotions at all. I'm not familiar with that army officer named Anson at all!" The mayor of Beigang slammed the door angrily:

"But he already knows about your existence and the covenant between you and me. If he decides to betray us in exchange for the trust of the War Department..."

"Impossible!" Viscount Bogner objected flatly: "You underestimate Brigadier General Anson too much. He is not that cowardly and ignorant!"

"Oh, you mean he will stick to his agreement and would rather die than surrender?" The mayor of Beigang was very surprised:

"With the Ring of Order, it is really rare to meet such a high-quality Officer Clovis nowadays!"

"On the contrary, our Brigadier General Anson is a very cautious, unscrupulous and excellent General Clovis with a flexible moral bottom line." Viscount Bognar shook his head:

"For him, the alliance with us is a very important bargaining chip. How could he hand it over hastily without even seeing the true leader of the Army Department? It would be such a waste!"

Mayor of Beigang: "...Maybe we are not that important in his eyes?"

"But at least for now, it is in his best interests to cooperate with us." Viscount Bogner knocked on his pipe and retorted:

"In the Army Department, he is just a brigadier general, and together with the entire Storm Legion, he belongs to the marginalized group of people; no matter how hard he tries, he cannot integrate into the circle of that group of people."

"But it's different here. He is the only important talent who has military power and understands military affairs. The existence of you and me can make up for his lack of connections and fundamental shortcomings."

"The positioning between us is of a fully complementary type, and neither party is absolutely indispensable; and because of this, we will not betray each other easily."

The mayor of Beigang sneered: "The person who said this is preventing me from saving one of our most indispensable allies."

"That's right, because the value of the Cecil family is higher in this alliance." Viscount Bognar said righteously:

"You are our biggest trump card. Even if I am the one being questioned and arrested now, if I were asked to make a choice, I would not put the Cecil family at the top of the list of sacrifices."

"Sounds cruel, right? But the reality is that for our common ideals, not to mention allies, even ourselves can be sacrificed. I will be sorry if Brigadier General Anson cannot survive this, but if important people are involved in this, The Cecil family, what awaits us will be irreparable failure!"

"It's so true. I'm so moved." The mayor of Beigang laughed out loud and just sneered:

"I hope that when the Cecil family falls to the same fate, you will not use the same rhetoric towards Anson Bach!"

"Of course not. You two have completely different values ​​from each other." Viscount Bogner disagreed:

"Please remember who you are, my dear friend, you are worth far more than us!"


"What value?! Fabian you liar, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Staring at Fabian who suddenly ran up to her and said, "The plan has to be terminated due to force majeure," Laura Fula looked extremely excited: "I have done everything you asked for!"

"Yes, Miss Furora's execution was perfect, even more perfect than I imagined." Fabian could only say, "But the plan has changed..."

"I do not care!"

Laura flatly refused: "Since there is an accident, then make a new plan. Great adventures are never smooth sailing!"

"But this time it's really too dangerous!" Fabian felt very tired: "Even if there was an accident before, I had a way to ensure your safety, but this time..."

"So what this time?!" Fula Laura looked at Fabian with disdain, and even looked at Fabian with a hint of threat: "Still, you are not afraid of what we did before..."

"You can tell your father now, the mayor of Beigang."


The girl who was snatched was stunned and looked at the figure in front of her in disbelief: "You, you are not afraid..."

"Afraid. How can a little guy like me not be afraid of being an enemy of a wealthy family like the Cecil family?" Fabian looked very indifferent:

"But if we want to make an enemy of the War Department and involve you in it, then..."


Laura Fula's eyes suddenly widened: "Are you saying that the accident was... Clovis's Army Department?!"

"As a bloodline of the Cecil family, you must know something about it." Fabian nodded slightly: "Yes, the man standing in front of you has been accused by the Ministry of War as a traitor to the kingdom. !”

"I advise you to keep a little distance from me from now on, and don't mention knowing me to anyone... If you don't want to be involved, it's better for you to stay in Beigang."

For some reason, Fabian even felt very relaxed after saying these words - he knew that he was about to be in trouble, but he was secretly happy because he no longer had to deal with a "trouble".

This reminded him of his Uncle Joseph - both of them would rather face danger than bear worries; for Uncle Joseph, who was about to set off from Beigang, that man always haunted him. You are actually a "burden", right?

If you think this way, maybe you will become such a scumbag in the future... Fabian couldn't help but laugh at himself in his heart.

"Wouldn't it be better to be targeted by the War Department...?"


Looking at Laura Fula who suddenly became happy, this time it was Fabian who was confused.

"Oh, Fabian, why don't you understand that many novels...cough cough cough cough!" The girl suddenly became serious:

"Many great adventures start from the moment you become a wanted criminal, being hunted or caught!"

"Being hunted by arrogant and unreasonable forces, meeting friends with the same disease, relying on each other, but calculating their own goals... With the ring of order, this is the best start to the adventure!"

"Yes, it's God, it's the Ring of Order telling us that the story of Beigang has come to an end, and the next adventure to Clovis City is about to begin!"

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