I will be crowned king

Chapter 982 New Star

Facing the ecstatic Flora, Fabian, who was always calm, was at a loss; he originally thought he could scare her away, but he seemed to be even more excited.

In desperation, the deputy commander of the legion chose to seek help from his "friendly and united" colleagues. The reason was simple and clear - for the dangerous situation they were going to face next, Furaura was a pure drag and could not help. Anything too busy may become an important breakthrough point for the enemy.

The officers of the Storm Legion were convinced of this, fully recognized the deputy commander's judgment, and expressed their willingness to help - but the specific "method" was up for debate.

Alexey believes that Miss Fulara should be allowed to change her surname anonymously, disguise herself as a man and join the Storm Legion as a "deputy commander's adjutant".

The advantage of this is that she can follow Fabian 24/7 without arousing anyone's suspicion.

Lieutenant Colonel Julien had a different opinion on this. How could a noble girl like Miss Flora compromise? As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place; members of the Cecil family are heading to Clovis City openly, who has an excuse to stop them?

Chief of Staff Karl greatly praised the plan, but also said that Lieutenant Colonel Julien was too young and it was inevitable that he would forget about the flaw that Miss Fulara needed to travel with the regiment.

His point of view is to prepare a double false identity: first let Miss Fulara anonymously pretend to be an ordinary officer and infiltrate the army. If her identity is exposed, she can then falsely claim to be a reporter from Beigang who wants to conduct in-depth investigation.

The advantage of this is that even if it is completely exposed, the reporter can still be regarded as a serious person. Who stipulates that the eldest daughter of the Cecil family cannot experience the suffering of the people? It’s been one hundred and one years since the Saints calendar, but we still have the old mindset that “women working is irresponsible to the family”!

Who dares to say? Who dares to say this, the Storm Legion will use actual actions to physically criticize him.

Norton Crosell was convinced, and he lost no time in adding the finishing touch—how could an interview have no theme?

If there is a theme, then there must be a reason for initiating it; no matter what you do, you must be rigorous and conscientious. You should immediately prepare a complete set of reporter certificates for Miss Fulora and entrust a qualified newspaper to register there in Beigang City.

Before he finished speaking, the impatient officers who had been waiting behind him swarmed forward: military surgeon, chief of staff, logistics staff, cavalry battalion commander, artillery company commander...

After a quarrel called "Help" that was actually a carnival, Carl Bain silently walked up to Fabian and put his arm around him, saying in a serious voice:

"This is probably the situation. After all of us have unanimously agreed, the final advice to you is..."

"...People, we must learn to be content!"

Fabian didn't know that he was not really too greedy, but he knew one thing very well, that is, he had definitely found the wrong person for help.

Here the Storm Legion is busy with the life-long affairs of the deputy commander, and over there the Cecil family has also used the fastest speed to arrange the departure of the steam train for the officials of the Free Confederacy, the Storm Legion and the Ministry of War.

Its name is "Nova".

This is a new type of train that has been relatively rare in the Kingdom of Clovis in recent years - due to repeated frictions with the Empire and the suspension of the "Grand Cross Project", the Kingdom of Clovis has not designed and built new trains for a long time.

In addition to the lack of national power, another important reason is that the key technology of the new steam train is in the hands of the church; but with the church officially opening up the steam core technology around the 100th century of the Saints calendar, the development and construction of the new steam train has also been limited. It's on the agenda.

The "Nova" that Anson and the others are going to take this time is a product that takes advantage of the church's open technology permissions and the "dividends" of the Holy War; although the design is still not much different from the past, it uses the latest steam core as the driving force. , the speed has increased by a full fifteen percent compared to the past.

"Actually, if we compare it in terms of power, it could have been increased by at least 50%, or even more."

In Beigang Station, standing behind a group of people who were marveling at the new train, the little clerk introduced Anson: "But it is said that because the railway committee believed that designing new trains was time-consuming and laborious, and the production line needed to be updated, it gave up the plan and changed it. Use designs that have been very mature in the past.”

"Archbishop Luther expressed his dissatisfaction with this. After all, the introduction of the new steam core was something he personally handled. As a result, he did not achieve even half of the original goal, which is very regrettable."

"Lady Caterina, chief of the Railway Commission, and Viscount Bogner are the strongest supporters of the new production line, but this time even their colleagues and allies are unwilling to support them, and have expressed concerns about the production of new trains more than once ."

"It is said that due to the increase in train speed and efficiency, the number of platforms that originally need to stop on the way will be reduced accordingly; excessive speed will bring a very heavy burden to the railway tracks that have not been well maintained for many years..."

"At the same time, with the support of the Holy See, the empire also began to build factories capable of producing steam cores, and even began to develop and build ironclad steam warships; Clovis's ironclad steam warship project was delayed again and again, and it was never able to meet the planned targets at the beginning of each year. …”

"Are you implying something?"

Anson suddenly spoke.

"Hint? Of course not." Alan Dawn was stunned, and bowed his head to Anson with a smile: "I am just your humble secretary, just stating information to you that may be useful to you."

"The Steam Core is Clovis' most successful project at present. Railways and steam trains are the foundation of the prosperity and strength of the entire Clovis. Understanding these two pieces of information may allow you to make better decisions at critical moments. for correct judgment.”

"Thank you very much. The information you provided is very helpful and important."

Anson chuckled calmly and said: "No, it is not an exaggeration to call it key information...in short, it is of great help!"

"That is your honor." The little secretary holding the document package slowly raised his head: "As your secretary, it is your most important mission to always protect your interests!"

The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"What are you two talking about, so happy?"

Seeing his commander-in-chief hiding in the corner, Karl, the chief of staff, immediately ran up to join in the fun: "I've been looking for you for a long time, and I thought you were given by someone from the Army Ministry..."

"It's no big deal, everything is business as usual." Anson waved his hand to dispel his worries: "By the way, how are the legion's arrangements?"

"The soldiers are in the third-class carriage, and the officers are in the second-class carriage. Every two people have a private room, and they must not be from the same establishment." Karl took out a cigarette case from his coat pocket and bit one in his mouth:

"For example, I won't be with you. I have to go and squeeze with the bearded Deroshenko in the artillery company."

"Oh, then who should I share a box with?"

When Karl heard this question, he suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth, and then showed a meaningful smile:

"Captain of the Guards Company, Lisa Bach."

Anson Bach: "..."

"Anyway, the only requirement over there is that people with similar positions cannot be in the same compartment. You are a brigadier general, and Lisa is not even a non-commissioned officer. It fully meets the requirements." Karl smiled happily:

"The most important thing is that no one is willing to... well, it's not that they are willing, but they dare not share a box with Miss Lisa - don't get me wrong, it's just because they all feel that they can't beat her, including me."

I don’t have any objections to Anson. In terms of pure force, Lisa is indeed the pinnacle of the entire Storm Legion. With a record of beheadings on the battlefield, she can be called a killer. After all, she does not dare to use spells and fields most of the time. .

"But even though I have accepted the arrangement, I would like to remind you that not everyone in the legion agrees with your decision this time."

While taking out a match, Karl reminded in a low voice: "As far as I know, Alexei strongly disapproves of being soft to the War Department. Leo and Julien seem to have their own ideas - but they won't do it in person. I told you this."

"As for the middle and lower-level officers, especially the soldiers, there are even more weird things to say; first it was the Hantu and then the Free Confederacy. The Storm Legion has never bowed to anyone. Those who plan to cause trouble to show the disgrace of the War Department are not here. few."

Anson nodded slightly. He was actually mentally prepared for this, and had even prepared for the worst.

After all, the matter of compromising with the War Department was originally a personal decision of my own. I neither discussed it with everyone—of course it was too late and impossible to discuss it—nor informed them. When they suddenly received the news, they had different opinions and even felt aggrieved. These are all very normal things.

It would be better to say that people like Karl and Fabian who have no objections are "abnormal"... Karl is used to it. After all, this is not the first time Anson has made his own decisions; and those headed by his loyal deputy commander There was actually no sound from the group of people, so the situation was a little bit more subtle.

Of course, at least on the surface everyone is united, and unity is important.

"I will try my best to suppress the soldiers, at least I won't let them make a big fuss... There is no guarantee for trivial things." Karl's expression didn't look very confident either:

"My suggestion is that since you didn't explain it at the beginning, it's best not to explain it in the future, because they will definitely not listen. Staying silent will make them a little wary."

After saying that, without waiting for Anson's reaction, the puffing-up adjutant pushed his way into the crowd unethically. The cigarette butt in the corner of his mouth became an advantage for him to move forward. He squeezed through the carriage door amidst the sound of curses. .

Anson, who couldn't help but laugh out loud, was just about to follow him when he discovered the reason why Karl got out of the way so quickly - Christian Bach had been standing silently on the platform not far away at some point. , waving to myself.


"I have heard about the matter from Viscount Bogner. Your current situation is more dangerous than I initially guessed."

Facing Anson, the heavy-faced Christian went straight to the point without any tact: "The Ministry of War has blatantly tried to frame you and your legion. I really don't understand why the Privy Council and Your Majesty can acquiesce in this kind of thing. Something happened?!"

"Probably because, although this kind of thing is not good for them, it is not bad at all, right?" Anson guessed with a chuckle.

"No harm?"

"Now I...ah, including my legion, it is actually a little embarrassing for Clovis - if we are recognized, then we will immediately become enemies of the empire, because the Free Confederacy is obviously not in the interest of the emperor. , for those who finally got the ceasefire, this is something they absolutely don’t want to see.”

"But if they directly label me as a traitor... Well, first of all, they have no evidence, but that is not important. What is important is that the interests of the New World must be given up. Major General Ludwig, the commander of the Clovis Jihad Army, must have turned the situation around. It was presented to the Privy Council and the Royal Family, and it became clear that I was actually the spokesperson for the interests of the Free Confederacy in Clovis." Anson explained:

"They were hesitant and hesitant, but the Army Department was decisive. Everything they did was within the scope of their duties, and no one could say anything."

"So the Ministry of War is such a powerful organization?" Christian seemed a little surprised: "The Ring of Order is above, but I always thought that the Privy Council was in control...controlling the kingdom."

"You could say the same thing."

Anson shrugged and smiled casually: "Otherwise, I wouldn't have to go to court. Instead, I would be arrested and shot to death by the Army Department."

"So the final result is no, it depends on whether the Army Department can catch you, or whether it can suppress the momentum in court and forcibly accuse you of a traitor."

Christian reacted very quickly and said thoughtfully: "Understood. When I get to Clovis City, I will send a letter and call my family and relatives here, so that they can create some momentum and public opinion for you."

"Ah...there's no need for this, I..."

"Don't worry about this matter, leave it to me." Christian's expression suddenly became serious: "Although the Bach family is just a small family, they are not young enough to even have a voice; if someone bullies you, then I We can’t let them think they are bullying a homeless person!”

Before he finished speaking, he got into the car alone without even taking a second look at Anson who was dumbfounded. Only his back was left behind, looking both small and arrogant in the crowd.

The lonely Anson Bach sighed, looked at Lisa who had run into the box at some point and was opening the window and waving to him, shook her head and walked away.

Half an hour later, a shrill whistle sounded over the station platform.

The citizens of Beigang, nobles, wealthy businessmen from outside, travelers... amidst the cheers of thousands of people, the steam-spewing "Nova" train made a low roar and drove towards the end of the horizon.

Target, Clovis City.

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