I will be crowned king

Chapter 987 Robbery

"Now it seems that it was indeed a mistake to announce Whispering's death early. As a result, when this guy showed up again, no one noticed anything unusual."

Perhaps because of facing Anson, Cole did not intend to hide it: "It wasn't until his power grew again in the outer city that we finally caught him."

Anson, however, froze on the spot, with familiar and unfamiliar names lingering in his mind, which could not help but bring back memories of that past event.

The so-called "Whisper" is of course just a nickname. He is the biggest boss in the outer city slums. He formed his own gang with a little ability as a spell caster, and worked with "Rifling", "Old Pocket Watch", "Cigar", "Nine "Head Snake" and several others jointly manage the underground forces in the outer city.

Of course, several other people were dead, and Anson himself was at the scene.

As the only exception, everyone initially believed that this guy was assassinated because of uneven distribution of the spoils, cowardice, and not very strong power; when the remaining big gangsters were eliminated by the Tribunal and the then-Storm Group, , there is no news about Whisper, and his gang has been defeated early.

"So what if he is still alive? How much of a threat can a small spell caster and a gang leader pose?"

Anson couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Why do you, the chief inquisitor, need to be so concerned?"

"Of course it doesn't matter if he is really just an ordinary gang leader. No matter how powerful an ordinary spell caster is, he is not really invulnerable." Cole snorted coldly:

"So you should know that this guy is not simple - in other words, he is different from other gang leaders."

"I've dealt with quite a few scumbags. The gangsters are just smuggling, kidnapping, stealing, squeezing money from the poor, and working as thugs for the rich. No matter how 'high-end' they are, that's all."

"As for Whisper... let me put it this way, he's helping the poor, but not in a normal way."

"Wait a minute. Anson suddenly became interested: "What do you mean by 'normal'...?"

"It's very simple. It's nothing more than robbing the rich to give to the poor, or robbing the poor to give to the poor... Well, actually the latter is more common." Cole smiled:

"It is a normal method to rob the rich, smash factories, smuggle at high prices, and then distribute some of the profits to the poor. Many gangs use this trick to make the poor around them think they are good people and obstruct Whitehall Street. police enforcement."

"Whispering did not do any of these. On the contrary, he formed a so-called 'mutual aid association' in the slums, allowing the poor in the outer city to help each other, and set up public markets to sell potatoes, bacon and bread at market prices. one fifth."

"……one fifth?"

"I have been there three times in person. The bread is cut into small pieces and sold. The potatoes are small potatoes less than the size of a palm. The bacon is very salty and has a particularly neat shape. What is sold are minced meat residues that look like sawdust." Cole nodded:

"Credit is not allowed in this market, but barter is allowed - I personally saw a child exchange a piece of wood he picked up for a piece of bread as big as his fist."

"It seems that this is a gang leader who is passionate about charity." Anson raised his eyebrows:

"To be so generous, he must be rich, right?"

"The response was really fast. I found the key to the problem just a little faster than you did."

Cole pinched the thumb and index finger of his right hand to draw strokes, and said proudly: "Yes, the biggest question is where does the money come from?"

"He is a gang leader. All he can do is extortion, reselling and smuggling. No one can guarantee him any other serious business. He can't find financing partners when he opens a factory. How can he help the poor?"

"It's just everything else. Potatoes, bacon, bread... The cheap ones count as charity, but where do you buy the supplies? I've done some research, and none of the big food merchants in Clovis City have anything to do with him. business dealings."

"If this is the case, it means that he has a special supply channel, or that someone specializes in providing him with cheap food to win people's hearts; then who is this person? Where does he come from such a great ability to continuously provide sufficient energy sources? Isn’t it curious that supplies are provided to the poor in outer cities?”

"Curious, but I'm even more curious about what this has to do with the Tribunal?"

Anson looked at Cole, who suddenly became inexplicably excited, with a very puzzled expression: "Even if what you said is true, then it seems that the police on Whitehall Street should be responsible for this matter, right?"

"If I remember correctly, the jurisdiction of the Tribunal is only to deal with matters related to heretics and apostates; whispers...except for himself and probably a very limited number of trusted followers, barely perhaps related to the Old God Sect, this matter It’s never the turn of the judges of the Truth Seeking Order to intervene.”

"That's right, the trial court is only responsible for these." Cole's smile continued:

"So... now you know why I care so much about Whisper, our old friend."

This matter is also related to the Old God Sect organization, which would be so interesting... Ansen suddenly became really curious.

In fact, when leaving Beluga Port, Thalia mentioned this issue intentionally or unintentionally... In the past, due to the existence of Lund Manor and the Luen family, the old god sect families and large organizations in other places did not dare to set foot there. The local Old God Sect group in Clovis City grew barbarically under the high-pressure environment closely monitored by the Luen family.

The consequences were as Anson saw later...there were almost no decent spellcasters, the scale was small and disorganized, and there was no organization or system.

In addition to the deterrent power of the apostles, this is also a tacit understanding between the Holy See and "apostolic families" like Luen: each other ignores the other's existence, provided that the apostles cannot actively cause trouble and at the same time ensure the "stability" of the area where they are located.

There is no doubt that the departure of the Luen family will inevitably create a "power vacuum" in the region. Without the threat from the apostles, the demons and monsters from other places will definitely rush into Clovis City like hyenas seeing carrion.

It's not difficult to understand if you are willing - compared with the royal capital, the huge Clovina looks like a countryside. Who doesn't want to start a career in a big city?

Whispering, he is probably the first among this group of people to take advantage of their location advantage to seize the opportunity, create a new style on the old track, and try to define the rules of the market.

They don't dare to be too obvious or go too far yet, and they only dare to use this small and covert method to test the Holy See's strength in Clovis City; Cole's goal is simply to scare these outsiders by catching them all in one fell swoop. them.

Just as Anson, who was becoming more and more curious, was about to continue questioning, the two clerks from the War Department who were standing next to him seemed to have finally mustered up the courage to bravely walk towards the chief inquisitor.

"Your Excellency Cole Dorian, please forgive us for being rude, but it seems that you have interfered with our work."

The first one to step forward was Lieutenant Colonel Crown. With a gentle expression, he had a very sincere tone and deliberately kept his posture very low: "Bring Brigadier General Anson and the Storm Legion, who have been accused of treason, back to Clovis. City is the highest directive of the War Department.”

"Of course, this definitely does not mean that the Ministry of War and the Truth-seeking Order are trying to make things difficult for each other. We also know very well that the judges are only acting according to the rules, but now we really can't delay for a minute, so although we understand that you and Brigadier General Anson friendship, but..."

"Friendship, what friendship?" Cole, who raised his eyebrows, suddenly interrupted:

"Did you misunderstand something? What kind of friendship do I have with this guy? If it weren't for work, do you think I wanted to abandon what I was doing and come here to chat with you?"

"Then now..."

"Now I'm just telling him and you that the Truth-seeking Cult is very busy right now and can't allocate enough manpower to monitor the important target of Anson Bach. Otherwise, do you think I want to come alone?" Cole turned over. Rolling eyes:

"Obviously I meant well to save you trouble, but it turned out that I was just looking for trouble!"

"This...we definitely didn't mean this!"

Seeing that the other party seemed to be a powder keg that could explode at any time, Lieutenant Colonel Crown quickly explained: "We are just following orders. The adults in the Army Department are urging us to bring Brigadier General Anson back, so..."

"Where are you going to take him?" Cole waved his hands impatiently, leaving no room for excuses.


The two clerks looked at each other quickly and stammered rather uneasily: "If nothing else, the Storm Legion needs to go to the designated station, and Brigadier General Anson should be the guard under the Ministry of the Army..."


The chief inquisitor holding his shoulders flatly refused: "The Holy See requires me to monitor his every move 24 hours a day. Are you planning to put me in jail?"

"Then, how could that be possible?" Lieutenant Colonel Crown quickly said with a smile:

"If you don't mind, we can prepare another residence for you in the place where Brigadier General Anson is guarded, ensuring..."

"Another residence, okay, the Army Department is very generous!" Cole suddenly sneered and raised his voice:

"I would like to remind you that Anson Bach is not only your Ministry of War, but also a suspect designated by the Holy See, suspected of colluding with the Old Gods. If he disappears for any reason, is the Ministry of War willing to bear this responsibility?"

"This...of course this is...is..."

Lieutenant Colonel Crown was speechless. Of course, this was not because he was really in the wrong, but because the chief inquisitor opposite him had no intention of reasoning with him and was clearly trying to steal people from the Ministry of War.

As for the deceptive lie about "no friendship", only a fool would believe it; the other party was obviously using his reputation to ensure Anson Bach's safety and not give the War Department a chance to take action.

If this is the home ground of the Ministry of War, or even a military camp, people can be taken away by force without looking at the face of the Holy See; if it is in a crowded place, since the Holy See and the Inquisition will never "interfere with the secular world" in public restrictions, they also have great advantages in taking action.

But this was a station. The Holy See was able to clear out the entire station with great fanfare in order to get people. It was obviously well prepared.

Who can have the financial resources to dominate the station for half an hour, and who can convince the Railway Commission to give the trial court this opportunity and allow the chief judge to be present in person, just in time for the train to enter the station. ?

Considering the surname of Archbishop Clovis, the reason why Anson Bach climbed to his current position, the answer is not difficult to guess at all.

Looking at his ashen-faced companion, Lieutenant Colonel Crown lamented in his heart, worried about his increasingly gloomy future: "Then may I ask where you plan to take Brigadier General Anson to monitor?"

"Where... this has nothing to do with you." Cole was still unceremonious:

"The Second Public Order Council in the 47th year of the Saints Calendar. The Holy See will not interfere in secular affairs, and the secular royal power must not question the Holy See's authority in religion!"

Will not interfere with the secular world... Looking at Cole's righteous expression, the two clerks from the Army Department itched their teeth with hatred, but they did not dare to question each other's half-hearted words.

Although there seem to be more than 8,000 Army soldiers in the station, both of them believe that these loyal Storm Legion soldiers are definitely the most staunch believers of the Circle of Order, and they will not hesitate to defy the orders of the Ministry of War without any burden. of.

"Since the adults have said so, it seems that we have no room to continue to comment."

After firmly grabbing his companion who was still trying to struggle, Lieutenant Colonel Crown smiled again:

"Brigadier General Anson, let's say goodbye for now and see you again when the War Department inquires and files charges in court; I hope that the laws of the kingdom can be enforced impartially, and no gangster will be spared, and no loyal minister will be wronged!"

"This is also my own wish." Anson nodded slightly, and even enthusiastically extended his right hand to the other party:

"Traveling together this way has caused a lot of trouble for you two, so please don't mind!"

Before he finished speaking, the expressions of the two clerks suddenly turned darker.

"Have you finished saying goodbye? Come and follow me quickly." Cole from the side suddenly jumped in:

"We only had half an hour, and now it's less than ten minutes."

"I understand, I won't embarrass you."

The corners of Anson's mouth rose slightly. He certainly knew that the chief inquisitor was telling him that if people from the Ministry of War came later, it would not be so easy for them to escape:

"By the way, before I leave, I want to take two people with me. Is that possible?"

"With people?!"

Cole was stunned for a moment: "How many people? Are you going to bring the entire Storm Legion with you?"

Although it is not completely unreasonable, in that case the intention to cover up would be too obvious. The trial court is not afraid of the Ministry of War, but it does not mean that it will be a direct enemy of the Ministry of War!

"That's not true, it's just my secretary Allen and my sister Lisa." Anson shook his head: "This is just a small request from me, please allow me."

"This..." Cole quickly looked at the two people who were also staring at him, as well as the clerk from the Ministry of War who seemed to be relieved, and finally nodded slightly:


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