I will be crowned king

Chapter 988 Seamstress

After leaving the Central West Station of the Royal Capital, Anson took Lisa and the little secretary into the Chief Inquisitor's carriage and went straight to the headquarters of the Truth Seeking Cult in Clovis City.

They left quite promptly - within two streets of almost leaving the station, a few of them bumped into the army, which was leading a large group of troops and heavily armed towards the station. They were even accompanied by the Whitehall Street police, who used harsh iron whistles to The sound clears the way ahead.

Seeing the army's fanfare, the chief judge, who thought he was a hero, wiped the sweat from his forehead with lingering fear - if Serra Vigil hadn't reminded him in time, the army would have snatched people away from him, and his face might have been lost. I really can’t keep it.

Anson is very interested in the operational efficiency of the Army... Although it is half a step behind the Holy See, it is obvious that he got the news in advance.

It is said that only a handful of people can accurately know the time of their arrival in the royal capital. To be more precise, only the core high-level officials of the Railway Commission can do so.

In other words, they not only told Archbishop Luther the information, but also sold it to the War Department... This is interesting.

Anson couldn't help but glance at the little clerk next to him. The latter seemed to be calm and calm, as if he had anticipated the situation before him.

After passing through two more neighborhoods, the group finally came to Friedrich Street and saw the signboard of the Truth Seeking Club.

"Starting today, you will be living here for the time being."

Cole, who was the first to jump off the carriage, said reluctantly, pointing to the deserted club hall behind him: "If there is no need, try not to leave. If you have to go out, say hello to me first, at least half a day in advance."

"Why half a day?" The little clerk asked Anson very sensibly.

"Nonsense, because only half a day in advance can I arrange manpower to track and monitor you - do you really think that what I said just now is just to frustrate the Ministry of War?"

Cole rolled his eyes: "We are already short of manpower and very busy, and we still have to deal with such a big trouble as you. Don't you think that the Truth Seeking Cult is really happy to do this kind of thing?"

I don’t think so, but you guys must be very good at this kind of aftermath work... Anson, who couldn’t help but complain in his heart, still had to be polite on the surface:

"Sorry for causing you a lot of trouble."

"Okay, okay, it's hard to be troubled by you, and it's even harder to hear you apologize." Cole snorted, his eyes lazy:

"Anyway, you won't remember the favor of the Seeking Truth Cult because of this. Everyone knows what is going on... Come in quickly!"

After saying that, regardless of what happened to the three remaining people in the car, Cole pushed the door open and entered.

This guy is really different from before. It always feels like he is deliberately imitating Captain Lawrence, but in the end he imitates a completely new style...

Anson, who was muttering inwardly, raised his eyebrows, opened the door, and got out of the car with the little clerk and Lisa.

Walking into the empty club hall, he looked at Cole, who was already sitting at the bar drinking coffee. Just when Anson was about to speak, he saw a figure suddenly emerge from the corner and attack the three of them like a hungry tiger.

"Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome our dear little princess Lisa, you have finally returned to Clovis City!"

Wearing a smart white shirt, black trousers and a vest, with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the tailor Alalfred, who was playing with his top hat, ignored the commander-in-chief and knelt down on one knee in front of the girl.

"Oh my, my, my, my dear little princess has grown up so much, even though the last time we met was not long ago." A pair of big, smart eyes looked up and down, making a "tsk, tsk" sound:

"A shabby old scarf, a men's military uniform, a hat that doesn't match at all, and this shirt... Oh, I have to wear my family's old clothes. My dear Lisa has really suffered a lot!"

"But it doesn't matter. My dear Lisa is back. With Alfred here, I will never let you be wronged in the slightest again!"

"Bowler hat, delicate little bow, pure white ribbon, fine satin with lace...ahhhh...there is a picture, there is a picture!"

The frightened girl froze in place, not daring to move.

She was not afraid of this seamstress named Alfred, but mainly because she almost couldn't help but make a move when they last met, and Anson confiscated her beloved Borne rifle.

Lisa is a sensible and good girl who never makes the same mistake twice.

Fortunately, the seamstress's attention was not completely focused on her, but was immediately attracted by another slender figure next to her: "Hey, this is..."

"Ellen Dawn, just call me Ellen, dear lady." The little clerk took off his hat very politely and said:

"I'm just a humble secretary to Lord Anson. Please don't pay too much attention to me."

"As expected, it's you! I've heard about it... the genius boy from Clovis Abbey, the youngest graduate!" The seamstress's eyes lit up:

"To tell you the truth, I have actually wanted to design clothes for you for a long time. I have several sets of college-style men's children's clothes, which are designed exactly according to my imagination of you!"

"Hey...ah, ah, that's really an honor..."

"I have to say, the boy in uniform really has a unique flavor, no...it's taste!" The seamstress couldn't help but twitch her throat, which made the little secretary feel uncomfortable:

"The tight-fitting tuxedo, the aura that is as strong as that of an adult, the black-rimmed glasses, the black and white stockings that reach to the knees and the little leather shoes are just...ahhhhhh!!!"

"Ah...Ms. Alfred?" The little clerk, who barely managed a smile, lowered his head and pulled hard on the right hand held by the other party: "You, you didn't..."

"That's right, the childlike girl and the genius boy are really the ultimate embodiment of eternal truth, goodness and beauty!" The seamstress's eyes shone:

"I have decided that I will tailor a suitable set of winter clothes for you two as my ultimate artistic achievement..."

"Ahem, Alfred!"

Seeing that this subordinate was becoming more and more abnormal, Cole had to warn him no matter how troubled he was: "Be restrained and pay attention to the image of the Truth-Seeking Cult in front of guests."

"What image? Haven't you already known each other? Why are you still pretending?"

The seamstress with her hands on her hips snorted dissatisfiedly and put her top hat on her head: "Even if there was any sense of mystery at all, it has been completely ruined by you, the chief inquisitor!"

"You and I……"

"Okay, okay, no need to go on about it. Anyway, I will obey the order."

Waving her hand, she interrupted a chief judge who was about to speak in an official tone. The seamstress turned around and looked at the three of them righteously:

"I am the head of the weapon workshop of the Clovis Inquisition and part-time general logistics Alfred. From now on, I will be responsible for taking care of all your daily lives."

"Let me state in advance that this job was imposed on me by a certain Chief Inquisitor who was afraid of hardship and fatigue. Therefore, I cannot guarantee that I will be very enthusiastic about your daily chores. At most, I will not be hungry or have no place to sleep. Just imagine a servant. It’s better to save yourself from living like a group in a wealthy mansion.”

"Then I'll leave everything to you." Anson thanked the other party without changing his expression: "If there is anything we need to cooperate with, I will definitely not cause any trouble to you."

"There will be trouble, but I don't care anymore." The corners of the seamstress's mouth raised at an incredible angle again: "As long as there are two of them, then I will..."

"Cough cough cough!"

Cole blushed and coughed hard, as if his throat was really uncomfortable: "In short, if you have any needs, you can ask Alfred, but it's best not to do it too often."

"She will provide daily newspapers, three normal meals a day, and a change of clothes on time. Whatever you need to buy can be entrusted directly - and again, if you must go out, please apply half a day in advance."

"Then the same goes for Lisa?" the girl raised her hand and asked.


Cole scratched his head and thought for a moment, not knowing what to do. "Let's do this. The little clerk can move around freely. Anyway, you still have the status of the Holy See. The Ministry of War does not dare to do anything to you."

"As for Lisa... it's best to say hello to our side first - I'm not worried about her, it's purely for an extra layer of protection, so don't think too much about it."

As for the girl's strength, Cole, who had witnessed her head-shot the gang leader with one shot and had the experience of fighting side by side, was very clear; unless she was a high-level spellcaster or a talented person with extremely difficult abilities, ordinary people would not be able to deal with it. Taya is no match for her.

"I stress again that the trial court has to bear risks in doing this. It is not as easy as it seems - the threat from the Ministry of War is not as simple as just talking."

Cole said seriously: "Since you are back, you must have some understanding of the current situation in Clovis City. There are many things that I don't need to talk nonsense about."

"Then if I'm not wrong, this warm-heartedness should also need to be rewarded." Ansen understood:

"If I guess correctly... it should be related to our mutual friend 'Whispers'?"

Cole did not answer directly, but glanced at Alfred next to him.

The seamstress who understood this snorted coldly, and walked up the stairs to the second floor with her hands on her hips with disdain on her face - taking Lisa and the reluctant little clerk with her along the way.

After watching them go up the stairs, Anson turned his attention to Cole: "Is it so dangerous?"

"It's not that it's dangerous, it's just that I don't want Alfred, a support staff member, to get involved." The Chief Inquisitor shook his head:

"Actually... her grandfather is the real 'Alfred', but due to some accidents, now she has to pretend to be the real one. The entire truth-seeking cult has collectively decided that the logistics staff can no longer be involved in formal work. .”

"I feel like this is probably a long story, so let's stop here." Anson nodded slightly: "Let's be honest, what do you need me to do?"

"We can basically determine two things now. Firstly, Whispering should be related to at least one Old God Sect organization. Secondly, his 'charitable activities' should be coming to an end; the poor people in the outer city will soon be fighting for them. The benefits enjoyed during this period will pay for it.”

Cole took out a box from the bar and pushed it across the table: "The price is their lives!"


Anson caught the box and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "This rhetoric is too broad. Can you be more detailed?"

"What do you think ordinary people are worth to a group of Old Gods?" Cole asked:

"There is no need to hide anything between the two of us. I know a little bit about your current state - just from the perspective of a spell caster, what is the value of ordinary people?"

No, no, no, my current state is not just that of a spell caster... Anson frowned slightly:

"Honestly, basically zero."


"Why... this is slightly related to the nature of spell casters. Basically, they are more or less selfish - the selfishness here does not mean absolute egoism, but that they rarely care about individuals other than themselves."

"Ultimately, the goal of a spellcaster is to evolve, to continuously evolve to reach a higher state of life; ordinary people cannot provide any help at this point."

"So...what you are most concerned about now is to evolve to a more advanced...existence?"

"...I still have the same question, why do you think that the target of the spellcasters is the lives of poor people in the outer city?"

Anson didn't want to answer his question and fiddled with the box in his hand: "Also, what is this?"

"The answer to the question you want." Cole couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth:

"Why I am so convinced that the Old God Sect's goal is the lives of the poor in the outer city...it's because of it."

"This is a large-scale experiment. The goal is unknown, the content is unknown, and the method is unknown...but the premise is very clear. Hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who have whispered a lot of gratitude will soon become theirs. tester."

"I bet on the name of the Inquisitor, and I will never let them succeed! But with the ability of the Inquisition alone, it is a little difficult to deal with this kind of organization." Cole's eyes finally became serious:

"We need a reinforcement force, one that is at least trustworthy in our eyes, probably not half-hearted, and less likely to despise the enemy."

"Then you thought of me?" Anson said expressionlessly:

"Have you forgotten that I am a traitor accused by the War Department, and this is in the city of Clovis - in a place like this, if I use the army privately without the king's permission, the War Department can accuse me of treason. Take a seat!"

"The premise is that you did use the army without permission without the king's permission." Cole shrugged:

"But if there is permission, will the Storm Legion be able to operate in Clovis City legitimately?"

"What...how to do this?"

"To be honest, I don't know now, but I know this is the only way. Because of certain actions of the War Department, I can no longer believe the hundreds of thousands of standing troops outside the city." Cole was very honest:

"But the first step is to help you get rid of the so-called 'treason' charge!"

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