I will become an immortal in this world

Chapter 454: Heaven's Luck

"Don't talk nonsense and quickly devour his luck."

The voice of Xu Chong Gua came from Yang Du's body, his tone was urgent, and he was filled with excitement that was difficult to suppress.

Yang Du immediately opened his mouth, and the immortal soldier who was strangled by the neck trembled, and all his luck turned into wisps of white air and penetrated into Yang Du's mouth.

In less than ten breaths, the immortal soldiers whose luck had been drained were reduced to ashes.

Yang Du's face showed satisfaction.

"With my Taoism and your physique, I can barely defeat ordinary immortal soldiers. You can't be careless and try to avoid the righteous gods of the immortal court. The real immortal gods are definitely not something you can defeat."

The voice of Xu Chong Gua sounded again, as if Yang Du was speaking in another voice.

Yang Du raised his head and looked at the sky. The illusion of the sky was still there, showing the majestic appearance of Tianmen. Many immortals gathered in front of Tianmen. Occasionally, some immortals flew down, while others soared away and landed in front of Tianmen. among the group of immortals and gods.

Yang Du's eyes were wandering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


The sky suddenly exploded, and strong light rushed in instantly, making the heaven and earth eclipse.

The strong wind was howling, and Yang Du's white hair was flying wildly, but his expression remained calm, as if he was used to such emergencies.

"It has been ten years, Taoist Master, but you are still fighting..."

Yang Du murmured to himself with a faint tone.

Ten years have passed since the Heavenly Gate was opened. Fang Wang never appeared again after entering the Heavenly Gate. A large number of immortal soldiers descended to the earth to clean up those with deep karma. These ten years are definitely the darkest ten years in ten thousand years. Every day... Countless souls died.

Xu Chong Gua stopped saying anything. He was also curious about Fang Wang's situation.

In other words, the entire world is looking forward to the way of heaven.

This is true even for those forces that once hated the immortal gods. Only by truly facing the immortal gods can we know how terrifying the immortal gods are. Even the weakest immortal soldiers are by no means invincible to the heaven and earth.

On the other side, Jianglong Continent.

The blood-red sea water washed up on the beach, washing bones ashore. On the edge of the woods, a disciple of the Famous Way was meditating and practicing, facing the ocean. Someone was monitoring the sea at all times to avoid unexpected emergencies.

Behind the woods, Kunlun towers towering, showing its vast majesty.

There is a magnificent golden pillar of light on the top of Kunlun Mountain. Even the sea of ​​clouds cannot stop it. The golden pillar of light bursts out from time to time, sweeping across the world and refreshing the Wangdao disciples who are waiting in all directions.

Behind Kunlun, in Jiantian Ze, there are still many monks here, but compared with ten years ago, there is less liveliness and prosperity, and more desolation and loneliness.

In a lobby, Hongchen stood in front of the sand table, frowning, and followed his gaze. There were thousands of lights converging on the sand table, constantly changing, mysterious and mysterious, and seemed to symbolize the changes in the number of days.

The lonely old man stood aside and said with emotion: "The variables in this world are changing every day. This situation is unprecedented, and the immortals and gods are standing still. I don't know whether it is to prevent the Taoist master, or the Emperor of Heaven has other plans."

Hongchen replied: "The reason why the Eighteen Divine Pillars, Stars, and Righteous Gods do not go down to the lower world is to protect the Heavenly Gate. Once the Heavenly Gate is destroyed by the Taoist Lord, they will not be able to leave the human world, and the Immortal Court is faced with the continuous emergence of powerful people in the human world. , they will also be moved, they also have their own troubles in the upper world, and they need to continue to expand the immortals from the human world. The current Xuanzu human world is an excellent opportunity for them. "

"That Emperor of Heaven is probably in conflict. After all, it's hard to have both in this world."

The old man Gu Ming then asked: "The luck of the Jinxiao Sect has plummeted, and the leader and guardians have disappeared. Do you think they will be the ones who commit the crime below?"

"Maybe, I care more about the fate of the world than them." Hongchen said casually, seemingly not interested in the Jinxiao Sect.

The lonely old man couldn't help but look at the sand table, and saw ten light balls gradually condensing among the thousands of rays of light, one of which was particularly huge, and the other light balls surrounded it like stars surrounding the sun.

In addition to these ten light balls, dense light spots were scattered in all directions, some suddenly disappeared, and new light spots were born out of thin air.

"Tsk, tsk, I don't know who was so unlucky that he became the most lucky being in the world in the early stage of the catastrophe." The old man Gu Ming said in wonder.

Hongchen stared closely at the brightest ball of light and said, "Something's not right. His luck is growing too fast. I seem to have seen this kind of speed somewhere before."

The old man Gu Ming didn't think much about it. He said with emotion: "It would be great if we could calculate the Taoist master's luck. I really want to know how big the gap is between the Taoist master's luck and others."

As soon as he finished speaking, an overbearing pressure descended and enveloped the entire Dragon Subduing Continent.

"Godly Emperor, I haven't seen you for a long time, why don't you come out and fight me!"

A loud shout resounded throughout the world, and those with low cultivation levels were all in a state of confusion.

The old man Hong Chen and Gu Ming were not surprised, because this was not the first time such a situation had occurred.

The Great Sage Qi Yun and Jiang Shenming have many old enemies!

Outside the starry sky, in front of the Tianmen, the Eighteen Divine Pillars and hundreds of immortal gods gathered here. They were waiting in full formation, not daring to be careless, and kept staring at the Tianmen.

Yutian Shenzhu couldn't help but turned to the Great Shenzhu and asked: "Is it enough to rely on His Highness alone?"

The Great Divine Pillar looked calm and said: "His Royal Highness is naturally not enough, but the delay for so long means that there are other people in the Tianmen, probably His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Among the four war gods, he has the deepest research on the way of luck, so he can We didn't notice it."

Holy Emperor?

When the immortals and gods heard this, they all looked happy.

"If it is His Majesty the Holy Emperor, the Dao of Heaven will surely kill him."

"Yes, 20,000 years ago, the battle between the Holy Emperor and the Holy Lord of the Divine Platform is still a good story."

"I didn't expect the Holy Emperor to take action. He rarely listens to orders. It seems that the Heavenly Dao is indeed extraordinary."

"Then can we go down to the mortal world? Many great saints and great emperors have emerged in the Xuanzu world recently, and they must be dealt with."

"That's right, if this continues, the majesty of the immortals will be gone!"

The immortals talked about it. They only had fear when they mentioned the Heavenly Dao, but their words were full of contempt when they mentioned the great saints and great emperors in the world.

At this moment.

A click!

All the immortals were startled and looked up at the same time. They saw a small crack on the wooden pillar on the left side of the Heavenly Gate. Although it was very small, such a change made all the immortals change their faces.

"Protect the formation!"

The Great Pillar was also frightened and immediately said in a deep voice. He took the lead in raising his palm and injected his magic power into the Heavenly Gate, and the other immortals followed closely.

All the immortals began to panic, and no one dared to speak.

They all had the same guess in their hearts.

Could it be that the Holy Emperor Ling Xiao couldn't stop the Heavenly Dao?

How is it possible...

The four great war gods are already the top fighting forces in the Immortal Court. If even the Holy Emperor Ling Xiao can't defeat the Heavenly Dao...

The immortal gods felt absurd, but fear spread in their hearts involuntarily. They had all fought against the Heavenly Dao, and they really didn't dare to say that the Heavenly Dao would definitely not be able to defeat the God of War.

The Heavenly Dao's battle with them was completely a piece of cake. They relied entirely on the luck of the Immortal Court to fight...

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