I will become an immortal in this world

Chapter 455: Dragon Soul True Divine Art Completed

In the world of destiny, two figures kept moving and colliding, and their afterimages were all over the world, as if both sides had millions of clones.

The pressure of their battle was so strong that the Heavenly Gate was shaking. Looking closely, a crack had appeared on one of the gate pillars, which was subtle and difficult to detect.

The Longxiao Qingyun Sword in the hands of the Holy Emperor Lingxiao was surrounded by a terrifying blue dragon soul, which was a hundred times larger than his entire body.

The same was true for Fang Wang. The Tiangong Halberd was surrounded by a purple dragon soul, which was Xiao Zi's figure. The two people's moves were almost identical, as if they were fighting against shadows.

"It only took ten years to master my Dragon Soul True Divine Art, and your attainments are not inferior to mine..."

The Holy Emperor Lingxiao was secretly shocked, and the look he gave Fang Wang had become completely different.

They had been fighting for ten years. Since last year, Fang Wang suddenly displayed the Dragon Soul True Divine Art, which surprised him. Now, relying on the Dragon Soul True Divine Art, Fang Wang actually confronted him head-on.

In the previous nine years, he suppressed Fang Wang most of the time. If Fang Wang had not mastered some extraordinary skills that could make his body and soul become empty, he would have killed Fang Wang long ago.

Ten years later, Fang Wang had fully understood his magic skills, but he had not learned anything from Fang Wang.

Ling Xiao Shengdi could not remain calm. A voice in his heart told him that if this continued, he might lose.

Fang Wang still closed his eyes. The more he did so, the more pressure he brought to Ling Xiao Shengdi.

Indeed, Ling Xiao Shengdi wanted to test the comprehension of this junior at first. If he was not bad, he would capture him and find a way to give him a way out in the future.

Ling Xiao Shengdi's Ling Xiao Shenzong was scattered in the world. I don't know how many creatures have practiced, but Fang Wang was the only one who could practice to the level he was satisfied with.

But now...

Ling Xiao Shengdi's eyes burst with a murderous intent that froze the world of luck.

His murderous intent even pulled Fang Wang out of the state of heaven. Fang Wang's eyes were so desolate.

The Dragon Soul True Divine Art allowed him to stay in the Heavenly Palace for 80,000 years, and his fear of the calamity of the immortals and gods had completely dissipated, and his heart was extremely calm.


The Heavenly Palace Halberd and the Long Xiao Qingyun Sword collided, and the two powerful dragon souls collided, and the dragon's might distorted the entire world of luck.

The Dragon Soul True Divine Art can condense a dragon soul based on one's own natal treasure spirit. This dragon soul is the condensation of one's Taoism, and can contain the power of the rules that one has mastered. Once it is used, the strength will skyrocket!

Fang Wang was almost killed instantly when he faced the Dragon Soul True Divine Art for the first time. Fortunately, he opened the virtualization of the Nine Nether Freedom Art in time. Even so, he mostly dodged in the future until he completely saw through the Dragon Soul True Divine Art.

He suddenly found that his understanding had increased greatly, and the feeling he had in the Heavenly Palace was also in the Heavenly Dao state at this moment.

The endless thoughts and continuous inspirations made Fang Wang feel mysterious.

Fang Wang was ready to use the Nine Lives Nirvana Sword Art and be reborn at any time, but now, he suddenly felt that it was not the right time yet.

The speed of the Holy Emperor Ling Xiao suddenly increased, forcing Fang Wang to use the Free and Easy Heaven again and ignore his attack.

The battle continued!

Time lost its meaning in this world of luck, and the two of them only had fighting in their eyes.

Soon, when Fang Wang adapted to the speed of the Holy Emperor Ling Xiao, he began to close his eyes and entered the state of heaven again.

He was not only fighting by instinct. If you look closely, you will find that the lower end of the halberd blade of the Heavenly Palace Halberd is surrounded by the Extinction Divine Record. Every attack of his was destroying the luck of the Immortal Court.

The Holy Emperor Ling Xiao also saw this, but he had no choice. He could only try his best. He believed that Fang Wang's magic power was far inferior to his, and such a secret technique could not be consumed forever.

As time went on, more and more cracks appeared on the Heavenly Gate.

In the real world, more and more immortals and gods were recalled and gathered in front of the Heavenly Gate to contribute their luck to the Heavenly Gate, but they could not stop the increase of cracks in the Heavenly Gate.

Year after year passed.

All the gods were summoned to the gate of heaven, and those wandering in the human world were all immortal soldiers, which made the entire Xuanzu human world breathe a sigh of relief.

But new troubles came again. Other powerful people in the human world came across the border to snatch great fortune, and some directly surrendered to the immortal soldiers, hoping that the immortal soldiers could take them to ascend.

In just a few decades, the sky of Xuanzu's human world became dim, and the human world was filled with evil spirits, even around Kunlun.

This day.

"I am Emperor Cangtian. Today I have become a saint. I am willing to create a great road for the human world!"

A voice resounded throughout the human world, causing an uproar in the world, and all parts of the world began to discuss Emperor Cangtian.

In these years, Emperor Cangtian has become famous all over the world and has become a top genius who has shocked an era. His sainthood is both surprising and reasonable.

Less than ten breaths after the declaration of sainthood fell, golden drizzle began to fall between heaven and earth, dispersing the evil spirits between heaven and earth, and benefiting all the creatures bathing in it.

The human world seemed to be renewed because of this.

The immortals in the sky also heard Emperor Cangtian's words. Most of them sneered, but a few frowned.

The Great God Pillar had no expression on his face and said, "Lord of the North Star, go and recruit this great sage."

Upon hearing this, an immortal immediately stood up, saluted him, and then turned and flew to the human world.

The immortals began to discuss Emperor Cangtian. They could calculate Emperor Cangtian's fortune, which was very strong and rare in the human world. They bet with each other to see if Emperor Cangtian would bow his head.

The Great God Pillar ignored these discussions and his eyes were fixed on the Heavenly Gate.

Following his gaze, the cracks on the Heavenly Gate became more and more numerous, to the point where they could no longer be ignored.


An immortal flew out of the Heavenly Gate. He was a man in red armor, and his figure looked like some kind of bird demon. He quickly came to the Great God Pillar, half-knelt down, and said in a deep voice: "Reporting to the Great God Pillar, His Majesty has sent a verbal order, saying that he has asked the two war gods to take action, and will open the second Heavenly Gate at the same time!"

The second Heavenly Gate!

All the immortals breathed a sigh of relief.

The Heavenly Gate can only come from the upper realm. Once the Heavenly Gate is destroyed, they can't go back. This is what they are most worried about.

It is not a good thing for immortals to stay in the human world. Although they are powerful, they will also be wiped out by the luck of heaven and earth. Once the ascension period ends and the luck of the Immortal Court retreats, it will be difficult for them to survive in the human world.

In the Immortal Court, being demoted to the mortal world is one of the cruelest punishments.

"Saint Emperor Ling Xiao, is it difficult for you to deal with him?"

The Great God Pillar stared at the Heavenly Gate, thinking silently in his heart. The back of Saint Emperor Ling Xiao appeared in his mind, and his eyes showed a sigh.


A scream suddenly came from the Heavenly Gate, startling the immortals and gods to stand up.

The Heavenly God Pillar frowned and said, "It's the voice of His Highness! He can't die here!"

Not only him, but other immortals and gods were also panicked. The His Highness they were talking about was the son of the Heavenly Emperor. If he died, they would all be implicated.

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