I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 122

"Caster, it's you——, did you set us free?" the Assassins asked.

"I can't talk about relief, I just did what I can." Shirou said.

"Thank you, Caster...your eyes are so beautiful..."

Dissipated like snow.

"It's just that we still have a brother who is still in the world. You have to be careful."

"I see." Shirou nodded, accepting Assassin's prompt.

Just as he was about to leave here and rush to the Black Tower, he heard the familiar voice as if defeated by reality: "Is it Caster?"

Shirou turned his head and saw Emiya Kiritsugu with a numb face, staggering towards him from the sea of ​​flames.

"Emiya Kiritsugu?"

"Are you going to get rid of that mud?" Kiritsugu asked.

Shirou nodded.

"Take this and go..." Kiritsugu handed King Arthur's scabbard to Shirou.

Shirou took Avalon, looked up at Kiritsugu, and asked, "Why don't you go? This is not like you, Emiya Kiritsugu."

"Caster... Do you know how it feels to be betrayed by something you have always believed in and cherished? In this world, there is no justice worth fighting for..."

Kiritsugu's eyes were numb and empty, and he walked away unsteadily.

With a bang, it disappeared into the sea of ​​flames.

Shirou held out his hand, but hesitated.

That man was betrayed by his own righteousness, and Shirou was held back by his own hatred to help him.

"I... really hesitated..."

Hands gripped the scabbard.

"There are still many things to protect, things to cherish, Emiya Kiritsugu!?"

Shirou turned his back and walked firmly towards the black tower.

The firelight illuminated his side face, and those bright eyes shone brighter than the firelight.

The fire of awakening burns everything!

Chapter 75 I will listen carefully to your efforts [Thirteenth More]

- Die, die, die! ! !

Although he said incomparably handsome words to his lecturer, but now Weber is running away in a very embarrassing situation. He still has to rely on the lecturer's [Moon Spiritual Essence] to fight for his chance of survival.

The three of them rode Iskandar's favorite horse and galloped all the way from the outskirts to Miyama Town, but the jet-black spearmen followed them like a shadow.

"Don't even think about it! Don't even think about hurting my Sora again!"

Kenneth yelled, and then moved his mind at will, using the magic engraving to control [Moon Spirit Essence] to attack Diarmuid.


【Moon Spiritual Essence】either turned into a whip or a sword, and attacked Diarmuid, but when Diarmui turned around, he dodged easily and quickly moved towards several People rushed over.

Even Iskandar's beloved horse couldn't compare to the speed formed by this A+ level of agility. If Kenneth hadn't used the [Moon Spirit Essence] to interfere, they would have been caught up and killed long ago.

However, even if he can still run now, it is almost the same.

--How to do? How to do?

Weber kept asking himself in his heart.

Kenneth held his disfigured fiancée in his arms, looked at the disfigured appearance with heartache, and then angrily urged [Moon Spiritual Essence] to attack Diarmuid.

However, Diarmuid was too fast and the attack didn't work.

"Damn it! If my workshop hadn't been destroyed by that bastard who didn't know, I wouldn't be so passive!" Kenneth gritted his teeth.

For this war, he carefully prepared a lot of dresses, but Shirou with Spartacus destroyed them.


Diarmuid screamed frantically, and then threw [The Red Rose that Breaks the Devil] forcefully.

"call out--!"

[The Red Rose that Breaks the Devil] It attacked Weber and the others like a red meteor. Iskandar's love horse Bucifalas was extremely spiritual, and when he sensed the blow, he jumped to the side in advance.

He Zeng thought that this blow was so powerful that it fell on the ground with a "bang", and a big hole was smashed straight out, blowing Busifalas into the air.

The three people on horseback were also thrown out, rolling on the ground for a while.

Wei Bo's forehead was hit by gravel, and blood was dripping.

However, he no longer cared about the pain, because the dark spear knight was already standing in front of him.


Diarmuid yelled frantically, stabbing towards Weber with the [Yellow Rose of Destruction] in his hand.

Weber subconsciously closed his eyes.


Involuntarily calling that name in my heart.

However, that person...



The sound of metal stirring was followed by a booming sound.

Weber opened his eyes.

What he saw was a black-haired boy looking at him with a smile. His bright eyes are like fire, and there are two big black meat wings on his back. Like a devil and like an angel. Evil and good.

"Is it you——, calling me?" the boy asked.

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