I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 123

Wei Bo froze for a moment, then pointed at the young man and asked, "You... are you Caster?"

"Caster? Ah... By the way, I'm Caster. But I prefer you to call me by my real name, Fujimaru Shiro." Shirou said.

Shirou turned his back, turned his head slightly, and said to Weber: "Stay away, be careful not to get hurt."

"Caster, Lancer has been polluted by mud, come with me to find Saber, you can't beat him alone..." Weber said anxiously, but his eyes fell on the pair of big meaty wings made of black mud behind Shirou , backed up again and again in horror, covered his mouth with his hand, and said in surprise: "You...you have been polluted by mud?"

"You can't use the word 'pollution'. 'I' will be angry." Shirou said with a smile. The mud behind him also formed a fist, waving it in the air, and "popping" a few bubbles, which seemed to show his anger.

"This... this... you... okay. I'm sorry." Seeing Ni waving his fist, Wei Bo quickly lowered his head to apologize, and then asked: "But...but why are you normal?"


Shirou looked at him, and those bright eyes caught Waver's attention for a moment.

so beautiful. It was as if a bright, pure fire was burning. Weber thought to himself.

"Because it is me." Shirou smiled.


Diarmuid appeared from the ruins, shouted, and threw [The Red Rose of Destroyer Demon] towards Shirou.

"call out--!"

Dangerous piercing sound!

Seeing that Shirou didn't turn his head, Weber didn't seem to notice, and quickly shouted: "Be careful behind you!"

"Don't be afraid, I've seen it," Shirou said.

Hei Ni stretched out a huge mud hand, and with a "click", he directly grabbed [The Demon-Breaking Red Rose].


There was a terrible hissing sound.

Weber took a closer look and couldn't help but be dumbfounded. I saw that [Red Rose of Breaking Devil] caught by the hand of mud was polluted by mud and turned into jet black, and then, as if cursed, it turned into stone chips and peeled off, and finally disappeared.


Diarmuid's [Red Rose of Demon Breaker] just disappeared!

Cursed, polluted, gone!

"Good... so amazing..."

Shirou looked at Diarmuid in the distance, turned his back, stopped Webber behind him, and said, "Webber, take those two people I don't want to see, and stay away from here."

People who don't want to see... Weber glanced at Kenneth who was not far away, then nodded, walked over, and led Kenneth away.


Diarmuid shouted and rushed towards Shirou.

Even if all reason is lost. He could also feel the warrior's instinct, and there was a dangerous aura emanating from Shirou.

Seeing Diarmuid flying towards him, Shirou's heart twitched slightly, and the [Flower of Evil Mud Leading to Freedom] behind him turned into eight hands, and swung towards Diarmuid like an angry Vajra.

At this moment, Shirou's accumulated magical power is too huge, and each evil hand has the power comparable to that of Spartacus in the extreme state.

A slap on the ground—


The ground cracked open like a spider web.

The eight hands came out together, and the ground in front of Shirou was shattered, and the ground was directly blasted up to a height of more than ten meters like pieces.

"This this……"

With such power, both Weber and Kenneth were dumbfounded.

This is definitely beyond human reach!

However, Diarmuid was too fast.

The A+ level of agility allows him to shuttle among the eight hands like a cheetah. Although it is difficult to attack, Shirou's evil hand is also ineffective, and can only destroy the land in vain.

"Your skills are really fast, Diarmuid. If only I had your quick skills." Shirou smiled slightly. Not mocking or angry, just smiling plainly and appreciatively.

Then, the flames in his eyes flickered slightly. In an instant, Shirou saw through Diarmuid's great deeds and copied his great deeds.

——【Knight's Martial Strategy C-】

However, [Mole of Love] is a gift from a fairy, it is not a human karma, so it cannot be copied.

Diarmuid's skill is too fast, and the evil mud can't capture it and attack it, so it must be weakened.

The fire in Shirou's bright eyes swayed slightly, and the magic power evaporated. The next moment, the [To Hero C-] copied from the Enlightened One was activated.


Diarmuid's figure shook slightly, and his swift movements couldn't help but slow down a bit.

"What's going on? All the parameters of Diarmuid's abilities have dropped by one level!" Kenneth said in surprise. He is the master of Diarmuid. Even though Diarmuid is reversed due to the black mud, he can still see Diarmuid's ability parameters.


Waver muttered the title.

However, before they could accept this reality, the next scene left them even more dumbfounded.

I saw Shirou [projection] out eight mountain swords with a length of 30 meters, holding eight hands of evil mud in their hands, and launched an attack on Diarmuid.



Diarmuid, who only had instincts left, sensed the danger, and did not dare to resist the giant sword attack of Shirou's eight evil mud hands. His figure is like a cheetah shuttling among the gravel, not daring to stop.

Shirou raised his hand, his mind moved, and [projected] fifty-six sharp swords in an instant, like shooting stars, shooting towards Diarmuid.


In an instant, the earth collapsed and the mountains were destroyed, and the amiable smoke blocked the field of vision.

"This this……"

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