I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1305

It is certain that other people's King Arthur acts with his brain, while his own King Arthur...

Forget it, don't mention it.

Kay sighed inwardly, and then said, It's your turn, Guinevere!

Just thinking about this, a long and long bell suddenly came from outside the house.


The voices who were originally full of death, suddenly showed a terrified expression.

"You, did you hear that, Cursed Wrist?"

"Listen, I heard it!" Curse-arm Hassan was sweating coldly.

"This, this could not be the first generation... the first generation..."

Quiet Hassan couldn't speak any more, and felt great fear enveloped their hearts.

Gradually, a tall skeleton knight appeared behind Kai, holding a big sword, extremely oppressive.

Kai panicked, took a big step back, looked at the skeleton knight, and asked, "You, who are you?"

"My face is the death of the old man. My sword is the judge of the old man. Knight in a foreign land, I am the old man of the mountain among the old men of the mountain." A thick voice sounded, and the skeleton knight exuded a black mist like death, possessed Exuding an extremely strong breath of death, as if the real body of death.

Kai instinctively took a few steps back, sweating all over his head, and said to himself, Guinevere, isn't your imitation too realistic?

"No need to be afraid, knight from a foreign land. Inspired by destiny, I manifest myself. I am not anonymous, just call me by a simple name." The skeleton knight said.

Turning his bones slightly, the skeleton knight looked at Hassans, swung his sword, and with a "click", all the iron locks made of [evil] broke.

The Hassans fell to the ground, covered in cold sweat, afraid to speak.

Ordinarily, Shirou had used [Change] before, turning into Quiet Hassan to kill them. They should doubt the true face of this skeleton knight. However, "Shirou" is by his side right now, which means that this is their first-generation master——Wang Hassan!

Moreover, the dense black mist, like the real body of death, also indicates the real identity of the other party!

"The evening bell has signaled the end of your destiny, but your opportunity to liberate your soul has not yet arrived. And remember, when the opportunity of liberation arrives, the feather of death will liberate your soul."

After saying that, the skeleton knight's figure slowly faded away.

Cursed Wrist Hassan and others were dumbfounded, the first generation... the first generation master didn't kill them?

How is this possible?

Hassan can only see King Hassan when he is dying, which means that when King Hassan appears in front of them, it is death.

But now they have saved their lives, and said a lot of words of unknown meaning.

"Curse wrist, what do you think the first generation of adults means?" Baimao asked.

Curse wrist heart said, how do I know?

First-generation adults, please forgive our stupidity, we really don't understand your words!

Curse Wrist felt depressed, but seeing Tranquility and Baimao looking at him, Curse Wrist thought for a while and said, "My lord, this is telling us. They are not from the Lion King!"

Baimao Hassan and the others looked at each other, thinking that this interpretation was correct, otherwise, the first generation of adults would not be so polite to this person.

Thinking about it this way, the Hassans were more polite to Kai and agreed to help with things.

After receiving the consent of Hassans, Kai nodded with a smile, and said to himself, Guinevere really knew what happened, after pretending to be the crowned Assassin, these Hassans obediently threw themselves into his arms!


While the bell was ringing, Kai communicated with Hassan for a while, told them the truth, and then asked them to get rid of the trap first and welcome the large army.

When Hassan heard that it was the Sun King's army, and many of them immediately patted their chests to assure them, they also blamed Kai for not saying that he was a member of the Sun King earlier, so that they would be at ease long ago, and there would be no trouble Come out?

Of course, it's enough to listen to this kind of afterthought, it's really stupid if you take it seriously.

Because this is the words of the Circus to ease the atmosphere.

Watching Hassan and the others go to dismantle other traps, Kai exited the stronghold, looked around, did not find Hassan following him, and ran to a small mountain in the distance.

On the top of the hill, Geraint is holding a big clock, and Mordred is struggling to ring the bell, and "King Hassan" is cheering beside him: "Knock it louder, Mordred, don't you?" Are you eating? Is your strength so weak?"

"Why don't you come, Guinevere?" Mordred rolled his eyes.

That's right, this Wang Hassan is the Shiro who used [change] to become Wang Hassan!

At this time, Kai ran over and said with a happy face: "Don't knock, don't knock! It's okay, it's okay!"

Mordred stopped, Shirou turned his head, looked at Kai, and asked with a strange expression: "Kai, why did you come out?"

"Hassans have agreed to play for us." Kai said with a smile.

"Really?" Mordred asked suspiciously with wide-eyed eyes.

"Of course it's true!"

Kai turned his head to look at Shirou, and said respectfully, "I have to say, Guinevere, your move is really good!"

"The effect is the same as I thought...but..."

"But what?" Kai asked.

"But I haven't gone in yet, why did they just nod and agree?" Shirou asked with a strange face.


Kai was taken aback, if Shirou didn't go in, then the previous King Hassan...




pS: That’s it for today~! good night~!

Chapter 52 You are so simple, do you still need to guess?

With the cooperation of Hassans, Nitocris transferred the citizens in smoothly.

Mukabeir Mountain is a continuous mountain range. After the Hassans were summoned, in order to prevent the Lion King’s possible holy pull, the Hassans not only built military fortresses and set traps, but also moved the people of the mountains to a hidden valley. .

If it weren't for the cooperation of Hassan and the others, Nitocris and the others would have been hard to find.

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