I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1306

With Hassan's cooperation, the people of the mountain easily accepted outsiders like Nitocris.

This is of course, after all, most of these citizens are the people of the mountain.

"Then, I'll leave it to you from now on, Nitocris." Shirou said.

"Okay." Nitocris nodded.

After the transfer of the base, Shirou naturally threw the administrative issues to Nitocris, and he became the second in command with peace of mind, basically not worrying about anything.

After all, this is the singularity, no matter how much you do here, after the singularity is eliminated, everything will return to the correct history. Therefore, as long as the normal administrative needs are established, there is no need to worry about the construction of the political system and administrative departments.

And Nitocris was very motivated after Ozymandias left, and almost worried about everything, so Shirou basically left everything to Nitocris, and he was left behind. Lightweight.


Withdraw the foreword.

In the rainforest, Shirou looked left and right with a cold expression on his face. He felt that he was in danger.

Shirou often felt a sense of voyeurism after he settled in Mukabeir Mountain, which made him very cold!

Shirou guessed that it was most likely that Wang Hassan was staring at him. After all, when he wanted to pretend to be King Hassan to take back the Hassans before, Wang Hassan appeared on his own.

That guy must be staring at him in some weird place, and then laugh like an evil big devil, right?

And I have to enter the end of death, enter the stone tower, and go to Merlin for a while.

The end of death... that's Wang Hassan's lair!

That guy must have laid a net of heaven and earth, waiting on the sidelines!

Thinking of this, Shirou felt a chill in his heart.

Walking in the dense rainforest, Shirou headed towards the military fortress built by the Haru people outside the settlement of the mountain people.

It has been three days since I settled in Mukabeir Mountain. After reaching a consensus with the Hassans, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Kai, Mordred and other Knights of the Round Table did not enter the settlement of the people of the mountain. Only Shirou and Ni Torcris enters the settlement of the People of the Mountains.

This can be regarded as an alternative military-political separation.

Nitocris led the citizens to enter and settled in the settlement administration, while Shirou was the head of the Knights of the Round Table, that is, the military leader, who traveled between the military fortress and the settlement.

Shirou rushed all the way towards the military fort.

Speaking of which, the land of Jerusalem is also strange.

Although there are deserts around Jerusalem, there are many mountains and rainforests. There are Mount Olive in the east, Mount Nabi Samwell in the west, Mount Mesharif in the north, and Mount Mukabal in the south.

To enter Mount Mukabal, you need to cross the desert first, which is the farthest from Jerusalem.

Therefore, if the Lion King wants to hold the Holy Baptist, he will definitely arrest people from the Mount of Olives, the Nabi Samville Mountain, and the Mesharif Mountain first, and finally focus on the Mukabal Mountain.

And this is why in "FGO", Tatsuka Fujimaru came so late, and the Hassans still exist.

It's not that the Hassans are strong enough to resist the Lion King and the Knights of the Round Table, but because of the good terrain.

Before entering the military fortress, Shirou heard a very beautiful piano sound.

The sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" is like jade beads falling into a jade plate. It is crisp and sweet, and people can't help being intoxicated.

Shirou walked into the military fort following the beautiful sound of the piano, looked up, and as expected, Tristan was holding a harp, sitting on a big rock, plucking the strings, and the beautiful sound of the piano was heard out.

Around Tristan, Hassans and the Knights of the Round Table sat together, listening to Tristan's zither, which seemed quite harmonious.

Shirou lamented Tristan's piano sound, he admired such a talented person.


As if a cold hand touched his back, Shirou shivered, feeling a little cold.


That's the sense of voyeurism!

It must be that damned King Hassan, staring at his own life somewhere, and saying some kind of ignorant words!

definitely is!


Where is it?

--it's here!

Sensing someone behind him, Shirou immediately turned around and punched him without thinking.


There was a scream, and a woman with short purple hair crouched down clutching her stomach, sweating profusely from the pain.

"Why are you?" Shirou looked at the woman with short purple hair in surprise.

The man was none other than Serenity Hassan.

"It hurts so much." Quiet Hassan asked in tears, "Why did you hit me?"

"I still want to ask you, why are you sneaking behind me? Don't you know that it is not allowed to stand behind a man?"

"I...I...I was just passing by." Jing Mi Hassan said in a panic.

"That's right, I'm sorry."

With such a guilty conscience, Shirou knew that Serenity Hassan was lying. However, this kind of thing is not important, so there is no need to be too entangled, Shirou apologized directly, and extended his hand to Serenity Hassan.

At this moment, Tristan stopped playing the piano and said with a smile, "You are here, King Guinevere."

"Yes. Your piano sound is really nice, Tristan. This piano sound reminds me of a poor wandering poet and a noble princess who love each other, but because of their status and class, they feel melancholy and painful. "Shiro said.


Tristan slapped his thigh, and said ecstatically, "You, you actually heard it! This, this is the story of this piece of music!"

"It's really a sad story, but I suggest that you change the original low pitch to high pitch in the third chapter."

"Why is that?" Tristan asked strangely.

"The story of the third movement should be the difference between the hero and the heroine, so the low tone matches the sadness. But just like the music scene in the literary technique, the high note can also be used to set the sadness. And this kind of narration, I think It fits better with your first movement and second movement." Shirou said.

Tristan thought for a while, and said ecstatically, "Yes, yes, yes, yes! The treble accentuates the sadness! Ah... How come I didn't think of such an anti-traditional technique? It's really you, King Guinevere!"

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