I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1311

Originally, Shirou’s favorite candidate to lead the way was Hassan with all appearances, but when Hassans heard that they were going to die, they were frightened and turned into Caucasians. Sang volunteered to lead the way.

According to Shirou's plan, he was planning to take Bedivere alone and go to the end of death with Serenity Hassan, but who would have thought that Mordred would come uninvited when he saw Serenity Hassan was going to follow, and it turned out that Thus formed this restless team.

On the way, Mordred and Serene Hassan were noisy and chattering, as if they were born with a conflict.

However, such a situation makes Shirou can't help but think of Camelot's first trip.

There were also four people on that trip, and it was also noisy, but Merlin and Kai were the ones who fought, and Artoria was the one who tried to persuade them, and he was also watching the show just like now.

Thinking about it now, I really miss it.

Shirou couldn't help showing a smile, and when he came back to his senses, he found that Mordred, Bedivere, and Serenity Hassan were all around him, and the six eyes were watching him intently.

It was too close, Shirou subconsciously took a step back and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Did you just laugh, Guinevere?" asked Bedivere.

Shirou touched his face and asked strangely: "Is there anything strange about my smile?"

"It's nothing, it's just a feeling... It feels like your smile just now is more beautiful than the past... the past?" Bedivere couldn't say for sure, because he couldn't describe that feeling.



I know you probably don't have that awareness...but I beg you, just be human and stop describing me like that!

Shirou was depressed.

At this time, Quiet Hassan looked at Mordred and laughed, "Master Guinevere will laugh, he must be funny by your stupid actions!"

"Huh? This is clearly pleased by your funny expression, right?" Mordred sarcastically said not to be outdone.

"If my funnyness can please Lord Guinevere, I am more than happy to be a funny clown. Lord Guinevere..." Quiet Hassan looked at Shirou, his whole body exuded a pink breath.

That must be the breath of love.


Wang Hassan, where are you?

Hurry up and take this evildoer away!

Shirou covered his face, now he finally understands why Serenity Hassan can be compared with Kiyohime...

They are all perverts!

"Okay, stop making trouble." Shirou sighed, and said, "We're going to the top."

Tranquil Hassan bent down, showing his tender back, and said, "Come on, Lord Guinevere, please come up."

"How could King Arthur need the burden of a poisonous rat like you?"

Mordred snorted, then stretched out his hand to Shirou, and said, "Come on, Guinevere, I'll carry you up."

Originally, Mordred would not say such words, let alone show affection to Shirou, but with Serenity Hassan beside her, she couldn't help but do it.

Shirou sighed, and then his whole body was covered with [evil] mud, forming a pair of [evil] fleshy wings.

The wings fluttered, and Shirou flew straight up, saying, "I'll wait for you up there."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" how can you fly?"

Shirou turned a deaf ear, turned around and flew away.



Thousands of years distant, primitive ancient world.

In the center of Sumer, in the original city-Uruk Temple.

King Gilgamesh, who was working on administration, paused, and turned to look at the white-haired mage beside him.

"Seeing how absent-minded you are, what's the matter, Merlin?" King Gilgamesh asked.

That's right, this white-haired mage is exactly the scum of the world——Melin.

Gaetia created seven singularities for human incineration. These include the singularity of the Crusades that summoned Shirou and the Lion King, as well as the singularity of the Uruk era where Gilgamesh lived thousands of years ago.

And just like the Lion King summoned the Knights of the Round Table, Gilgamesh also summoned a bunch of heroic spirits.

Among them, the person occupying the Caster rank is this mortal crumb.

In fact, the Caster that Gilgamesh really wants to summon is not this mortal crumb, but someone else.

It's just that after killing more than a dozen casters that obeyed the summoning, and summoning more than a dozen times with magic power, the Caster he wanted most was still not summoned. Gilgamesh was furious and gave up continuing to summon— The behavior of wasting magic power and time, and instead accepted this unreliable human crumb.

However, although this human crumb is very unreliable, it is also an existence of the same personality as him.

One of the candidates for the GrandCaster—Britain's legendary magician, Merlin!

And just now, Merlin was in a trance, which made Gilgamesh feel a little nervous, so he couldn't help asking.

Faced with Gilgamesh's question, the always cynical Merlin couldn't help showing a wry smile, and said, "That king...is really worrying. Now, he has come to your door."

"Oh? The Eternal King?...Hmph, it seems that he has found a way to enter the Stone Tower from the era dominated by the Lion King," Gilgamesh said.

Gilgamesh has the "clairvoyance" to see through the future, so in this wrong history, he can also use the "clairvoyance" to see other wrong histories.

In short, seeing the singularity within the singularity.

Of course, it was a waste of mana, and he wouldn't use it unless necessary.

"Yes," Merlin nodded, and said helplessly, "He must be running for the crown. It's really helpless. King Gilgamesh, I think, I have to return to my body for a while. .That crown, no matter what, I can't give it back to him."

"This king understands. However, you also have to understand that this is the most important place for the extinction of humanity. You need to go back early, Merlin." Gilgamesh said.

Merlin nodded, and then his body dissipated like a flower petal, and his Servant body returned to the residence Gilgamesh arranged for him. Then, he fell into a deep sleep and his consciousness returned to his body.

Chapter 55 Do you think I will give you time to prepare?

They are angry, angry

Once upon a time, there was a king who had the clairvoyance to see the past and the future, but did nothing.

There was a king who knew all the tragedies and sorrows in the world, but did nothing.

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