I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1312

It's fine if you're ignorant, but the king knows everything, but still keeps laughing.

Never forgive that man.

On the premise of clarifying the hopelessness and ugliness of human beings, he did not choose to correct them, and finally accepted death.

They don't agree with it, they come to the conclusion that human beings and the future have no value, and the ending of fear disappears.

Needless to say, the annihilation of the self also hates the ending of the annihilation of various existences.

Thus, a new king appeared.

He is the only one born of them, the Almighty King who has reached the realm of Almighty that the old king could not reach. But although they are omnipotent, they cannot understand human beings. Although they are immortal, they cannot get the answer, and the driving force for their actions is their anger and resentment.

He was born with the remains of the old king and restarted the activities of the king, but his way of existence was in a dilemma.

Although it is asserted that human beings are worthless, they cannot exist unless they are controlled by the old king.

Although they are high-dimensional beings, they are deeply ashamed to live under the only and biggest "waste" in the universe of human beings.

The new king is unwilling to accept this kind of contradiction and dishonesty, and initiates self-reform on his own initiative.

That is to reset the purpose of serving mankind, and absolutely prove that he is the highest existence on this planet.

To reach the pinnacle that even the old king could not reach is to start the great cause of becoming the real Almighty God!

"All human beings must be killed. They must be killed. They must be burned. On the surface of this planet, there cannot be even a single living creature. If you ask why, then I will answer you. Because this is the maximum meaning of your existence, The most valuable end."

The new king sent them to the future and pushed several breaking points into the course of human history, causing the foundation of human reason to collapse.

Therefore, the suppression force is stopped, and even the correction force of the shearing world is also stopped along with the destruction of the foundation of human theory, so that the singularity is born and established.

Although eradicating all human beings seems to be his goal, it is at best a means rather than an end.

The purpose of the new king is to "reach the culmination."

Whether it is human beings or the future, the new king has long since ceased to have any interest.

What the new king is looking for is to go back to the 4.6 billion years before the birth of this planet, experience the moment when the "celestial body" in this field was born, and take back all the energy at that time. .

In other words, it is to make oneself a "new celestial body" and create a new world without death.

However, time travel on this scale is still beyond the capabilities of the new king.

Indispensable for flying to the past is a tremendous amount of energy—magic power.

For example, the total magic power accumulated by a certain intelligent creature that has prospered for thousands of years.

If all human history from 1000 BC to 2016 AD is converted into magic power, the obtained magic power is enough to leap to the beginning of the star.

Therefore, the new king launched the action of human incineration.

The effect of exterminating human beings——burning them down is just that.

For the new king, the human beings from the beginning of his birth to 2016 are just space rockets for him to reach the sky of origin.

"In order to leave a track for those who will continue the path in the future, let's build temples and accumulate light belts. The culmination of the end, the altar of the time vortex, the hope of reaching Shiyuan—"

The new king's plan was finally completed in 2016 when Rafe detonated Chaldea.

Burning thousands of years of human history and using it as an incomparably huge fuel, the new king is going to go back to the beginning of the star, witness the original birth of the planet, and attribute all its energy to himself, replacing the original star. Some planets become the only one of the stars.

In the end, however, the new king failed.

His plan was a failure from the start.

The planning of the countercurrent time is accurate, and the steps to be carried out are also correct. It is impossible for the new king who has reached the Almighty Karma to make calculation errors.

But the only mistake is the light-year canal of this planet.

Starting from the root vortex, it is enough to provide the new king with a huge magic power to reverse the 4.6 billion years. In the end, the new king can only be sent to the dawn of the second age of gods 14,000 years ago, and the successor is powerless.

It's not that the huge magic power provided by the burning history of mankind is insufficient, but that at the time point of the dawn of the Second Age of Gods, there is an unbreakable resistance no matter what.

He tried many times, but every time, the retrograde of time can only be accelerated to about 14,000 years ago, and it is difficult to retrograde.

The new king finally realized that the planet and the primates were not enemies that were easily defeated, but because they used most of their power to defend against this time retrograde.

The planet and the primates are refusing someone to go to a time that is older and more primitive than the Second Age of Gods.

The new king, who noticed this, was extremely furious, but there was nothing he could do.

His plan was lost, and in the end it must have been wiped out by the heroic spirits in the king's temple after the primate and the planet reacted.

Until he found that—

The huge magical power produced by burning more than three thousand years of human history, although he failed to reverse time successfully, made him discover a dark nebula independent of the world and dimension in the root vortex.

In that dark nebula, there is an exiled and sealed thing.

From the moment he saw the dark nebula, the new king understood what it was.

At the same time, he also understood the method of piercing the barrier of time.



"King Guinevere!"


"Lord Guinevere...!"

A voice calling suddenly sounded in his ears, Shirou opened his eyes, his blurred vision gradually became clear, and he saw three worried faces.

And these three worried faces were none other than Bedivere, Mordred, and Serenity Hassan.

Shirou sat up and asked uncertainly, "I, am I asleep?"

Quiet Hassan nodded, and said, "Yes, you fell asleep, Mrs. Guinevere. It's all because we were too slow and made you wait until you fell asleep."

Shirou shook his head and said, no such thing.

Just lowering his head, he looked at his palm, a little uncertain.

He——, what he dreamed just now was Gaetia disguised as King Solomon, right?

Suddenly, Mordred reached out his hand in front of Shirou, and clapped his palm with a "snap".

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