I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1315

However, while swearing a poisonous oath, Merlin thought to himself, once I change back, I will go back on my word, what else can you do to me?

After taking the poisonous oath, Merlin gritted his teeth and said to the man, "Can you lift my curse now?"

"Of course, but not now."

"What!? You lied to me again?" Merlin glared at the man.

"Why is this a lie? I said I would undo the curse for you, but I didn't say to undo it now. Did you just hear me say that it should be undone now? No? So, I didn't lie to you." The man Said with an aggrieved face.

Merlin had a stomachache.

He followed this man again!

"Besides, you don't have to worry about my breaking the contract at all. You see, our Age of Gods magic certificates have all been signed." The man took out a piece of parchment and handed it to Merlin.

Merlin glanced at it, and his eyes widened immediately. The content on it was exactly the poisonous oath he had made before.

But the point is not this, the point is—

His name is actually on it!

Merlin understood that this man used magic words, and when he asked him to swear, the words worked, and his name was signed naturally.

"You, you...you big liar!" Merlin raised his hand and pointed at the man, his fingers trembling with anger.

"How did I become a liar?" The man was puzzled, "Isn't it normal to sign a contract when doing something? Right and responsibility, I'm a serious business. Could it be that you planned to breach the contract from the very beginning? , Merlin? I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

Looking at the man who accused him, Merlin's stomach hurt even more.

King Arthur... Among my King Arthurs, why is there such a crooked King Arthur?

The most important thing is... such King Arthur, what kind of oppression would he have to be in another world?

"You, what do you want me to do? Let me tell you first, if it's selling myself, I won't do it." Merlin said with his arms across his chest. He was a little afraid that this man was greedy for his beauty.

The man's face was full of contempt: "Just like you, this king will not even look at you if he is blind."

Woooooo... When I lied to others before, I praised her as a beauty, but now that I hold it in my hands, I say it's a setback.

This King Arthur is really ruthless!

"I don't want you to do anything big. As long as you help me take care of this crown." The man took off the crown on his head, which symbolized the ultimate royal power, and put it in Merlin's hand.

"this is……"

After receiving the crown, Merlin was startled, and his unruly face suddenly became serious.

"In this crown, there is my record. Help me keep it well. If one day, the world comes to an end, give it to someone with lofty ideals. It will be somewhat useful."

"Finish?" Merlin frowned, and asked, "What finale?"

The man smiled and didn't answer, but stretched out his hand, gently raised Merlin's chin, and said, "Come on, give me a smile."

"Are you crazy? You're joking too much! Even I would be angry!" Merlin's head was full of black lines.


The man laughed so hard that he even burst into tears, "In short, everything is up to you, Merlin. If it can finally end, your curse will naturally be lifted."

"As for why you didn't lift the curse first? Isn't it natural? I am a king, and the so-called king, isn't it just to oppress his subjects? Well, this king is the cruelest king. Hahaha—— —”

The memory is very deep, as well as the man's sunny smile.

Merlin just felt that the man who handed over the crown to him was unfounded.

But it wasn't until after King Solomon's anthropogenic incineration took place that he understood what the end of the man was talking about.

He also clearly understood how heavy the weight was behind the crown in his hand and that sunny smile.

Eternal King—

This is him, by far the most hated person.

Don't say anything about him, and get him involved in very troublesome things.

However, even if it was just for the sake of his own chastity, Merlin still had to complete the tasks that the man entrusted to him.

So, the Eternal King is the most annoying.




Shirou is now in trouble.

Big trouble!

Before reaching Avalon, they couldn't move on just seeing the distant shadow of Avalon.


They were surrounded by goblins in Avalon!

Chapter 57 Avalon, your emperor, is back!

"Lord Guinevere, I will protect you. Come on, just hide behind me. If you can, please hold me. The poison on my body is like a soft cat in front of your warm embrace." , will not hurt you." Quiet Hassan held a dagger in his hand and looked at Shirou tenderly.

What Shirou returned was black lines all over his head.

Do I look so weak?

Now, the situation of Shirou and others is not so good.

Not long after entering Avalon, before the stone tower was found, the local aborigines, the goblins, came to the door aggressively.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

One of the leaders, a blue-haired female elf, pointed at Shirou and the others and asked.

The other fairies also stared at Shirou and the others, and surrounded them heavily.

Shirou glanced at the goblins surrounding him and the others, and carefully estimated that there were about three hundred of them, and each one was full of magic power, so they were not easy to mess with.

At this moment, Bedivere came out, looked at the blue-haired female elf, and said, "Queen Tito, it's me, it's Bedivere."

"Mr. Bedivere? I recognize you, but who are they? Why did you bring a group of dangerous guys to Avalon?" The blue-haired goblin stared at Bedivere and asked sternly.

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