I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1316

This goblin is Teto?

Shirou was surprised, and couldn't help but carefully looked at the blue-haired female elf. The ocean-like long blue hair clings to her delicate face. She is wearing a white robe, exuding a graceful and luxurious temperament.

"The goblins, huh! Watch me fight my way!" said Mordred.

Shirou reached out his hand to stop Mordred, and said, "Don't be rude to Queen Tito, Mordred."

"Queen Tito, who is it?"

Seeing the bewildered Mordred, Shirou was speechless, thinking that you, as a Camelot, even know about Queen Tito, it's really ignoring your identity.

Queen Taito, this is one of the Nine Fairy Queens of Avalon, or the Nine Fairy Queens.

[Distant Avalon] The reason why it possesses the protective power to isolate all interference, apart from the star power as the source, the most important thing is the blessing of the nine fairy queens of Avalon.

By the way, Vivienne, the most famous lady of the lake in the legend of King Arthur, is also one of the nine fairy queens of Avalon.

In addition, among the nine fairy queens, there was also Morgan Le Fay who turned himself into a fairy after the death of King Arthur.

Of course, these are the real stories in the legend of King Arthur. As for the story of the Eternal King... well, the lady of the lake, Vivienne, was scared out of her wits by Zhu Yue and turned into the timid and embarrassing Guinevere son, and Morgan Le Fay inherited the throne.

So, in the story of the Eternal King, there are only eight fairy queens of Avalon, including the shameful Guinevere.

When Shirou was in Camelot, although the goblins often ran out of Avalon to play in Camelot, they also invited Shirou to Avalon, but at that time Shirou was worried about government affairs, so he never went.

As for the fairy queens of Avalon, they have only heard of their names, but they have not seen them, which is a pity.

And seeing this fairy queen now, it can be regarded as a fulfillment of a regret in the past.

It's just that this fairy queen doesn't seem to welcome outsiders. Although she still maintains an elegant style, she is faintly hostile.

Bedivere wanted to introduce Shirou and the others, but Queen Taito shook her head and said, "Mr. Bedivere, I am very sorry. Now Avalon does not welcome any outsiders. You should leave."

"Why?" Bedivere asked puzzled. When he left, Avalon wasn't so xenophobic.

A goblin said: "Don't bring danger into Paradise. You guys, go away!"

Bedivere was embarrassed.

"Damn it, these stinky goblins, they think of us as dangerous elements! Hmph! Watch me kill them!" Mordred raised his eyebrows and said displeasedly.

Goblins This is where Get gets to where she's upset.

What Mordred hates the most is that there is no contact, and it is to judge a person's good or bad out of thin air.

"Don't be so irascible, Mordred. You'll only get on yourself, but it won't solve the problem." Shirou said.

"Lord Guinevere, what you said is really full of philosophy! Would you like me to hug you and admire the light of philosophy up close?" Quiet Hassan asked with sparkling eyes.

Mordred gave Quiet Hassan a look, you licking dog!

Quiet Hassan gave Mordred a look, I am happy! You don't care!

Mordred: "..."

Mordred looked at Shirou and asked, "Then what do you say?"

"You can't be so irritable in everything. Sir Tristan once told me that elves love music the most. As long as we play beautiful music to the elves, the elves will regard us as good friends." Shirou said.

"But Sir Tristan is not here." Mordred reminded.

"You're wrong, isn't there a musician more talented than Tristan, right in front of your eyes?" Shirou pointed to himself and said proudly.

"That's right. If it's Master Guinevere, he must be a great musician." Quiet Hassan said with bright eyes.

Shirou smiled happily, and looked at Serenity Hassan with satisfaction.

Although this guy is a pervert, his vision and knowledge are indeed good, and he is a malleable talent.

Mordred shuddered, and muttered, "Why is there an ominous premonition?"

Shirou projected a harp, sat on the spot, and put his hands on the harp.

Queen Taito took a look and asked, "Outsider, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Shirou smiled and said, "I want to use music to tell the queen what kind of people we are."

"Oh! This stranger wants to play the harp!"

"That's great, I like music."

"We love being friends with humans who can play beautiful music."


The fairies surrounding Shirou and the others said cheerfully.

Shirou smiled, that's how fairies are.

Although fairies have powerful magical powers and have fairy magic that surpasses modern magic, their minds are simpler than humans and magicians. For them, as long as they are humans who can play beautiful music, they are their friends.

It is precisely because of this that in Camelot, Tristan is also known as the Fairy Friend.

Of course, that's because Shirou didn't show off.

When Shirou shows up, even the sun will be dimmed.

Shirou prepared everything, and slowly put his hands on the strings.

There are many kinds of music, but they can be roughly divided into two types.

One is to focus on techniques, and the other is to focus on artistic conception.

And Shiro is the master of artistic conception flow.

For him, it doesn't matter what the technique is, as long as the artistic conception is reached, that's fine.

All eyes fell on Shirou.

Quiet Hassan's eyes sparkled even more, and he was already thinking about what to say in his mind.

Quiet Hassan cherishes Shirou as a friend very much.

As far as she is concerned, Shirou who can touch her, doesn't mind her poisonous body, comforts her, and treats her as a friend is an angel of love, and he can do anything to please her.


Lick the dog?

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