I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1324

Merlin tapped the keyboard to reply, still in the same anger as before, but his heart did not have the joy before, instead his mind was full of Shirou's words.

"This guy... did he see something? It shouldn't be... He's missing a piece, so he shouldn't know anything, and he shouldn't be able to notice anything."

Merlin had no intention of replying to Romani, instead he was fully concerned about Shirou, turning his head to look at Shirou from time to time.

And every time he turned his head, Shirou returned him with a gentle smile.

This not only didn't make Merlin feel relieved, but put some pressure on Merlin's heart.

This guy...what's his plan?

"Master Merlin." At this time, Shirou called Merlin again.

"What's the matter, King Guinevere?"

This time, Merlin was on guard, and quickly reacted, turned to look at Shirou, and asked.

Shirou pointed to Romani on the screen and asked, "Speaking of which, did Dr. Romani not realize that you are Merlin?"

"Of course not. The Internet is full of ups and downs. It's easy for me to hide my personal information. Besides, this guy is a big fool." Merlin said with a smile.

"Master Merlin, treating people as idiots is a very stupid behavior." Shirou said seriously: "Also, he still treats the Crown Caster as an idiot."

Hearing this, Merlin laughed and said, "It's just lip service, but in my heart, I don't dare to treat him as a fool."

Merlin didn't doubt why Shirou knew that Romani was the crowned Caster Solomon, because he knew who Shirou was.

"That's good." Shirou said with a smile.

Seeing Shirou laughing, Merlin turned his head and heaved a sigh of relief.

He thought Shirou had noticed something, but it turned out that he was just reminding him not to treat Romani as a fool...


Merlin turned his head and looked at Shirou, this guy... this guy must be a pun, right?

When you say don't think of Romani as a fool, do you really mean don't think of him as a fool?

"What's wrong, Master Merlin? Don't look at me, Romani is chatting with you." Shirou said.

"oh oh……"

Merlin continued to chat with Romani, but felt a heavy pressure.




pS: That's it for today~!

My mind is messed up, don't wait today.

I came back from outside at about 11:30, my mind was in a mess, my writing was bad, and I didn’t post it. Don’t wait today.

Life is really chaotic recently, I owe two more chapters, and I will pay it off this month.

a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words One hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words.

Chapter 62 Congratulations Miss Tranquility, I have come into contact with hidden characters

What's going on, what's going on...how can this happen?

Quiet Hassan used [Change] to transform himself into a small tree, not daring to move easily, and kept asking himself what happened.

In front of her eyes, a group of goblins with weapons galloped past ferociously.

Seeing the goblins go away, Quiet Hassan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Not long after she was separated from Shirou and others, a group of goblins came, armed with weapons, and wanted to hunt her down.

Although Quiet Hassan is very powerful for ordinary people, and has the deadly [Delusion Poison], it can be said to be quite powerful, but what she is facing is the fantasy immortal species-the goblin.

He is equivalent to the hero of the age of gods, and he has the goblin secret technique, coupled with the large number of people, of course Quiet Hassan can't be the opponent, so he ran away without thinking.

Fortunately, the goblins didn't seem to have the consciousness to release secret techniques such as searching for enemies, so she used [breathing cover] and [change] to hide in the past.


What the hell is going on here?

She was attacked by goblins here, so was Lord Guinevere also attacked?

Quiet Hassan was very worried about this.

Just as he was about to take action, two more elf girls suddenly flew towards them slowly.

Quiet Hassan immediately remained still, waiting for the two elf girls to leave on their own, who never thought that the two elf girls would actually rest beside the small tree she had transformed into.

Quiet Hassan groaned secretly.

One of the goblins leaned against the small tree where Quiet Hassan had changed, and asked, "It should be here."

"Yes," another elf nodded, and said, "However, the aura has disappeared... You really deserve to be a Servant as a heroic spirit."

"The fairy queens really want everyone to do this kind of thing out of nowhere. I still want to lie on the flowers and sleep."

"Don't say it, the fairy queens are also thinking about everyone. After all, no matter how you say it, the disaster on the surface of the planet is coming soon. In order to avoid affecting Avalon, the fairy queens have spent a lot of effort." said a goblin.

"Speaking of which, the entrances to Avalon have already been closed. Why do outsiders still come in? And I heard from everyone that one of them is Guinevere."

—Lord Guinevere!

Quiet Hassan, who was still secretly complaining, regained his energy immediately, and kept still while listening intently to the exchange between the two elf girls.

"The entrance to Avalon seems to have been destroyed conceptually, and there is no way to stitch it up for the time being. The fairy queens are also having a headache."

Another goblin nodded and said, "Among the people who came in, one of them was Guinevere. Only he can play the piano sound like killing a pig."

Listening to the elf's comment on Shi Lang's piano sound, Quiet Hassan nodded silently, even though she was wearing tinted glasses, she had to affirm the elf's comment in her heart.

"Eh? Guinevere is really back? That's great. He told me last time that he wanted to tell me a story called "Magic Girl Madoka", but he left before he started. This time When I come back, I must let him finish the story. Well... If he is still in a fever recently and always wants to share his murderous music, then I will hide from him for the time being." Said the goblin.

"That's true... However, it may be difficult for us to see him. Like Merlin, he was imprisoned in the stone tower by Vivian." Another elf said.

"Well... Vivienne is really going too far, and she shuts people up casually again." The goblin said.

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