I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1325

"Don't talk about it, anyway, she is also the head of our fairy queens of Avalon. First follow the orders of the fairy queens and catch that Servant who trespassed." Another elf said.


The goblin nodded.

The two left immediately.

Seeing the two goblins go away, Quiet Hassan was shocked while maintaining the change.

"Master Guinevere and the others... locked up?"

What Jing Mi Hassan didn't expect was that Shirou and others were imprisoned in the stone tower by Vivian.

The stone tower, the legendary tower at the end of the world, Serene Hassan has also heard a little.

It was the tower made by Fairy Queen Vivienne to imprison Archmage Merlin, and it was placed in Avalon.

Legend has it that this tower is a confined space. Unless the planet reaches the end of its life, and the sea of ​​stars perishes along with the planet, the stone tower will not be destroyed no matter what, enough to trap Merlin to death.

"If Lord Guinevere is also trapped in the stone tower, wouldn't he be unable to get out for the rest of his life?"


"No, I must find a way to save Lord Guinevere!"

Quiet Hassan made a decision.

For Serenity Hassan, Shirou is the only friend she has been able to contact so far. At the same time, he is also a person who treats her as a friend and does not despise her. He is a very important person.

In any case, Serenity Hassan will rescue Shirou.

After there were no goblins around, Serenity Hassan changed his body back and started moving towards the stone tower.

Quiet Hassan didn't know where the stone tower was, but she remembered the direction Shirou and others left.

Quiet Hassan has never been to Avalon, and he is not familiar with the terrain and maps, but in order to save his important people, Quiet Hassan can only take one step at a time.

Quiet Hassan is a very good assassin. Although it is not as good as Wang Hassan's Assassin Wushuang, whether it is stealth, action methods, or information search, they are all top-notch.

While avoiding the pursuit of the goblins, she collected corresponding clues and knew the direction of the stone tower.

This is the first step to success.

However, the enemies she faces are not ordinary human beings after all, but goblins—this kind of fantasy creatures beyond imagination.

Fairies are peace-loving and music-loving. From ancient times to the present, the impression they give people is that they are peaceful.

However, this does not mean that goblins are weak and bully.

In fact, in various myths and stories, many heroes are created by goblins, who either give magical weapons, give blessings, or simply end up helping themselves.

For example, Gawain's revolving victory sword was given by the goblin; and King Arthur's star sword was also given by the goblin Vivienne.

The fairies are rich and powerful, they are fantasy immortal species, and they are mysteries that human magic can never reach.

At the same time, the goblins also possess the goblin secret technique, one of the magic ways of the age of gods.

The goblin secret technique is one of the magic ways of the age of gods, and it is also the only magic way of the age of gods with its system intact. It has a mystery that cannot be described in words. In "The Realm of the Sky", Xuanwu Gaoyue came into contact with the goblins, and directly obtained the ability to "unify the language" several levels higher than the mantra.

Even, in modern times, as long as you have contact with goblins, you can have the possibility to go to "Wandering Sea", one of the magic associations that focuses on the research of magic in the Age of Gods.

Therefore, if the goblins are underestimated because they love peace, the price will definitely be heavy.

Of course, even if you treat goblins with extreme caution, the price of being an enemy is quite heavy.

Just like Serenity Hassan at the moment.

Quiet Hassan, who used [breath cover], was careful enough, but the goblins got impatient, and when they started to get serious, she was exposed.

Using the goblin secret technique to directly lock on Quiet Hassan, thus invalidating his [Breath Covering], he immediately started chasing and killing.

As a last resort, Quiet Hassan deserves to hide in Tibet, and the distance from the stone tower is getting farther and farther away.

But it didn't end there. The goblins obviously started to get serious, blocking their paths one by one, leaving Tranquil Hassan exhausted and embarrassed.

In the end, with all the roads blocked, Tranquil Hassan had no choice but to escape into a dilapidated and somewhat mysterious cave, lingering on his last breath.

Quiet Hassan knew in his heart that he had already been generalized.

Although hiding in the cave allowed her to live longer, it also completely blocked her escape route.

Now, whenever the goblins flooded the cave, she was completely checkmate.

"No matter what, I will fight!"

Tranquil Hassan gritted his teeth and took out the poisoned dagger.

Quiet Hassan is not a courageous person, but Assassin has always been assassination, and rarely kills the enemy head-on, except of course a certain crowned assassin.

As an Assassin, he was forced into a desperate situation, and naturally ended up committing suicide for the sake of revealing his secrets.

Of course, this was before her body. Although Hassan still had this habit before her body, she knew that she couldn't end it at this time no matter what.

"Fight it! Do it no matter what! Master Guinevere is trapped in the stone tower, I want to rescue him, I must not fall here!"

Quiet Hassan gritted his teeth.

Call her stupid or call her insane.

For Quiet Hassan, she doesn't care about everything, what she cares about is whether the object she touches will live or die.

If it was the former, she would offer her absolute loyalty. As long as it is for the sake of the master, it will literally do anything. Even if she is asked to massacre, she will obey without changing her face or saying a word.

For her who takes it for granted that "everyone she touches will die", the role of "a friend who can't die even if she touches it" brings her supreme joy.

And Shirou, for her, is such a role.

Although it is not the relationship between Master and Servant, Shirou can contact her, accept her, comfort her, and at the same time is a friendly force... Therefore, she has long regarded Shirou as an important person in her heart.

Perhaps from God's point of view, this is a very cheap situation, but for Serenity Hassan, it is the most important, a sincere emotion that is more important than his own life.

Quiet Hassan already has the consciousness of death.


The goblins did not enter the cave!

How is this going?

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