I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1326

Tranquility Hasan held the dagger with a puzzled face.

Those goblins surrounded the cave, but they didn't enter the cave, and they didn't even dare to touch the ten-meter range of the cave.

There was a look of hesitation on their faces, and they hesitated.

what happened?

Quiet Hassan was puzzled, but somewhat relieved.

If they didn't dare to come in, how much survived. The next thing is to think about how to get rid of these goblins and go find the stone tower.

"Gurneyville... my dear, I will definitely come to rescue you!"

Quiet Hassan said secretly in his heart.

At this time, she felt a chill rising from her back, and she couldn't help shivering.

Not only that, the goblins around the entrance of the cave took a step back as if they had seen a ghost.

"I said why my doorway has become so lively. The feeling is that a group of big mice chased a small mouse and ran to my workshop."

A charming, somewhat haughty female voice suddenly rang out from beside her ears, and Serenity Hassan shivered.

Although this female voice is proud, it doesn't feel noble, but rather cold, like a poisonous snake staring at her back.

The chill was even worse, like a cold hand slowly climbing up from behind.

Quiet Hassan couldn't help but shuddered, rolled forward subconsciously, and looked behind him warily.

From the shadow of the cave, a goblin slowly walked out.

When he saw the whole picture of the goblin, Serenity Hassan was dumbfounded: "Lion... the lion king?"

Chapter 63 Morgan Le Fay

Quiet Hassan looked at the goblin walking out of the shadow of the cave in front of him, feeling extremely heavy in his heart.

This elf is a female elf with long dark golden hair, wearing a black and blue dress and a black crown on her head. There was a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, and those bright blue eyes seemed to be looking at a little mouse, looking at Quiet Hassan with great interest.

Although the attire was somewhat different, Quiet Hassan, who was also summoned by the Crusaders using the Holy Grail, was recognized at a glance.

- The Lion King!


If it's the Lion King, why is it in Avalon?

She should still be in Jerusalem at that singularity, preparing for the Holy Baptism.


This feeling... is very wrong!

Quiet Hassan felt that this elf, who resembled the Lion King Altria, was different from the elves outside, as well as the Lion King.

Although he is an enemy, the Lion King feels... like a noble god, not a human being, with a solemn and grand feeling. But this goblin gave her a feeling like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark.

It seems that if you are not careful, you will be bitten by it.

"Oh? The Lion King? I see. You have seen that disgusting woman with the same blood as mine." The goblin's expression suddenly changed from interested to disgusted.

As if hearing the news of the person she hated the most, the goblin made no effort to hide her dislike.

The goblin stretched out her slender fingers, pointed at Quiet Hassan, and then pointed at the goblins surrounding the cave, and said with a disgusted face: "You, and you, get out before I try to kill you all!" Get out of my territory!"


Quiet Hassan didn't make any movement yet, but the goblins all took a step back and looked at the goblin with some fear.

what happened? what happened?

Tranquil Hassan thought, could it be that these goblins are afraid of this goblin?

Those goblins chatted with each other, and after a while, a female goblin with long green hair and a wreath came out, looked at the goblin timidly, and said, "Morgan Le Fay. She, she It is the person that the other fairy queens want to arrest, if you, if you don't hand it over to us, Vivian, they, they will be angry."


Morgan Le Fay raised his brows, and the goblin ran back to the goblins in fright, looking at her with a face full of fear.

"Hmph." Morgan Le Fay snorted coldly, raised his white jade neck, and said, "You big rats who don't understand human language. Didn't you hear what I said before?"

"You, you told us and her to get out of your territory together..." a goblin said, and suddenly realized, "That is to say, you will cooperate with us, right?"

"Stupid and naive white mouse. This was before you threatened me, but now—" Morgan Le Fay licked his lips and said, "You brought out Vivienne and the others to scare me. If I hand her over to you Doesn't it prove that Morgan Le Fay is afraid of Vivian and the others? Go back and tell Vivian and them that if they want someone, come by themselves and beg me to give it to them!"

"Mo, Morgan Le Fay, don't do this, you shouldn't be angry with Vivian and the others. You are a goblin and one of the Nine Immortal Queens, everyone should live in harmony..."

A female goblin was talking, when Morgan Le Fay gave her a cold look, which made the female goblin shrank her neck in fright, with a timid expression on her face.

"Get out of my sight until I'm not angry!" Morgan Le Fay said in a cold tone.

Those goblins heard the words and quickly retreated.

It could be seen that they were quite afraid of Morgan Le Fay.

Tranquil Hassan couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he saw the goblins leave. He turned to look at Morgan Le Fay, and thanked, "Thank you, um, that Miss Morgan Le Fay."

"Thank you?" Morgan Le Fay asked.

Hearing this, Jing Mi Hassan was stunned, and said blankly: "Of course, thank you for saving my life."


Morgan Le Fay laughed with a charming and flamboyant voice, but Serenity Hassan felt a fatal danger.

"I think you should feel sad. If it falls into their hands, they won't hurt you. But if it falls into my hands...hehehe..."

Morgan Le Fay licked his lips, his bright blue eyes exuded a divine light, like a poisonous snake staring at its prey.

Quiet Hassan instinctively sensed a sense of danger from Morgan Le Fay!

Especially dangerous, even when facing the Lion King, there is no such sense of danger!

"Anyway, anyway, thank you very much."

Sensing that something was wrong, Tranquil Hassan quickly thanked him, turned around and was about to run.


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