I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1328


Quiet Hassan gritted his teeth and said, "I want to get out of here!"

"Please forgive me, this can't be done." Lisa Sifen shook her head and said: "My task is to take care of your basic necessities, not to assist you in escaping. And, before you suffer a big loss, please give up this unreasonable task." It’s a real fantasy. There is only one person who entered my master’s workshop and survived.”

Quiet Hassan gritted his teeth, even though his body was uncoordinated. She also decided that she must escape. Guinevere, still trapped in the stone tower!




ps: That’s it for today~! good night~!

Chapter 64 Listen, is this a human speech?

Quiet Hassan finally understood why Morgan Le Fay didn't kill her, but instead arranged for the puppet to take care of her.

Morgan Le Fay focused on the secret arts of the Assassin Order.


To be precise, it focuses on the mystery of Muslims.

Although Quiet Hassan has been sublimated into a heroic spirit through the legend, the Assassin secret technique-【Delusion Poison】 that he practiced in front of him has also become a Noble Phantasm, and the effect has been heightened again.

Logically speaking, the Noble Phantasm is the embodiment of some kind of spirit sublimated in legends, and it is a kind of spiritual materialization that cannot be studied.

But it is a pity that general principles have never worked for Morgan Le Fay.

Morgan Le Fay, the legendary witch, can study the mysterious principle of making [Delusion Poison] through the Noble Phantasm.

And precisely because of this, Morgan Le Fay didn't kill Quiet Hassan, nor did he use [Invasion Blade Gold] to directly divide Quiet Hassan's soul, but let it go free.

Perhaps, it is to obtain the most real and accurate observation data.

Quiet Hassan had no words to respond to this. Although she hadn't been in contact for a long time, she had already sensed the horror and danger from Morgan Le Fay.

Her intuition told her that that woman who looked like a snake and scorpion was someone she couldn't afford to mess with.

But no matter what, Quiet Hassan wanted to escape from here, and the other party let her go free, which was the best chance.

With her experience and consciousness as an Assassin, it is not difficult to escape from here if she wants to avoid the eyes and ears of others.


She is disappointed.

No matter how superb the technique she used to escape the gate of the castle, she would reappear in her room the next moment.

Windows, gates... any passage that seems to lead to the outside world, after the shuttle, it returns to the original place.

The puppets looked at her strangely, as if they were looking at a little mouse that had fallen into a net.

"Miss Tranquility, it's about time for you to give up." Lisa Sifen said calmly, "Master's magic workshop has barriers everywhere. The flow of space and time are chaotic, and it is an unsolvable maze. .You can’t get out, only the master can get out.”

"No." Tranquil Hassan shook his head and said, "You didn't say that before. You said that a person went out once."

"Don't compare with that person, that person has a brain problem, he is not a normal person..."

Lei Sasfin's pretty face, which was originally very plain, suddenly fluctuated, and her tone was full of vigilance and disgust, as well as a hint of speechlessness.

It's not a normal person... "By the way, Miss Lacesfin. Can you tell me who that person is and how did he get out?"

Quiet Hassan inquired carefully, and she felt that it was necessary for her to learn from the experience of successful people.

"Give up, it's impossible for you." Lisa Sifen shook her head and said.

"Why?" Quiet Hassan asked in confusion.

Lisa Sifen looked at her, carefully measured her barren airport, and said in a flat tone: "You are a woman, so it is impossible. My master is not interested in women."

Quiet Hassan was confused at the time: "?????"

What does escape have to do with gender?

Quiet Hassan pressed on.

On Lei Sasfin's cold face, there was an unbelievable expression, and she turned and left angrily.

Tranquil Hassan was dumbfounded. Miss Lei Sasfin, you haven't told me how the successful man escaped, why did he just leave?

Quiet Hassan has made up his mind, even if he doesn't have the experience of successful people to learn from, he will escape!

Soon, Quiet Hassan organized another escape operation.

Those regular exits have already been enchanted by Morgan Le Fay, and there is no chance of escaping. However, as an assassin for many years, Quiet Hassan didn't think that the castle was really airtight, and there must be some loopholes to escape.

To this end, Serenity Hassan took action.

While avoiding the puppet's inspection, she carefully observed every inch of the castle, looking for loopholes to escape.

Suddenly, a group of golem guards walked past the corridor, and Hassan quickly hid in the ceiling with his body.

Her vigorous body, like a cat, is hiding on the beams of the house, while moving slowly, while observing the situation with the help of a high angle of view.

At this time, two puppet maids took cleaning tools and began to clean the beams.

Tranquil Hassan saw this, in order to avoid being discovered, he quickly hid his figure, ran around for a while, reached the top of a room, held his breath, and waited for the two puppet maids to leave.

Finally, the puppet maid left, and Hassan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not found.

Just as she was about to leave, a voice came from the room below her——


It's Morgan Le Fay's voice!

Tranquil Hassan froze quickly, that woman was terrifying, if she moved slightly, she would most likely be spotted by her, and then by the general!

Quiet Hassan stabilized his body and looked down. Through the gap between the beams, she could see a gorgeously decorated room, with red as the main tone, giving it a warm and gorgeous feeling.

Quiet Hassan also found that in Morgan Le Fay's room, there were still many puppets lying horizontally, with broken arms or short legs, missing parts, like unfinished robots in the mechanical workshop.

Morgan Le Fay was lying on the bed at the moment, holding a teddy bear about the size of a man in his arms, rolling and rolling, like a girl who had just begun to fall in love.

Such Morgan Le Fay directly refreshed the three views of Quiet Hassan.

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