I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1329

So, is Miss Morgan Le Fay such a person?

Obviously it looks scary, like a poisonous snake, but is it actually no different from a normal girl?

Morgan Le Fay sat on the teddy bear, gently holding the teddy bear in both hands, "My dear brother, let my sister love you well...I really envy me in another world, there is such a gentle and considerate , and a considerate younger brother. If there is such a younger brother, it is not a bad thing to give up the throne to him. Ah... But, why am I so miserable? There is a wild woman who doesn't know where she came from, robbing me for the throne , is really unbelievable."

"Brother, my dear brother..."

Morgan Le Fay was sitting on the teddy bear, and his small hands gently brushed across the teddy bear's face, as if he was gently touching someone who was no longer in touch.

Such Morgan Le Fay really made Quiet Hassan unbelievable.

At this time——

Morgan Le Fay sat up again, and said in a dull tone: "In the end, it's just a fake."

She pulled the teddy bear with both hands.


Morgan Le Fay, who was gentle and charming like a girl before, is now like a tyrant, tearing the teddy bear to pieces!

Quiet Hassan watched this scene, labeling Morgan Le Fay as moody.

Tranquil Hassan was about to retreat slowly. If Morgan Le Fay found out at this time, she might be in trouble, especially before she saw Morgan Le Fay's ugly appearance.

And at this time——

Quiet Hassan glanced inadvertently, his eyes fell on the head of the teddy bear, and his face was stunned.

There is a photo on the teddy bear's head, and in the photo, is a boy with a bright smile and bright eyes with bright eyes.

You can't go wrong.

Those iconic eyes made Quiet Hassan very sure.

That, that's Lord Guinevere!

Although the boy in the photo is older than Shirou, about seventeen or eighteen years old, Serenity Hassan is still very sure that——, it is definitely Shirou!

The moment he saw the photo, Serenity Hassan couldn't help but pause.

And it was this slight pause that made the dull Morgan Le Fay aware of her existence.


Morgan Le Fay raised his head, looked at the ceiling and questioned.

not good! Quiet Hassan yelled, turned around and was about to run, but when Morgan Le Fay raised his hand, a magic bombarded him.

With a "bang", the ceiling cracked, and Tranquil Hassan fell from it, his face full of confusion.

"You saw it, didn't you?" Morgan Le Fay's face was as black as carbon ink.

"Yes." Quiet Hassan nodded.

Morgan Le Fay's face was no longer dark, but his face turned red with embarrassment. He was angry and ashamed, and he wanted to kill Quiet Hassan.

Tranquil Hassan sensed Morgan Le Fay's killing intent, and quickly asked, "You, why do you have a photo of Lord Guinevere?"

"Gurneyville? Oh——, I see, no wonder Vivienne wants to mobilize the goblins to arrest you. My dear brother, while seducing us, hooked up with you? Damn——, you Stealing stinky rat, I'll kill you!"

Morgan Le Fay's killing intent was even worse.

Chapter 65 Calculated everything... You really deserve it, King Guinevere!

stone tower.

Shirou felt an inexplicable chill behind him, and couldn't help but look behind him to see if someone was blowing cold wind on him.

But he didn't see the person blowing the cold wind, only a bored Mordred.

Mordred put his hands on his cheeks, looked at Shirou boredly, and asked, "Gurnieville, what time did you say to go out?"

Shirou showed a calculating look, and then said, "We're almost there."

Merlin looked at Shirou's calculating expression, and felt strange, does this guy still have a helping hand outside?

Just that Assassin?

Merlin was puzzled. With [Clairvoyance EX], he knew everything about Shirou's team. He knew that Shirou had absolutely no foreign aid other than Serenity Hassan.

However, Shirou put on a serious and confident look, which made Demerlin doubt himself.

If it was someone else, Merlin would definitely not have doubted his own judgment so much, but facing Shirou alone, he had to doubt his own judgment again and again. Because, he stepped on too many pits.

Scared of being pitted!

Suddenly, Shirou turned his head to look at Merlin, and said, "By the way, Master Merlin. I have a question that I want to ask you."

"what is the problem?"

There was an understatement on his face, but Merlin's heart was full of vigilance.

Facing this guy, you must not be deceived by his cute appearance, you must be careful, be careful!

Shirou pointed to the confined space and said, "There is no toilet here, how did you go to the toilet? Did you follow the road and hold back?"


Merlin was speechless at the time: "The succubus does not need metabolism."

"Fantasy species, it's really convenient." Shirou sighed.

Merlin frowned inwardly, why did this guy tell me all these things?

By the way, it is lowering my inner defenses!

When the defense in my heart has dropped to the lowest point, I will take the opportunity to swindle some information from me.

hum. Stupid Fujimaru Shiro, it is said that you should treat Shiro with admiration for three days. This routine is no longer useful to me!

Merlin said so in his heart, and cooperated with Shirou to chat about family affairs, secretly guarding against Shirou's sudden attack.

I never thought that after the short chat with the parents, Shirou simply ignored him and played with the notebook by himself.

He even borrowed Merlin's ID to tease the innocent Romani, which made Romani very excited.

Seeing Shirou so calm and composed, Merlin was a little bit impatient.

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