I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1345

The pitch-black cube had already been shattered, and a jet-black beam of light shot out from its center, reaching the sky, like Heiyao's Tower of Despair.

"Here, brother."

Ritsuka's voice rang in his ears, Shirou turned his head and saw Ritsuka handing the towel back to Shirou.

At this moment, Tachika who wiped his face, that immature face is finally much cleaner, and it is more similar to the Fujimaru Tachika seen in the "Burning Fuyuki City" singularity.

It can also be said that it is like Fujimaru Tachika's childhood.

Shirou threw the towel back into [Infinity Sword System], raised his hand slightly, pointed at the dark cube in the distance, and said, "Tachika, next, brother is going there. Do you want to follow me?"

"No--, no--." Li Xiang seemed to be stimulated by something, with a frightened face, his chubby little hands firmly grabbed Shirou's clothes, and said in horror: "Brother, there, there Dangerous...don't go there. don't go there!"

"Everyone...everyone disappeared. Brother...don't go there. I don't want, I don't want my brother to disappear too." Lixiang's tears burst out again.

Shirou shook his head, and said, "Unfortunately, this is the only...no way."

Rescuing this little girl is because of the kindness in my heart.

However, the crown, he also had to take it back.

Because that was the answer he was looking for so hard.

All the answers must be in that crown.

All his confusions, the answers he was looking for... were all in that crown.

He——, how could he give up?

Don't say it's an illusion, even if it's reality.

In any case, he wants to find the answer.

"If you have to go, if you have to go..." Li Xiang's shoulders couldn't help shaking, and he cried, "Take me there too, brother. Don't, don't leave me alone."

Looking at Tachika who was trembling, Shirou thought for a while and nodded.

What he wanted was to take this little tail to a safe place, and go to the dark cube by himself. But thinking about it carefully, in this illusion, in this world, there seems to be no safe place.

Everywhere, there are terrifying chaotic figures.

This little girl may be an important part of this illusion, but those life forms that the chaotic figures want to kill all are not fake.

There is no safe place in this world anymore, the only safe place is beside Shirou.

So, Shirou nodded in agreement.

So, what is the psychology behind this little girl's request to follow Shirou in danger?

This is an unrealistic modern doomsday illusion. The setting of this little girl may be the epitome of the doomsday.

All the goodness and concern, the peace and happiness of the past are all destroyed in an instant, leaving only one person in this dangerous world.

Escaping from the dead is a great fortune, but carrying shattered memories and living alone in a hellish doomsday is the most painful torture.

The girl recognized Shirou as her brother, so following her only and remaining brother became the most instinctive emotion. Even the place to go is extremely dangerous.

Shirou took the girl's little hand and walked towards the pitch-black cube.

All the chaotic figures along the road were killed by Shirou.

But when encountering too many groups, Shirou had to dodge carefully.

These chaotic figures are very strong. In terms of combat power alone, each individual is very close to Mordred, who is in the first-class heroic parameters.

Not to mention Shirou, even if it is Ozymandias, Gilgamesh, or Karna, when encountering these chaotic figures, they can only pick and kill them alone. Be careful to avoid it.


The sky is thunderbolt.

The black thunder jumped from the other side of the sky to the other end, like a sword that opened the sky, cutting the sky of the planet in half.

The pitch-black tower projected from the pitch-black cube shines even brighter...


is deeper.

It is deeper than a black hole, absorbing all the surrounding light.

The sky is extremely dark!

"Boom, boom—"

The black thunder kept flickering.

It is like the creation scene of the first planet forming.


It rained from the sky.

black rain.

The flames of the city were then extinguished, and the prosperous civilization of primates was burned, and only the ruins of civilization remained.

The prosperity of civilization is as brilliant as summer flowers, and the destruction of civilization is as dead as autumn leaves.

"Really. That's it... I understand. I understand your situation."

The cold raindrops fell on the woman's face and the tattered, lion-like armor.

"You are trapped in the king's memory..." The woman said: "And I should be a memory individual formed by the king's memory. It's a wonderful feeling... I thought I was alive and fighting for it It turns out that I am just the king’s memory, a memory individual formed.”

"No... You, you are alive... You are alive!" Mordred hugged the woman tightly, and shouted out of control: "You, aren't you right in front of me? You are good!" Feel it, feel my temperature!"

"Well. I feel it, I feel Mordred's warm heart." The woman reluctantly used the last bit of strength, smiled, and said: "However, whether I am an individual formed by memory or a real existence , it doesn’t matter anymore. Since you saw me here, it seems that my end should be here. It’s really, regrettable..."

Mordred already knew who this woman was.

He also understood the difference between this woman and his father.

This is, one, a real person, not the red dragon of Britain.


"What are you regretting? Is it your life that is about to end?" Mordred asked. She should ask this question, because this woman is a person who has lived to the present day, a person who has lived from more than 1,500 years ago, and her long life ended here, so she is sorry.

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