I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1346

"No. I'm just regretting that I can't convey the news to the king so that he can feel at ease. Zhu Hong's moon has been crusaded by me. He can relax a little... His life is too bitter. The young When he was involved in wars, when he was a teenager, he took on the national calamity, and now he is facing the calamity of the world. There are too many people on his shoulders, facing the most terrifying enemy, and the most trusted person. betrayal of..."

The woman showed a bitter face, "...his life has been too bitter, and he has never had a happy time. At least... at least, it can reduce his pressure a little bit. Cough cough cough... I should try again Persevere. I shouldn't be able to fall... At least, at least tell him the news, at least tell him where Lixiang is..."

The woman is struggling.

But her strength is already very small.

In other words, her body is actually dead, and the coldness is proof. But she still held her breath, in order to convey the information to a certain person.

Mordred was silent for a moment, then said, "Let me convey it for you."

"No. This is mine..."

"Be honest with me!" Mordred yelled.

The woman was stunned and could not speak.

"One or two of you. Whether it's you or someone else, it's so stubborn! It makes me sick to the point of being so stubborn!" Mordred said, "Look at your tattered body. Dragging What can you do with this tattered body? Stay here obediently!"

"Woo..." The woman let out a weak cry.

Mordred's tone slowed down slightly, and he said, "I, I will convey the news of your hard work to the Eternal King. He, he will definitely commend your achievements."

Mordred's tone was filled with emotional fluctuations.

What emotion is that?

Is it sad? Or... mercy?


anger! ?

"I don't need his praise, and I don't want him to know about me... as long as he, he can find Li Xiang. As long as he can forget what happened here, as long as his face... can still show a smile, That's enough."

The woman's breath became weaker, and she murmured subconsciously: "Wang's smile...is very beautiful, like a flower blooming in Avalon. Whenever he smiles, I feel that the world is brighter. I What I want is not his kindness to me... I just want his face to be full of smiles forever. But... why? Why didn't I realize this until after I made a mistake?"

Mordred held her hand, silent.


"I'm here," Mordred said.

"Don't go to the Temple of Time...it's dangerous. Just wait here. Since you can see me here in the king's memory, then the king will definitely come here...don't go to the Temple of Time, it's dangerous. I don't want you to be in danger," the woman said.

"I see," Mordred said.

"Good boy. You have always been a good boy, no matter in any world. But I am not a good mother, no matter in any world."

The woman reached out, wanting to touch Mordred's face.

I really want to... touch your face.

The woman said so in her heart, but in the end, she couldn't touch Mordred's face.

"Don't go to the Temple of Time..."

The last, repeated exhortations, the woman swallowed her last breath.

With a "click", the hand fell to the ground.

Mordred was silent.

Dark rain fell on her face.


"What should I do?" Asked Lisa Sifin who was on the side.

"I've made a decision." Mordred stood up, lowered his head slightly, looked at the woman who was beginning to dissipate, and said with a complicated face: "I really envy...another me. Being so loved."

She held her hand tightly.






A black thunder streaked across the sky.

The black raindrops fell "crash, clatter", as if they were cleaning the muddy land.

The chaotic figures on the street wandered around, but Shirou temporarily avoided the sharp edge, hid in a broken building with Tachika, carefully watched the chaotic figures wandering on the street.

Shirou frowned tightly.

There are too many chaotic human figures on the street. In this area alone, it is estimated that there are about a hundred people.

The combat power of each chaotic humanoid is close to that of Mordred, and during the confrontation, Shirou also discovered that among these chaotic humanoids, some powerful individuals, in terms of difficulty, even approached Jill who confronted in the Fourth World War. Gamesh.

It can only be said that it really deserves to be a goblin that has continued from the first generation of gods to the present, and a fantasy immortal species that still exists on this planet. The individual in the illusion created by its goblin secret technique has this strength!

Shirou has reason to believe that in the first age of gods, the civilization created by goblins may not be as prosperous as the civilization of the original age of gods created by the star-making gods.

However, it doesn't matter, Shirou has figured out the rules of action of these chaotic figures.

As long as the timing is right, break through from here, and then borrow the city's buildings, you should be able to get rid of these chaotic figures.

Shirou was calculating the time when Tachika suddenly called out:

"Brother... brother...!"

The next moment, Lixiang rushed out from the ruins.

"do not go!"

Shirou yelled, subconsciously stretching out his hand to grab it.

His reaction speed was very fast, but the palm of his hand passed through Li Xiang's body like fishing for a moon in water!

Shirou froze for a moment, but at this moment, those chaotic figures found Lixiang and Shirou, roaring and gathered towards them.

"Come back, Lixiang!" Shirou yelled, with a hint of eagerness in his voice.

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