I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1347

The body rushed out like an instinct.

However, Lixiang didn't seem to hear his voice, nor did he see the chaotic figures in front of him, and rushed forward, shouting: "Brother, brother...!"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho—!"

Seeing the group of chaotic figures rushing towards Lixiang, Shirou gritted his teeth, his body involuntarily took out all the treasures from the [Infinity Sword System], and aimed at all the chaotic figures in the four directions.

Those chaotic figures were like wild beasts controlled by instinct. After being attacked by Shirou, all their eyes fell on Shirou.

As a result, Lixiang was briefly ignored by the chaotic figure.

Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately became nervous again.

Because these chaotic dolls are after Shirou!

All of a sudden, about a hundred chaotic figures, Shirou rushed forward.


More than a hundred people were disturbed, and there were also chaotic figures wandering around in other places. The number has exceeded a thousand, and it is still increasing, rushing towards Shirou like a torrent.

Big trouble!

Shirou felt a headache.

It should be said that Lixiang really deserved to be a little tail, and caused trouble.

And the subconscious self is also stupid.

Because no matter how you say it, it's just an illusion.

But now, don't think about these things.

A single individual of these chaotic humanoids is terrifying enough, and now there are so many of them, it's like a first-class army of thousands of heroes!

This, how can this be stopped?

Shirou gritted his teeth and tried his best but couldn't continue.

Lixiang kept running forward, never looked back at Shirou.

The chaotic doll finally got hair on this weak guy, and like a flood, he encircled and suppressed Lixiang.

"Don't touch her!" Shirou used countless legendary shields to block the surrounding chaotic figures, and when he saw this scene, he instinctively shouted eagerly.

Shirou chanted, to start [Infinity Sword System], to enclose these chaotic figures in the inherent barrier.


With a "bang", a scorching, sun-like light pierced directly through the group of legendary shields placed by Shirou, and hit Shirou's body. Shirou's chants were interrupted.

At the same time, those chaotic figures were like a sea tide about to submerge Li Xiang.

It's over!

Shirou thought.

Deeply trapped in the chaotic human form, both Lixiang and him are going to be finished.

At this time, Lixiang shouted: "Brother!"


A huge pitch-black thunder fell from the sky, like a broom sweeping dust, sweeping from Lixiang's side and surroundings.

"Boom, boom..." There was a terrible thunderstorm, and those terrible chaotic human figures had no ability to resist in front of the black thunder, and they were smashed into powder by the black thunder.

The terrifying black thunder abruptly swept out a clear path from the chaotic crowd!

Shirou couldn't help being shocked.

Not because of the terrifying power of thunder, but because of this terrifying, cursed, ominous aura...!


A shocking black thunder flashed across the sky, tearing apart all light.

In Heilei's fault, at some point, a young man appeared.

Shirou looked at the young man warily, that terrifying, cursed, ominous aura... originated from that young man!


It should be something like the BOSS of this illusion, it exists!


Li Xiang saw the young man, but threw himself directly into his arms, grabbing his clothes with both hands.

"Brother... brother..."

Crying and shouting.

The young man had white hair, his handsome face was expressionless, and his blood-red eyes were full of numbness. He was wearing a white armor, and his skin was even more morbidly white, which made people think of a coffin. It is different from this dark world.

"Brother... brother..."

Li Xiang grabbed the young man's clothes, and suddenly found that the sleeve of the young man's right hand was empty.

She grabbed it hastily, but it was all empty.

"Brother, brother...your hand. Where's your right hand?" Lixiang asked anxiously.

The man stretched out his left hand and gently touched Lixiang's head, saying, "Don't ask so many questions, Lixiang."

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho—"

Thousands of chaotic human figures, as if smelling sweet food, immediately left Shirou behind, roaring at each other and rushing towards the man.

The man's face was numb. As if instinctively, he pulled Lixiang to his back, and then stretched out his left hand. The black thunder filled with terrifying magic power kept jumping out of his left hand. With a "swish", the man's Terrifying, black magical flames gushed out from behind, like a pair of black butterfly wings, standing behind the man.

Facing this chaotic figure like a sea tide, the man's face was numb, and then he kicked slightly.


The whole figure turned into a black thunder, and then charged.

There was a flash of black light, and in just an instant, he rushed to the opposite of the chaotic human figure. The next moment, the thunder light exploded, and the chaotic human figure was wiped out like a sea tide in an instant!

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