I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1348

Shirou stared blankly at the scene.

His focus was not on the strength displayed by the man, but on his face, and... behind him, the surging mud flow like a starry sky.

The man took Tatsuka's hand and came to Shirou.

"It was you who saved my sister. Thank you very much." The man said.

"Thank you, big brother." Lixiang also said to Shirou, smiling all over his face.

"Thank you very much for your willingness to rescue my weak sister, Fujimaru Tachika. As you can see, I am a failure. I am the original holder and creator of the crown record you want to take away, Eternal King, Ge Neville Pendragon. But—"

The man laughed at himself and said, "Now it should be Demon Fujimaru Shiro. You are qualified to inherit my crown, my record...but... what I didn't expect was that I was the one who put down the crown and wanted to get it back It's also me. It's me who really helps my sister and the weak from the bottom of my heart. In the end, it's meaningless..."

"Don't say it...don't say it——!"

Shirou covered his head, his eyes tearing apart.

My head... hurts so much!

Fatal pain.

It's like... like there's something, something's about to come out.

Yes, something is coming out!

is the missing part of him.

It is his forgotten memory.

At the same time, it was also the answer he was looking for.


At this moment, Shirou felt great fear.

don't want.

I don't want to think about it!

Chapter 73 Another ending [two in one, supplemented]

sorry Sorry……




The man sobbed.

Call it arrogant or call it stupid.

During the fourth Holy Grail War, the man who pretended to be the savior of light and passed on the fire in his heart to everyone lost himself in the end.

Shuttle [root] to Camelot, relying on modern knowledge, reversed the dynasty's decline with his own power, defeated the counterattack of the Age of Gods and the invasion of the Scarlet Moon, and created an incomparably magnificent cause.

Heroic Seat even gave him a powerful force that cannot be described in words.

I don't know when, as a king, he forgot his initial touch, the fire burning in his heart.

With the help of Meilin and his sister Fujimaru Sakura, the man returned to modern times. However, it is difficult to integrate into the peaceful modern life with the thinking of a king. Although it is a bit disturbing and wants to reintegrate into it, it is difficult to integrate into the majesty and the thinking of a royal tyrant that has been cultivated in Camelot for many years.

But fortunately, his family and friends are helping him and accepting him tolerantly.

During this period, the man had another younger sister, Fujimaru Tachika.

This younger sister is so cute, although she is a bit naughty, she is very energetic.

When a man saw her for the first time, he fell in love with this naughty but energetic younger sister.

And this younger sister was not afraid of him, nor was she afraid of him, the former dictator, the former peak of power, she was happy to contact him and play with him.

The man knows that if he chooses to return to the modern age, his future life will be ordinary. In this peaceful modern age, he will live as an ordinary person.

However, sometimes men also feel that life is boring and boring.

Think about it too, how can a man who has gone through a lot of wind and waves live happily in a dull and peaceful world?

The man's calm heart actually longed for another fantastic adventure.

Perhaps, because of this, when the class card appeared in Fuyuki City, he chose to go to the British Clock Tower, and a series of events occurred as a result. And confronted the goddess of justice Astrea, and became the eternal king for the first time, and realized the power of the eternal king.

The powerful power of the crown heroic spirit!

Therefore, even when he learned of the revival of the Age of Gods and the invasion of the parallel world, he never panicked.

Because, he has the record of the eternal king.

The real, powerful one stands at the top of the concept of "King Arthur", crowned as a heroic spirit—the Eternal King!

He came back from England and brought back the visitor from the parallel world, Miyu Emiya, the modern body of the King of Knights, Gray, and the King of Knights, Artoria, who appeared in the state of soul.

Then came Luvia and Rin Tohsaka, who had become dependents on Astrea.

During the period, he discovered that Gemstone's magic wands, ruby ​​and sapphire, had abducted his sister and acquaintance's daughter, Illya, to become a magical girl.

Out of love for his sister, the man sealed the two magic wands forever without hesitation.

No matter what Emiya Miyu and Illya wanted, he didn't let them out.


The enemies of the parallel world are coming!

That is by no means an ordinary person, but a real horror.

——Spirit Seat!

Created by the gods of Olympus in the parallel world, the seat of false gods!

The enemy is very strong.

Even if you rely on the Eternal King, you are not an opponent.

However, he is still not afraid.

Because all his former subordinates are here.

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