I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1350

The man finally shed tears of regret.

There will be many mistakes in life, some mistakes can be remedied, but some mistakes can never be remedied.

This time, the man made a mistake that could never be fixed.

And the price is to see with his own eyes that everything he cherishes is destroyed. Even he himself will lose his consciousness and become a container for evil activities, leading to the disaster of extinction.

He thought all the time, if he had listened to Merlin's advice, maybe... the result would not have been like this.

If he could have realized that he had deteriorated earlier, perhaps... the result would not have been like this.

He finally understood that the most powerful him was not the self-willed him, but the pure, hero of the weak when he was young and just awakened.

sorry Sorry……



The man shed tears of regret.

Endless [evil] drilled into his body, alien consciousness, constantly disturbing and assimilating him.

The man knows that he has come to the end.

But when I think of the people I cherish and love, who are still being slaughtered by the vermilion moon, I keep maintaining my consciousness.

He understood that it was useless.

Because even the most mysterious vortex in the depths of his heart has deteriorated under the invasion of the false god seat.

Starting from the center, it began to rotate in reverse, exuding the will to destroy.

However, at the last moment when he was about to perish, the [evil] that the man carried and accepted took action.

[Evil] At the moment before being assimilated, the man's consciousness was pushed out of the body, and he was separated from the body in the form of Servant.

However, men have been polluted.

Inevitably began to change.

Transformed into a demon.

Even because of being pushed out of the body by [evil], when the right arm was discovered by the seat of the false god, it was pulled off alive.

A man ignores his right arm and begins to look for someone he cherishes.

Looking for the vermilion moon.

However, when he came out, the land was already in ruins, and there was no one there.

Countless chaotic human figures are active, subject to the seat of false gods, Merlin called them "false shadows".

The man smashed the false shadows blocking the way one by one, looking for someone.

Even if it's just a stranger.

But neither.

Dead bodies everywhere.

Among them, there are also his relatives and friends.

The man's heart was filled with regret and pain.

He is like a walking dead, wandering in this shattered world, looking for even a stranger.

At some point, the pitch-black earth surged with starlight, smashing the vermilion moon in the pitch-black sky to pieces.

The man noticed it, it was the light of the stars, the light of the stars of the sword of the stars!

Only that woman has this kind of starlight.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Only that woman.

As if grasping the last straw, the man quickly ran to the place where the starlight emerged.

But when he was about to run to that place, he hesitated and became afraid.

He was afraid of seeing a terrible scene.

But in the end, the woman saw him.

"My lord...is that you?"

The woman was leaning on a sword, her whole body was tattered, scarred, and covered in blood, like a bloody man, with no intact part.

The man looked at such a woman and couldn't say anything.

"It doesn't seem to be... Sorry, my eyes can't see clearly. I feel that this wavelength is a bit like my king... If it is not, you should run for your life. Hold on, try to survive, Soon... soon it will be over, this catastrophe..."

As the woman spoke, her tone became weaker. She turned her back, leaned on the sword, and wanted to leave here, but because her body was too weak, she was about to fall to the ground, but the man quickly supported her.

so cold.

The woman's body was cold, and the man's hands were shaking.

Because this feeling...is not a Servant, but...the real body.

Tears welled up in her eyes and fell on the woman's cheeks.

"This warm feeling...is it you, Wang. Why are you silent? Are you still angry with me? I'm sorry..." the woman said.

"Don't...don't talk about this anymore. I...I don't want to pursue anything anymore...I, I just want you to survive!" the man said.

"My lord, this time, I may not be able to listen to you...My lord, you don't have to cry, I'm not worthy of your crying." The woman said, "I've been suffering and regretting all these years... I can be relieved, I think this is the best ending for me."

"But this time, it's my turn to regret. It's about my pain. Where is my relief?" the man cried.

"My king, my dear king, you shouldn't say such things. You still have someone to protect, and someone to protect. I've finished the crusade against Vermilion Moon... The enemy of the stars has been defeated by me." Killed. Just, just... I also killed Alquite because of this." Tears flowed from the corners of the woman's eyes, "I'm sorry..."

"Stop talking!" the man yelled.

"My lord...princess...princess...only the princess... is alive. She is in that direction. You must find her...you must find her..." said the woman.

"My lord...can you smile at me again?"

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