I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1351

The man was crying, and forced a smile.

"It's so beautiful... Although I can't see my eyes anymore, this smile must be very beautiful. Your smile is like a flower blooming in Avalon. Whenever you wake up, I feel that the world is brighter Yes. What I want is obviously not your kindness to me... I just want your face to be full of smiles forever. But... why? Why didn't I realize this until after I made a mistake? Why did it become like this, Guinevere..."

The woman's hand dropped and fell into a deep sleep.

The man was crying silently, and there was no color on his face.

He buried the woman and wandered in this dark and hopeless world like a lonely ghost.

In this world, his fetters are gone.

He went from nothing to everything, and from everything to nothing.

Dark rain fell from the sky.


so cold.

He passed a long pavilion full of ruins.

He remembered that the women there had shared food with him.

He passed another burned lawn. He remembered that it was originally a garden, where his younger sister Fujimaru Sakura and Alquite were bickering.

He finally reached the leveled hillside, where, he remembered, Merlin stopped him.

——My lord, wait a minute. This is not an enemy you can deal with alone!

The figure was like a flower, and the man couldn't help crying anymore.

Black rain, pattering.

The whole world has come to an end.

On the ruins of the primate, there is only a black box.

That was King Solomon's helping hand.

The seat of the false god and his body are sealed inside.

His infinite remorse.


How good would it be if he listened to Merlin's persuasion at that time?

But everything, already too late.

In this world, there is nothing but him.


There is nothing left.

"Woo woo woo..."

The sound of sobbing.

Someone is crying.

The man looked up.

Someone is crying!


who is crying

Like a drowning man grabbing the last straw, the man quickly ran to the place where the crying sounded.

He quickly moved the ruined bricks and tiles, and finally found a girl with orange hair.

The man burst into tears when he saw the orange-haired girl.

"Brother... brother...!"

The girl threw herself into the arms of the man, crying bitterly.

Feeling the warmth in my arms, such a small one, such a light one.

But this is the weight of life.

Thank you... Thank you, Lixiang...

Thank you for being alive.

The man carefully hugged the girl tightly, as if he was holding some kind of treasure, a treasure more precious than the world.

"Finally, is it finally here?" A blood-red gem made a weak voice.

"Thank you, ruby." The man looked at the red gem and said sincerely.

"Don't say that. I, I'm a ruby... Now, I'll return Tachika to you now. Don't, don't underestimate magical girls, bastard..."

With this last word, the red gem took its last breath and broke.

"Brother... disappeared, everyone disappeared. Ruby said, they all went to a far away place, as long as Lixiang behaved, they will come back... But in the end, Lixiang was left here alone. In the end , in the end...Ruby...Ruby also went to a very distant place. I'm the only one left, I'm the only one left... woo woo... Lixiang won't cry, won't cry."

The man gently stroked the girl's head, trying to soften his voice: "Don't cry."

"Woo woo woo..."

The girl heard the man's voice, and finally couldn't help crying loudly.

However, this has attracted chaotic figures wandering in the city,

"Here it comes. Here it comes... again! Ruby... They, they come again!"

The girl hugged her ears, squatted down, trembling all over, and fell into a daze.

"Don't cry. My brother is here." The man said.

He didn't look at those chaotic figures, and exuded an extremely powerful black thunder from his whole body, killing those approaching chaotic figures directly.

Although all his treasures were shattered, he, who turned into a demon, obtained indescribable magic power and a part of the power of the false god seat.

But, sooner or later, this too will come to an end.

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