I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1352

Although the False God Seat is currently trapped in King Solomon's Temple of Time, when it completely occupies the man's body, it will appear in the world and start the final cleansing.

The man has no idea about life, but he has to worry about the girl's survival.

The girl's survival gave him a new meaning of existence.

No matter what, he wanted the girl to survive.

no matter what--

At any cost--

However, even though he had made up his mind, there was nothing he could do.

The man looked at the girl with an extremely miserable heart.

Sister, my sister... how do you survive in this world? How to survive in this dark world?

And this time——

When the primate world finally came to an end——

The savior has finally arrived.

The Buddha light of the revolving holy king dispelled the black mist and subdued the seat of false gods.

His stalwart figure appeared in front of people.

"The Enlightened One..." The man looked at the Enlightened One with a complex expression on his face, "It has already perished... What are you here for?"

"Reset the world." The Enlightened One said.

"You, can you reset the world?" The man looked at the Enlightened One tremblingly and asked.

If that's the case, if it's a reset... well, then everything can be restarted, right?

"But only this time, the poor monk can't reset you. Because you have already begun to reincarnate." The Enlightened One said: "And the dead will not be resurrected again, just cut this ending together with the development line, Then reset. The world is still that world, but the development will not be the same as the current world, and people will not be that person."

"Why can't I be reset? And... why do you sound like you have reset me many times? After all... When you left before, you said that the relationship with me is over. The relationship between you and me, Where did it come from?" the man asked.

The Enlightened One remained silent, his expression still the same indifferent as before.

"I understand...I don't have any capital to ask you this..." The man smiled wryly, "I only ask you, my sister...what will happen?"

The man hugged Fujimaru Tatsuka tightly.

"Cut." The Enlightened One said.

The man gritted his teeth and said, "I won't let you cut her off!"

The Enlightened One still looked calm. For him, the savior, everything is just a fluctuation.

The meaning of his existence, perhaps, is just to reset the destruction of the primate world.

This is a real kindness, but it is also a real indifference.

The Enlightened One reached out and grabbed the black box made by King Solomon, and threw it from the planet back to the crack of the dimension, and sealed it with the Buddha's light. Afterwards, he activated the reincarnation of the Holy King and began to reset the world.

The world on this development line has been shattered, and the new world line will cover this planet, replace the original world line, and become the new main line of the planet and primates.

"Don't try to cut my sister off!"

The man shouted, he held Fujimaru Tachika in his arms, and covered himself with all his strength.

The cutting force of the wheeling holy king fully blesses his body.

The severe pain destroyed his reason, but he clenched his teeth and resisted desperately.

The person in his arms is the meaning of his last life.

Absolutely, absolutely...absolutely protect it.

Protect, the last...the last...people!

In the end, the man survived the shearing of the holy king of rotation, but the demon's body was also completely destroyed, but he finally made his sister survive, and the enlightened one disappeared.

The shattered world has returned to life.

In a prosperous city, it seems that all disillusionment is an illusion.

But the man knew in his heart that his world had been destroyed.

In its place is a new world.

There is no legend of the Eternal King, there is no Zhu Yue, and there is no false god seat... It is a brand new world!

However, in this world, there is no place for him and his sister.

His demon body has been destroyed by the reincarnation holy king and will soon disappear.

But before disappearing, no matter what, he must let his sister continue to live here.

The man chose a resident, also a couple with the surname Fujimaru living in harmony.

The man took his sister to their home.

"Brother... brother... where is this place?" the younger sister asked.

"This is your home." The man said.

The man had already talked to the couple and even used magic to tamper with their memories.

It's shameful, but there's nothing you can do about it.

The man handed the girl into the couple's hands, squatted down, looked into the girl's eyes, and said, "Lixiang, you have to be obedient in the future, do you understand?"

The girl noticed something, couldn't help crying, clutched the man's clothes tightly, refused to let go, cried and said: "Brother, brother...don't leave me. How can I live without you?" ?”

"Brother didn't abandon you, he will always be by your side and protect you." The man said softly while stroking the girl's head.

"Come on, look into my brother's eyes." The man said to the girl.

The girl looked into the man's eyes, a pair of lifeless red eyes.

so beautiful.

The girl felt emotional, and then had a question in her heart, who is this?

"Excuse me, who are you?" The girl asked strangely.

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