I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1353

"I'm just passing by." The man said, "Okay, go back quickly. Your father and mother are waiting for you."

"Hmm..." The girl ran back home, and when she was about to enter the door, she turned her head and glanced at the man, muttering, "Weird person."

But for some reason, the girl felt that her heart was a little uncomfortable, a little painful...but she didn't know why.

What the girl didn't know was that the moment she entered the door, the man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lixiang, Lixiang, my dear sister...you must..."

The words were not finished, and the man's last time was gone.

His figure disappeared like a bubble.

Perhaps... this is his final end.

However, in the end, he was summoned into Avalon and became a lonely ghost.

And the one who summoned him was a female goblin.

"If you don't dislike it, forget about the past and live in Avalon," said the goblin.

"Excuse me, are you?" the man asked.

"I just followed the guidance of Lord Thetis and summoned you. If you insist on calling me by my name, please call me Taito." The goblin said: "The world has been cut, I know you, and I know you But whether it is Vivian, Merlin, or others, they are not people you know, so please don't do strange things to them. Living here, you have to forget the past."

"I see..." the man said bitterly.

"Finally——, welcome to Avalon, Eternal King."




pS: That's all for today, good night~! 7.5K, it should be able to combine two into one, so that's a chapter back~!

Chapter 74 The Answer to Everything

The man accepted Queen Tito's offer and settled in Avalon.

The atmosphere in Avalon is very relaxed, the goblins are friendly, and he also saw familiar strangers from Avalon.

Vivian, Merlin, Morgan Le Fay...

They are all different from what men know.

Strong, violent Vivienne, joke-loving Merlin, and Morgan Le Fay, who looks like a mad scientist.

The man met them again, got to know each other, and became friends.

He also made friends with fairies.

The goblins also regarded him as a friend.

During the day, men sing songs to the goblins who love music, and at night, men tell stories to these carefree goblins.

The atmosphere is very friendly, like the legendary Xanadu.

It can only be said that it really deserves to be the legendary utopia.

It's just... I don't know why, whenever he wants to share music with the fairies, the fairies are always too busy to listen.

But the man didn't mind, Avalon's harmony made him feel relaxed.

However, he never forgot his sorrow.

He knows that this world is not his world.

He is the ghost of the old world, wandering alone in this new world.

He is no longer the Eternal King, but a demon, possessing powers different from the Eternal King.

But no matter how powerful you are, when everything you cherish disappears, even if you are invincible in the world, what's the use?

Perhaps... this is the idea of ​​a person with a weak heart, not a strong person.

But when he realized this, the man had nothing left.

However, men also know that in this world, in this new world, there is still a very important person who still exists.

As long as he thinks of this, his dead heart will feel warm.

Even the courage to live has increased a bit.

He wants to live, look at his sister, get happiness, get a happy life.

Perhaps, the girl whose memory has been tampered with by the man never knew it.

When she played, when she slept peacefully at night... there was always, always a pair of eyes watching over her lovingly in the dark.

The man felt that he should live like this from now on, until a hundred years later, the girl happily left this new world.

He began to enjoy the peace of Avalon and merged with the goblins.

Hilarious in Avalon, juggling goblins, paralyzing his past with hilarity.

Vivian asked him, "Who are you and where are you from?"

"I am a person with no past and no place to go back to. I am just a lonely ghost wandering here. But this place is my second hometown to me, and I will protect it well." Man Sincerely.

Vivian completely accepted him.

However, the shackles of the old world still did not let him go.

The man's last peace was completely destroyed.

King Solomon of the New World, without being reminded by a man, left behind a "humanity burning pattern" when he died thousands of years ago. And the human incineration style was also born, the [beast] that men were most wary of - Beast Gaitia!

Gaitia carried out anthropogenic incineration, burning human history, thereby generating huge energy, returning to the beginning of the planet, and becoming one of the original ones like the vermilion moon.

However, he still failed to succeed.

The history of this planet is too ancient, and there are still too many unexplainable mysteries.

The mystery of the goblin is one of them.

Gaitia used the huge energy to burn human history, and was blocked in the process of returning to the remote ancient past, and could no longer return to the past at the dawn of the Second Age of Gods.

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