I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1376

At this moment, although no one has heard or seen it, in fact, the soul and will of Shirou who is connected to the King of Evil is constantly being tortured by [chaos and false sounds]. People, Shirou calmly accepted the chant that was enough to make people crazy.

It's not that he is immune to the evil king's [Chaos and False Voices], but because he knows that he cannot degenerate no matter what.

There are still things in this world worth fighting for.

But he was able to bear the [Chaos and False Voices], but others couldn't. Once other people sign a contract with him, they will pass the contract, hear the whisper of the evil king, and then fall.

And this is the truth that Shirou did not sign a contract with Tatsuka Fujimaru.

"I see..." Olga Marie nodded.

Although she didn't understand the truth of it, she wasn't going to explore it either.

After hesitating for a moment, Olga Marie chose to show weakness, and asked with a weak face: "Mr. Unknown...can we trust you?"

This is the art of management she has recently learned.

For some, showing weakness is the best option.

Hearing this, Shirou nodded, and said softly, "I am not a human being, but a shattered demon. However, if it is for that ending, you can still trust me."

"What ending?" Olga Marie asked.

"Of course it's you, this world... a happy ending." Shirou replied softly.

His world has been destroyed, and his past cannot be changed, but their future, the future of this world, can still be pursued.

Hearing this, Olga Marie stared at Shirou's bright red eyes, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then said: "Although the form of existence is different, but... Mister Anonymous, are you really gentle?"

"Gentle? Maybe..."

Shirou smiled.

Is this gentle?

No, absolutely not.

However, Shirou did not explain this, and Olga Marie thinks so, but it is okay.

Shirou lived in Chaldea.

Getia created a total of seven large singularities in order to burn humanity.

Among them, Rome, Great Navigation, and London have been conquered by Chaldea.

That leaves Orleans, North America, Jerusalem... and finally Babylonia.

Shirou is also a little strange. Chaldea, which has already conquered London, still retains the Orleans singularity.

Therefore, it is natural that such a strategy order will appear.

As for the strategy for the next singularity, Chaldea has already made arrangements.

That's the North American singularity.

However, before starting the singularity strategy, Fujimaru Tachika and Mash need to adjust their bodies to the best state, so it takes time to recuperate.

During this time, Shirou was touring Chaldea.

However, the heroic spirits of Chaldea seemed very reluctant to contact him.

Especially Cu Chulainn, who is a Caster class, doesn't like to see Shirou even more.

"I always feel that there must be a grudge between you and me. I'm very upset with him!" Cu Chulainn said with a full face.

He is very upset with Shirou. It's not because of the relationship between Heroic Spirits and Majin's mortal enemies, but because of the discomfort that seems to have been tricked by Shirou.

This is of course, because he was indeed tricked by Shirou in the singularity of the burning Fuyuki City, and then killed by the black Saber who was the bottom boss at that time, and even his ashes were released.

Therefore, he was instinctively displeased with Shirou.

However, his luck seems to be not very good. He just ran into Berserker Hercules going crazy, but Hercules grabbed his ankle and smashed it so hard that Hercules broke his lumbar spine, making Fujimaru Li Xiang had to call again.

However, although he was instinctively disgusted by the heroic spirits because of the devil's breath, Shirou still found his own way of survival and made friends who could get along well.

And this friend is none other than——

"La, la, la—"

The extremely ugly voice was transmitted from the stage, but the singer did not know it. Instead, he was intoxicated in his own music world and sang loudly as always.

Shirou sat in an empty seat, watching the intoxicated look of the Roman Rose Emperor on the stage, and listening to her typical broken voice.

At the end of the song, Nero still has difficulty getting out of his music world.

"Papa papa—"

Shirou applauds off the stage.

There was applause in his ears, and Nero regained his senses from the ocean of music he was wandering in. She lowered her head slightly, looked at Shirou with a happy face, and asked, "How is it, Yu's friend. How about Yu's "Rose Flower"?"

"It's very good. It feels like a beautiful princess who was imprisoned and finally freed. Walking in the red rose garden, there is a feeling of youth and freedom. However, this is not the point—"

Hearing this, Nero's eyes lit up, she jumped off the stage and came to Shirou, holding her face in her hands, looking at Shirou with eyes full of expectation, and asked: "So, what is the point? "

"The point is, this beautiful princess met another princess who could understand her in the rose garden. The lonely princess who had been imprisoned all this time met her own friend. That kind of joy, that kind of The happiness of bosom friend is the true artistic conception of this song "The Flower of the Rose".

Hearing this, Nero's eyes became brighter, and he was very happy in his heart. He reached out and patted Shirou's shoulders, raised his head and chest, and laughed loudly, "It's really Yu's friend, who can understand Yu's Music. Um, uh... Yu is so happy! Finally someone can understand Yu's art!"

"Don't say that, there are many people who can understand your art." Shirou said.

"That's not the case!" the Qiangwei Emperor complained, "Although the world is big, there is no one who can taste Yu's art, no matter before or now. Yu is so lonely! However, I am so lucky to meet you now. Really, why weren't you summoned sooner?"

"I'm a demon, I was summoned, not lucky, but unlucky." Shirou said.

"That's not the case. Anyone who can understand Yu's art, whether it's a demon or a Beast, is a good boy. Um, uh...all good boys!" Nero said with his hands on his hips.

Shirou didn't answer, just smiled.

Nero's singing...how should I put it? It's normal that no one will listen to it, because it's all out of tune. No matter how boring a person is, he probably doesn't want to torture his ears.

If it was in the past, Shirou, who regarded himself as a great artist, would definitely denounce Nero's broken voice with contempt, and ridicule the other party's stupidity of not knowing his own broken voice, but now, Shirou will only smile and will not go What to argue.

"How about it, Yu's friend, why don't you show off your singing skills too?" Nero asked deliberately.

"No need." Shirou shook his head and said, "My singing voice is terrible, and it will pollute your ears."

"Then how could it be?"

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