I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1377

Nero said: "If you can understand Yu's art, then you must also have a deep understanding of art. Um, Yu knows, you are being shy. Don't be shy, come and sing to Yu. Even if it is true It's ugly, I will listen to it till the end just like you."

"Because for great artists like us, whether the singing is good or not is just an appearance. What is truly magnificent is the artistic conception in art. As long as you are indulging in the carefully woven artistic conception, you will get supreme happiness. Being able to You, who understand Yu, should also understand this, right?"

Of course Shirou understands, but now he can no longer get happiness from music.

So, Shirou still refused with a smile, and said, "I just need to be Nero's listener, and that's fine."

"Really? That's really a pity. However, this is also Yu's luck. If this is the case... um, um! I have inspiration again, listen carefully, Yu's friend, this is what Yu wove for you Oh art."

Nero paused, hummed a few times, adjusted his voice, and then began to sing: "Today is a sunny day, my friend Yu..."

If the humming of a sow is also called singing, then Nero's song must also be a great art.

That's right, among Chaldea, the only one who is quite close to Shirou is Nero, who is also an artist.

As for Shirou's close relationship with Nero, it must start with Nero's concert a few days ago.

At that time, Chaldea heard that Nero was going to hold a concert, and there was no crowd at once, but when Nero sang, those heroes could not bear Nero's mental torture and all fled. Only Shirou heard the last one.

After that, Shirou and Nero got acquainted, and the relationship was also very close.

Nero also writes songs every day, and Rashirang comes to listen to her singing every now and then.

And Shirou never refuses anyone who comes, and commented on Nero's singing.

This made Nero very happy, thinking that he finally met his bosom friend, and his attitude towards Shirou became better and better, and he became closer and closer, and he almost regarded Shirou as a bosom friend.

But in fact, she, who has no self-knowledge, doesn't even know that her singing...is really as bad as shit.

Shirou can accept this kind of spiritual pollution because he is being attacked by a greater spiritual pollution.

That is the [Chaos False Voice] of the King of Evil.

Compared with the voice of the Evil King who is constantly singing in his spirit and soul along the connection, Nero's singing voice is simply heavenly.

After listening to Nero's new song conference, Shirou left the auditorium occupied by Nero.

In the past few days, he has checked the facilities and situation of Chaldea.

Although it is an institution in the inner world like the clock tower, the overall style of Chaldea is much brighter than the clock tower. It is not as dark as the clock tower, full of collisions and conspiracies of interests, on the contrary, it is quite warm.

Especially those heroic spirits, they made fun of each other and made a lot of jokes, which made people feel very relaxed.

Fujimaru Tatsuka worked in such an environment, which really reassured Shirou a lot.

Before he came to visit Chaldea, he was still a little worried about the bad atmosphere in Chaldea and making Fujimaru Tachika very hard.

But now it seems that the worry is too much.

But, then again, Shirou who has such a heart is indeed like an old woman.

However, his appearance, as well as that terrifying curse aura, became his best disguise, so no one could see through this.

At this time, the heroic spirits headed towards the Chaldean control room.

Seeing those heroic spirits walking towards the control room, Shirou stopped the black Saber among them and asked, "What happened, Saber?"

Although under the influence of Fujimaru Tachika, the heroic spirits did not fight Shirou, but because of the existence of the devil, they inevitably became hostile.

Among them, the only one who has a close relationship with Shirou is Nero, who is also an artist. In addition, there are a few people who can get along with each other peacefully.

Among them, Black Saber, or Saber Alter, is one of them.

"Master is going to the North American singularity, this time, I must follow!" Black Saber said.

After speaking, she walked towards the control room holding Morgan, the sword of vowed victory.

Shirou thought for a while, and walked away without hesitation.

Chapter 83 It's time for the show!

Shirou followed the Heroic Spirits to Chaldea's control room.

At this moment, in the control room of Chaldea, heroic spirits are already gathered.

In front of the Lingzi frame, Fujimaru Tachika and Mash had already put on their formal attire, and Olga Marie was telling them the key to this mission.

"Listen up Lixiang, the North American singularity this time is very dangerous compared to the previous singularity. When you get there, you must pay attention to your own safety." Olga Marie stood in front of Fujimaru Lixiang, The face is full of serious explanations.


"Don't take it seriously. Before you recuperate, didn't I already give you all the information and background of the singularity that I explored? Wait—"

Olga Marie seemed to realize something suddenly, opened her eyes wide, looked at Fujimaru Tachika, and asked, "You must have missed it, right?"

"Hahaha... this..." Fujimaru Tateka scratched the back of her head, bowed, and said, "Sorry, Director."

"That's the result of my hard work! Ah... Really! You ignored my hard work again! Obviously this time is the most successful time I used alchemy objects to explore the singularity in advance."

Olga Marie puffed up her cheeks, showing a dissatisfied expression, folded her hands on her chest, and said, "Hmph. But I'll forgive you this time. Listen clearly, this is the last time!"

Fujimaru Tachika nodded.

"According to the clues sent back by the alchemy puppet. That singularity happened in North America in 1783, which is also the famous American War of Independence in history. However, that singularity has completely changed now. What the United States wants to fight is not the British Empire With several other European powers, but the Celtic side that suddenly appeared." Olga Marie said.

"The Celtic side?" Fujimaru Tachika was full of doubts.

"That's right. This side is probably the key to the singularity. According to intelligence, the leader of the Celtic side is the legendary Queen Maeve, and another Ku Qiu who is known as the 'Mad King' Forest."

Olga Marie subconsciously glanced at Cu Chulainn of the Caster rank among the heroic spirits, and then continued: "In addition, the US has summoned the US presidents of all generations, and the US presidents of all generations have gathered each other's strength to summon out 'King of the Great' Edison. Moreover, Edison produced a large number of mechanical infantry to fight against the Celtic side."

"Ehhh? Is this the background?"

Matthew's eyes widened, apparently curious about the background of the North American singularity.

"Listen to me, Matthew! I don't remember you being an uneducated child who interrupts people." Olga Marie gave Matthew a displeased look.


Matthew shrank his head.

Olga Marie then looked at Tachika Fujimaru, and said: "Besides, according to the information, in that singularity, besides Maeve, Mad King Cu Chulainn, and Edison, there are also people from North America. Heroic Spirits, Geronimo, and Billy the Kid. And, the great Indian hero Rama. In addition, there is also the Celtic hero, Cu Chulainn's teacher, whom you said before in a dream. , Scathach. Moreover, the alchemy puppet sent in the past to detect has already made contact with Scathach."


Fujimaru Tachika suddenly remembered the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadow who was so strong that she wanted to die when she met in the dream world.

"So, do you understand, Lixiang? The strength of this singularity is very high, and it is not directly proportional to the previous singularity." Olga Marie said seriously.

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