I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1378

"Boss, although we understand that you are emphasizing the danger of the North American singularity. But you make us feel a little uncomfortable by making such a comparison!"

A very unpleasant voice sounded in her ear, and Olga Marie turned her head, and suddenly found that those heroic spirits who signed contracts at other singularities were squinting and looking at her unkindly.

Olga Marie panicked immediately, and quickly waved her hands: "No, that's not the case... I, I was talking too fast. I didn't think about it, I'm sorry... That, that... So..."

Olga Marie subconsciously searched for Captain Drake among the crowd, but when she came to her senses, Captain Drake was already beside her, holding her around her waist like a sack.

Captain Drake laughed loudly: "If you say something wrong, then you have to drink to apologize, leading our little director."

When she heard that she was about to drink again, Olga Marie turned pale with fright, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Let me go, let me go! My stomach hasn't recovered from the last drink. Let me go, De Miss Lake!"

After the Great Voyage Singularity ended, Tatsuka Fujimaru signed a contract with Captain Drake.

At that time, Olga Marie put on a dignified director's face, preparing to routinely demonstrate to Captain Drake, but was drunk by Captain Drake, and even vomited stomach acid.

From then on, Olga Marie didn't dare to put on airs with Captain Drake on purpose, and even called Captain Drake "big sister" altogether.

Drake carried Olga Marie around his waist and was about to walk to the cafeteria.

Olga Marie turned pale with fright, and shouted for help: "Help! Help——, Tachika, Fujimaru Tachika, why are you just watching? Help me!"

However, no one rescued her, everyone laughed and gloated.

At this moment of departure, there is no tension in the air, but full of relaxation and joy.

Shirou was outside the crowd, watching their joy, he was out of place, with a smile on his face.

After a burst of laughter, Da Vinci said: "Although the director said something wrong just now, what she actually wanted to express was that this singularity is very dangerous. In addition to taking Matthew, the last thing you want to do in this operation is to It’s better to bring a few more suitable heroic spirits with us. Since the stage is on the mainland this time, Drake, who is good at naval battles, withdrew on his own.”

Fujimaru Tachika nodded.

"Then there is no doubt, Master. The right candidate must be me!"

"Don't talk too much, Hector! Master, this suitable candidate must be the powerful and invincible me!"

"Player, you should bring Yu..."

The heroic spirits stepped forward one after another, recommending themselves.

Even Berserker Hercules showed off his muscles "humming haha", making everyone speechless for a while.

Of course, not all heroic spirits are passionately promoting themselves.

For example, Cu Chulainn, he retreated bravely, leaning aside and bragging.

He is not deaf, of course he heard what Olga Marie said.

And that, for him, symbolizes the name of the devil.

— Scatha!

For this name, even if he is as arrogant as Cu Chulainn, he still shy away from it.

In this fierce self-promotion, Shirou stepped forward slowly.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't move, everyone's eyes are on him.

There is no way to do this, he is a demon, and he is a deadly enemy with the heroic spirit.

In any case, it is normal for the Heroic Spirits to be wary of him.

Shirou ignored how other heroic spirits viewed him, he just looked at the worried Fujimaru Tateka, smiled and said: "If you are considering magic power and ability, then take me there."

"Oh, that's right! Mr. Unknown, you didn't sign a contract with me, you won't squeeze my magic power, and at the same time it's very powerful. Okay. I've decided, Mr. Unknown, please go to the North American singularity with me!"

Fujimaru Tachika said with a smile.

Shirou nodded.

"Wait a minute, Master!"

The heroic spirits said solemnly: "If you want to take him there, be sure to take us there too!"

Shirou is a Majin, though without the maddened, non-communicative qualities of a Majin. But still can't change the fact that he is a devil.

It would be absolutely stupid to not be vigilant and defensive because this demon is not hostile now.

Reminiscing about bitterness and thinking about sweetness is like this.

If this demon suddenly explodes, it doesn't matter if they are Servants, and if they are killed, they will just return to the Heroic Seat again, but if Fujimaru Tachika is killed, it will be a real death.

After all, when a person is killed, he dies.


Fujimaru Tatsuka was very hesitant. Although she didn't have much contact with Shirou, she trusted Shirou just like trusting other heroic spirits.

But the vigilant attitude of the heroic spirits cannot just sit idly by.

After all, both parties are concerned about Fujimaru Tachika, but their positions are different and there are many contradictions.

In the end, Fujimaru Tateka took Shirou, Nero, and Weber, who was under Zhuge Kongming, to the North American Singularity.

Weber was originally unwilling, because he signed the contract with Fujimaru Tatsuka in the singularity of Rome.

In addition, the one who signed the contract at that singularity was his king—Iskandar.

Therefore, he doesn't really want to participate in the Singularity Movement, and he still wants to make out with his king. But since he was named, there was nothing he could do about it.

Such a lineup made the Heroic Spirits somewhat satisfied.

Whether such a lineup is to attack the singularity, or the demon suddenly explodes at the singularity, with the help of Nero's inherent enchantment treasure and Zhuge Kongming's assistance, it can more or less guarantee Fujimaru Tachika's return.

After a while of confession, Fujimaru Tachika and his party entered the spirit box room, transformed into spirits, and traveled to the distant North American world in 1783.

Among the North American singularities.

Whether it is the mad king Cu Chulainn on the Celtic side, or Edison who is the king of the United States, they are all aware of the arrival of Chaldea.

"Hmph, humans of Chaldea..." Mad King Cu Chulainn snorted arrogantly.

"Hope is on the side of the United States. If not, then there is no choice but to crusade." Datong King Edison's eyes sparkled.

In addition, the great hero of India, Mara, also noticed the arrival of the Chaldean side.

"I hope it is a group of people who can get along well. Of course, it will be even better if they can help me find my wife Sita." Moro smiled.

It is not difficult for some powerful heroic spirits to detect the arrival of Chaldea.

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