I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1379

Among them, of course, is the queen of death in Celtic legend, the master of the great hero Cu Chulainn, Scatha.

"Have you come yet?"

A faint smile appeared on Scathach's exquisite pretty face, "However, this singularity is not so easy to repair."

"It's just, after all, where is the person who can kill me?"

Scathach sighed, that elegant figure was a little lonely.

A powerful godslayer in the death realm, whose martial arts have already reached the realm of perfection, and his heart is gradually decaying, he is wholeheartedly seeking for a powerful enemy, seeking relief from death.



Shirou and others came to the land of North America.

Here is a piece of lawn. After the soft landing, Tachika Fujimaru immediately showed his growth.

She immediately lay down on the ground, looking around vigilantly, for fear that she would land in the wrong place and be surrounded by enemies.

However, with good luck, there are no enemies around, and it is a very empty lawn.

"Great, this arrival is perfect!" Fujimaru Tachika said with a smile.

Hearing this, Shirou asked with a strange face: "Is there a problem with you coming to the singularity before?"

"Senior came here before, there was indeed a problem... Either he was surrounded by the army, or he was attacked by pirates." Matthew on the side couldn't help complaining.

"That's right..." Shirou nodded.

"Hmm. Speaking of being surrounded by the army, it seemed to be Yu's army at that time." Nero thought for a while, then suddenly interrupted.

"Yes, she was also appointed as a general by Miss Nero to defeat the combined empire of several emperors of Romulus," Matthew said.

"Hahaha... I remembered. Um, uh. It was indeed like this at the time." Nero nodded and laughed.

There was joy in the air.

There is no doubt that this is what happened in the Roman singularity.

Shirou was quietly listening to them talking about interesting things about Rome's singularity.

At this time, Weber pushed his glasses and said, "Okay, ladies. It's time for us to take necessary and routine actions to crusade against this singularity."

"Get to the point so quickly? Well, I know." Nero nodded and said with a smile, "Weiber wants to return to Chaldea quickly and stand beside the King of Conquerors, right?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Weber coughed a few times to hide his embarrassment, and then said seriously to Nero: "Don't slander others innocently, Your Excellency Nero!"

"Ha ha ha ha……!"

The air was filled with joy, and then everyone became serious.

Weber said seriously: "Although Director Olga Marie has investigated this singularity in advance. However, we still don't know the specifics of this singularity. We need to investigate further and collect information."

Weber began to tell the whole story of his strategies and plans.

His plan is quite complete and detailed, it can be seen that he has carefully thought about how the team will act.

Of course, the reason why such a complete and detailed action strategy was able to be formulated was because Olga Marie used the alchemy puppet to investigate the general situation of this singularity in advance.

And this is the difference from "FGO". Olga Marie, who survived the singularity in the burning Fuyuki City, successfully radiated heat, squeezed Da Vinci's wisdom, and created an alchemy puppet that can carry out spiritual transmigration, and detected the singularity in advance. The success of the strategy increases the chances of success a lot.

Of course, this is from the perspective of others.

For Da Vinci, this is Olga Marie's out-and-out oppression and exploitation of her!

Need to protest!

Of course, it is clear that as far as the dictator Olga Marie is concerned, her protests are ineffective.

Heroic spirits in the control room of Chaldea heard Weber's strategy, and they couldn't help but nodded and said, "Good plan! You really deserve to be a man who can divide the world!"

The young Iskandar pointed at Weber and said with a smile, "I see, I see. That's my subject, that's my subject!"

A smug face makes people gnash their teeth.

However, the course of action proposed by Weber is indeed very constructive, and all the Heroic Spirits agree with it.

At the same time, they also understood that this guy, Weber, has been paddling so far!

Otherwise, what constructive suggestions would this guy make at other singularities!

This made the heroic spirits itch with hatred, and secretly decided in their hearts that they must exploit him to death when they come back!

Waver's course of action was unanimously approved by the Heroic Spirits, but one objected.

"Does it need to be so troublesome?"

Shirou asked strangely.

"Mr. Unknown, you may not know. In times of war, the most important thing is information!" Weber pushed his glasses and said.

"I understand this, but if it's just to attack the singularity, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. You see, as long as you do this—"

Shirou clenched the Death Star sword in his hand, and in an instant the Death Star sword erupted with a cursed, terrifying, black light.

The faces of the heroic spirits changed drastically, what is he going to do! ?

Chapter 84 It’s over before it even started 【Update】

King Edison is inspecting factories in the United States.

The Celtic Queen Maeve, using the Holy Grail provided by King Solomon, possesses nearly infinite magic power to create a steady stream of Celtic troops in an attempt to occupy North America. But it is a pity that the successive presidents of the United States who were summoned saw through this, and assembled their forces to summon the king of the country, Edison.

Edison used the power of science and technology to manufacture a large number of mechanical infantry in the west, which was in a stalemate with the Celtic army.

"However, this will be a thing of the past!"

Datong Wang Edison couldn't help smiling when he looked at the giant mechs produced in this factory.

Mystery is the technology of the classical age, and technology is the technology of the future. The ultimate science is the ultimate mystery.

And in this factory, the production is the secret weapon that King Edison used to deal with the Celtic army-giant robots, or it is more accurate to use Gundam to describe it!

"When this batch of Gundams is produced, it will be the time for the Celtics to be destroyed!" Datong King Edison laughed loudly: "If Chaldea is in the way, it should be destroyed with Gundams."

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